Jimmy's Notebook

Move mail service providers to Fastmail and Migadu

This article contains many pictures, and the full text is about 8000 words in total.


Some time ago, I didn't know whether Tencent E-mail had changed its product manager, Tencent corporate mailbox has been forced to merge with WeChat Well, WeChat binding is mandatory.

This is not the most uncomfortable. In the new version, you must bind a WeChat account to each mailbox. A few days ago, you tried to change the password of an ancient mailbox, and found that The background of WeChat does not even have the option to change the password

A long pain is better than a short one. I simply changed the mail service provider.

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[Foreign] Move the mail service provider to Fastmail and Migadu

Comparison of common mail service providers

When selecting email service providers, I sorted out the following information. Here is a simple comparison of common email service providers:

(If you only want to see my choice, you can directly text

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Solution to the failure of Bank of China to bind Apple Pay

I changed my phone from iPhone X to iPhone 13 Pro a few days ago. As a rule, I deleted all the Apple Pay cards and added them again. As a result, one of the Bank of China's Lotiani cards failed to be added all the time, and even the SMS verification code was not received. I directly prompted "This card has not been added, please contact the card issuer for more information", After several attempts, the prompt changes to "Invalid card information".

All the common methods on the Internet are invalid after they have been tried. It took several days to solve the problem, so we can record it and save time for future generations.

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Strange bug of running XP on VirtualBox

TL;DR : If your Windows XP installation on VirtualBox is extremely slow, try updating the VirtualBox version. If the guest addition cannot be installed normally, try to turn on 3D acceleration, increase video memory, and turn off the network.

In order to use the "extremely advanced" college entrance examination registration system developed in 2003 in our province, we need to run Windows XP in the virtual machine and then open IE6.

*In fact, the system runs normally on modern browsers, but the connected junk trading system of Agricultural Bank of China does not work on modern browsers, so the whole Windows XP has to be followed by Internet Explorer.

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Xiaomi bracelet 6 NFC start: not the end, but the starting point

The full text is about 5000 words, and it takes about 13 minutes to read.


A bracelet or a watch? Do you really know your needs?

As an old user of intelligent wearable devices, it may have been used for nearly 10 years. Nike + FuelBand、Jawbone、Moto360、 Xiaomi bracelet and Apple Watch have been used for many times. In the end, the Xiaomi bracelet has been used for the longest time.

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