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    📝 Daily record "The Final Result of the Express Event" On the evening of February 2, the courier paid me full compensation. At noon the next day, the courier called me to say that he had finally arrived from that family. How to say before, the family didn't admit it, and it didn't work to scare him to call the police. The next day, the courier showed the family the alarm record. The family panicked and handed it over

    I received the express delivery today, and I returned all the money to the courier. Surprised, the outer package of the express delivery didn't open From the outside, I don't know what's inside. Even so, the family was unwilling to hand over the express It's a big speechless incident, but it's finally solved properly At the beginning, I asked the seller of idle fish to send out a prosperous package. The seller said that it would be convenient for the novice bird to wrap up and send it out

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    This article is private and only visible to the publisher

    📝 Daily record "Follow up to yesterday's express incident" The courier paid full compensation, because later the courier remembered that he should have sent it to the wrong floor (the same floor number and room number in another courtyard). During the day, the courier went to watch the surveillance, and did not come to my unit.

    According to his impression, it was sent to another courtyard, but he contacted that family during the day, that is to say, he did not receive the express from others. Almost 90% of the couriers are sure, but there is no way It's no use scaring people into calling the police.

    The courier asked me to find the property to monitor whether he had been to Unit 3 (I live in Unit 1). I came back to watch the surveillance in the evening, but the video in the surveillance room could not be transferred yesterday I don't know whether it is a network problem or a device problem So the courier had to compensate me in full. After all, it was not delivered to my unit

    On WeChat, the courier said that he had a really bad start to the New Year, the car was scratched during the day, and he went to the traffic police team in the afternoon Ah. It must have been sent to someone by mistake, and they decided not to return it Many people are greedy for small things.

    📝 Daily record 😯 Absurd things 😮 💨 Boredom "Absurd day" In the morning, I received a call from China Telecom Express. Yesterday, I contacted the customer service and said that the express was near on the 27th, and had not been delivered. Customer service called me back. The courier hasn't returned yet. I need another courier to deliver it to me within 24 hours, so I still can't get the courier today

    Another express I bought from Xianyu showed that I had signed for it in the morning, and I would arrive home in the evening and find that there was no express at home Because it is a shared house, if someone signs for it, the roommate will open the door and take it into the house and put it on the table at the door. Have you searched all around. Call the courier. The courier swore to me that the sign on it was the sign on the door, not the sign on the door. I'm worried. What's the matter Our house is shared by five families. It's nearly two months since we came here. It's the first time to lose express delivery.

    Hurry to ask the group if anyone has opened the door during the day to sign for the express delivery. At this time, I thought there was no big problem. Someone should take it in and put it somewhere. All three families in the group said no, one of them had not come back, the other said he went out at 9:50 in the morning, the other said he had not received the express in the morning, and the express received in the afternoon was only his own. I knocked on the door and asked the last eldest brother. He said that he left the house after 8:00 in the morning and didn't sign for the express delivery during the day

    This makes things more troublesome. I immediately called the courier again. He confirmed that it must be the sign in. He said that the community monitoring tomorrow (it should not be found in the corridor...). I asked whether it was a male or a female sign in. The courier said he didn't remember. At that time, another family asked if it had been sent to the opposite door. I think it is very possible because there is no obvious sign on the door where I live You have to look carefully to see.

    So he hurried to knock on the door of the opposite house. It was already half past ten at night. I knocked for the first time and no one answered. After the second time, a woman asked why (it should be the daughter of the family, who is in her 20s). I said that I had a courier signed in during the day, but now I can't find it. I wanted to ask if it was sent to you by mistake, and she quickly said that it was not. I asked again, and changed to a loud voice (it should be the mother of this woman). She said impatiently what I was doing (they didn't open the door from beginning to end... they talked through the door). I asked for the express again and again, and she said no, she didn't receive the express today. I asked her if her house was shared and if anyone else had received the express. She said that her house was not shared like ours. The tone of voice is very annoying to us. I'm really angry when I hear this. What's wrong with the sharing. I didn't talk for more than a minute before and after, so I asked if I had received the express by mistake and scolded me.

