The same fever pattern as before CET-6... I'm really drunk. I feel dizzy, go to sleep | | Φ | (| T | Д | T |) | Φ||

    Sitting in the library all day, I seem to catch a cold again. My weather is hot, but the key is that I seem to have a fever... Just in time for the exam... hey

    Half an hour later. Markey Exam

    Review Markey this evening, and have an exam tomorrow!

    The course design report is finally finished!! Whoop Ha ha ha But I have to prepare for the final exam Alas

    I memorized 279 words today, wrote 5480 words, and finished a set of simulation questions. It's 36 minutes more than the last time. Now it's 11:30 at night. I have half an hour to think about you before tomorrow

    On the first day of the New Year, I don't know what is going on. This year, I feel that people around me attach great importance to and are very busy. It seems that last year passed without knowing. Last night, the roommates all went out to eat together. Six people went to have barbecue to help themselves. Fortunately, one of the roommates helped to barbecue, so they enjoyed themselves very much. There is nothing exciting in the new year, but sad things should be put aside. It's time to eat, sleep, learn, and live! Happy New Year's Day, everyone~

    I hate talking, chatting, eating melon seeds and snacks in the study room. The chatter is endless. Especially for girls, the discussion is endless. You can't say it. You can't go out if you want to discuss it. Worried.

    The weather in Beijing is getting colder and colder. Recently, there are more and more worrying things. Anyway, the curriculum is almost finished. Forgive my bad temper sometimes in the past year. Mmm.

    Desperate, inexplicable bug, it can't be adjusted well.

    The people you admire may not like you, the people you like may not look up to you, and the world you yearn for may not have your place, because most of us are ordinary and ordinary, we can't do anything to make friends, we can't make friends, and we can't love people. It's normal to know how to appreciate a certain beauty is already a possession. Encountering lovely people and things that are worth your efforts is luck and should be treasured

    Update 1.6.0 tonight Hmm! It should be the last update this year~~

    One night I burned all my memories, and my dream became transparent,

    One morning I threw away all yesterday. Since then, my steps have been light.

    No matter, email notifications always catch the wind...

    The city I live in never snows, but my memory is full of cold feelings

    In the busy season of yearning, neon lights sweep through noisy streets

    Drive happiness far

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About me

  • I come from a small city in the south. I have a quiet personality and hate going with the tide.

That year today

Haha, you can switch in the right setting button. I prefer this color

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📝 The daily record of this weekend is relatively more... On Saturday, undergraduate roommates get together, because one of them is leaving Beijing to work in his hometown. He has worked in Beijing for 4 years. After a meal, I went to KTV. There are so many people in the mall, and I have already been about 6

"It can't be described as happy or unhappy. I just want to live more intensely."

In the morning, I dreamt that the code I submitted had compilation problems again. I was found by others and woke up