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Random thoughts on taking out the other day

One of the most important points in the delivery process is to standardize the delivery of food, so that each meal has the same size and taste, otherwise it will be very troublesome for repeat customers

The willingness to make another order proves that the customer generally approves of this store. However, when it comes to "whether this meal was less delivered to me" or "whether it was less delivered to me last time", the expectation of not being satisfied at the same price will create a greater sense of gap

Another point is that people will decide the number of orders this time according to the size of the last meal. It's better to say that if they can't eat enough, it is the most troublesome thing, which will greatly affect the mood of customers.

Why is it so simple that many shopkeepers just don't understand

(Looking at half of the fried rice in hand is very sad

"Small Problems" Encountered in Writing Magisk on Android Q

We all know that Gollum released Android Q in September, and I must have updated it the first time (You can't fool Pixel's premium)

However, there is no dessert for Android this year. I thought Google would invent another dessert (bad.

An important point on Linux is the Root permission. On Android, it is more about whether the software is your father or you are the software father.

So it is very important to install Magisk at the first time to obtain su permissions and authorize App Ops, Green Guard, Storage Redirect, Island and other software.

Updating to the latest version of Android obviously requires modification boot.img Of course, our Magisk disappeared, but Magisk had already adapted to Android Q for the first time, but the brushing process was not very smooth this time.

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I tried to write about Mijia Juneng


In 2002, Xiaomi's "Juneng Writing" was probably the most popular neutral pen, and also the most difficult to win. It will be released in June, but will still be snapped up in November. I have passed by Millet House for countless times but failed to buy it. This time, I picked up a leak when I went to eat and bought the last box of stock in a Millet House. Let's see what the "price butcher" Xiaomi wants to do in the traditional industry.

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Quick Review of Operation Certificate of Class B Amateur Radio Station in China

It's another year's amateur radio operator certificate examination season. I don't know if you had A certificate last year (Laugh

This time, I brought you shorthand pointing for the B certificate exam. If you haven't seen it yet Previous article Please go back and read it immediately

For the test question bank of A/B certificate, the relationship between the test question bank of A certificate and the test question bank of B certificate is more like $A subsetneq B $, so if you have forgotten the test question bank of A certificate, please go back and have a look

The operation license is like a driver's license, which only proves that "you have obtained the qualification", rather than proving how skilled you are. Getting a "driver's license" by passing the test quickly is just one of many ways. We do not evaluate the right or wrong of this behavior here.

There are 685 multiple-choice questions in the Type B test, and 479 questions are not duplicate with the Type A test.

In the title of certificate B, A lot of radio knowledge and basic problems of electronic engineering have arisen It will be tedious to review.

Almost everything in this article is Only appear in card B For the questions in the question bank, that is to say, "the questions that do not include the A-certificate question bank", 50 questions will be randomly selected for examination. As long as 40 questions are correct, you can pass the examination. Because of time, I only sorted out the first $ frac {2} {3} $questions in the question bank , but at least passed the exam. So please look at the question bank with this article, and it will be basically stable.

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IKBC Poker II Mechanical Keyboard


The mechanical keyboard used before has always been the Rapoo V500 tea axis, which accompanied me from the second day of junior high school to the second year of senior high school. During this time, I suddenly wanted to try a new keyboard. After a round trip, I chose the upgraded Poker II version of IKBC, which has 61 keys, supports three-layer programming, and can switch the Unix key position, Cherry original axis, and Type-C interface with one key. The price of JD is about 420. During the Spring Festival, I went to the fish shop and had a new keyboard from the company's annual lottery. At the price of 500 yuan, we charged two yuan for each package, one for the black axis and the other for the red axis. Anyway, if we don't want any free fish, we can pay one yuan. We just have the mainstream Cherry axis. We can try it out and know what kind of keyboard we will use in the future (the next one wants to buy the Amilo Cherry Blossom Green Axis, but there is no money).

(Multi graph warning)

The full text has 2315 characters, about 1695 words, and it takes about 5 minutes to read.

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