    I saw an express delivery (not mine, but a book) at her door. I asked you why there was an express delivery at her door. She said impatiently that she didn't receive the express delivery, so let me go quickly. I thought that even if I didn't take my express delivery, it wouldn't be like this She went on to say that there was an old man in her family who asked me to leave quickly, or the security guard would tell me to harass her Although I knew I was wrong, I knocked at the door twice, and it was obvious that she spoke much louder than me. Okay If she was afraid of influencing the old man, she would speak so loudly. But I was reluctant to say that I was sorry, so I didn't speak

    The whole roommate group asked several times, but they said they didn't receive the express delivery Later, the courier said that it was a woman who signed for it. But now there is no way.

    Prepare to send the courier tomorrow morning,

    1. Ask him to confirm whether he has delivered the wrong door. If he has delivered the wrong door, ask the other party to take it out quickly, and I will call the police. Such people still say they haven't taken it, so they must call the police
    2. If they didn't deliver the wrong door or don't remember, check the community monitoring together to see if the courier really delivered it,
    3. If it is not delivered, either it is not delivered or it is delivered to the wrong place. Ask the courier to contact the person who delivered the goods yesterday. Is there any wrong delivery or address.
    4. If they are delivered, ask the courier to confront them and see who signed for the delivery

    I hope the courier will not lose his memory again tomorrow. If he says he doesn't remember anything and has no impression, he will be in trouble.
    If the real courier is not impressed, we can only discuss the compensation with the express company. I don't know whether we can pay the full price for this kind of goods

    So, can my express (digital products bought from Xianyu... very expensive, so it's really urgent) still be found and why it was lost? Welcome to the comment area 🧐 No prize contest

    Extraneous remarks: Although there is no communication between all the neighbors in the city, it is the first time that we have such a bad attitude towards each other tonight. Too much malice I remember that before I rented the house, the intermediary said that the people here were all professors of Agricultural University, and they were all high-quality. Another house I want to live in is a community where the quality of people is low. I think the family members of these "professors" are really low quality! Once again, you can't believe what the intermediary says!

    🍃 Handsome Theme Use flex layout to rewrite most of the layout of articles on the home page, and completely abandon the float/isolate positioning method. At the same time, flex can respond to the stretching of left and right sidebars more efficiently, and automatically switch the multi column layout

    😮 💨 Boredom "Don't be discouraged" Sometimes I feel that I am not doing well in some things one day. I feel I need to constantly suggest that I am acceptable. It is acceptable to do something badly, but don't give up and continue to do it! 🤔 Life observation

    🤔 Life observation What is "work as work" work ?

    Occupation (English: Job) is a kind of daily regular labor, whose purpose is to exchange labor income (that is, salary) to maintain life needs, and also symbolize social status and reputation. The specialized industry in the workplace is the classification of labor. Occupation is the product of social division of labor. In the western society with developed commodity economy, it usually refers to social work with certain expertise. There are many ways of division, but they are not fixed. They are usually based on the industry or industry they are engaged in, and mixed with the characteristics of the work. Profession in English corresponds to profession or occupation, and there are differences in the concept as a term.

    Therefore, the nature of work determines that it is not an easy thing, and it also determines that it is a thing needed to earn income from labor to maintain a living. Don't put the cart before the horse and give up life for work. What is life? I think it is anything that satisfies my spiritual life (meaningful or meaningless, happy or boring). Don't forget that we need life because of work every day!

    📝 Daily record The Spring Festival is over! The whole 7 days is basically pure rest, and the sleeping time is more than 1.5 times of normal time I haven't finished writing the year-end summary ∠ (ᐛ "∠) __ Have a good rest and start the new year!

    In the morning, I dreamt that the code I submitted had compilation problems again. I was found by others and woke up

    📝 Daily record Diaoyin recommended it to me today "Invincible Small Thick Melon" Video, really cute!!! Everyone goes to see it. At the same time, he deeply envies the life of children, and has at least a few fragments of his childhood memories 💬 share

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  • I come from a small city in the south. I have a quiet personality and hate going with the tide.

That year today

Haha, you can switch in the right setting button. I prefer this color

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📝 The daily record of this weekend is relatively more... On Saturday, undergraduate roommates get together, because one of them is leaving Beijing to work in his hometown. He has worked in Beijing for 4 years. After a meal, I went to KTV. There are so many people in the mall, and I have already been about 6

"It can't be described as happy or unhappy. I just want to live more intensely."

In the morning, I dreamt that the code I submitted had compilation problems again. I was found by others and woke up