📝 Daily record I didn't bring earphones to work today. I felt that the whole person was not very good.
    In the morning, there was a girl wearing two masks in the elevator 🐑 Go to work
    The problem of chest tightness and shortness of breath has slightly improved in the past two days. It is useless to eat doxofylline and glycerin ether syrup, but I feel that my condition will be worse. I stopped taking this medicine these two days and continued to take montelukast sodium tablets and levofloxacin chips. I felt that my symptoms were relieved. But after taking this medicine, it is always easy to wake up at midnight. These two days, I woke up at 3:00 and 7:00 for two consecutive days.

    📝 Daily record After taking medicine for the past two days, I felt that my condition was not relieved, but worse than before I went to the hospital If it is not relieved tomorrow, I will make an appointment for CT on Wednesday and go to the hospital again on Friday.

    This spring is too painful, and the temperature is very high these days.

    📝 Daily record I went to the Third Hospital of Beijing Medical University this morning 😷 Sickness It arrived at 7:50 and started calling at 8:00. The doctor asked some questions first.

    First, ask how long the illness has been. I said two weeks ago. Asked if he had a medical history, I said no. I should be more detailed here, because I had some similar symptoms in the first two months, but I recovered later, but I have never been to the hospital. But of course I didn't think so much and didn't say it.

    They also asked about some symptoms, such as whether the nose was itchy and sneezing, and there was no snoring sound in the throat.

    Then he asked about the environment, such as whether he had moved or raised a cat recently. There is no cat, but the work area moved a few months ago, because it has been nearly three months since the work area moved. I didn't mention the move, thinking it doesn't matter. In fact, we should have said all these things at that time.

    Then the doctor used the stethoscope for physical auscultation, and found no obvious problem. He said that the symptom might be allergic, so he confirmed again whether he had a cat. I said no. Let me take a chest X-ray and draw blood.

    Because the doctor said it would take about 2 hours after the chest X-ray was released, I took the chest X-ray first, and then went to take blood. These all need to be paid before doing. I have never been to the hospital to see this disease before. I only saw the teeth. When I saw the teeth, I made the final payment first. Because the first time I used medical insurance settlement, a box for entering the password popped up. I didn't know the password at all. After several attempts and mistakes, I was not allowed to try again. I had to pay at my own expense first. Later, I learned that medical insurance has an initial password.

    After drawing blood, I went to the hospital opposite to have a breakfast, a basket of steamed buns and a bowl of soymilk, 14 yuan. I had it when I was filling my teeth in the morning in this shop.

    After eating, I went back to check the chest film, and it was ready for printing. At this time, it was 9:30, about an hour. This is me, too 📝 for the first time Print the chest film. In the hospital before, I often saw patients carrying X films in a bag. No abnormality is found in the chest radiograph report.

    Then he went back to the doctor's place. The doctor said that the blood drawing result had not come out yet, so he looked at the chest film first, and said that although the chest film report said that there was no obvious problem, there were spots on the left upper lung film, which might be external tuberculosis, but it could also be that there would be light shadow when the film was taken (probably that is the meaning), so he suggested that I go to do a CT scan again to further confirm the situation. I asked what the reason might be if it was external tuberculosis, and the doctor said something like conjugate infection. Tuberculosis may have existed before, is now in the active period, or may be new and long. If the resistance of tuberculosis is good, it may be carried over.

    The CT scan can't be done right away. The earliest appointment is tomorrow afternoon. I thought about it for a while, but I didn't do it. I prescribed some medicine first.

    Four kinds of medicine were prescribed. One kind of glycerin ether syrup was symptomatic to treat phlegm and cough. Three times a day. This medicine has the lightest side effects
    Doxofylline is used twice a day before meals to treat bronchial asthma.
    Montelukast sodium tablet is similar to doxofylline. It is used to treat rhinitis and asthma symptoms. It is taken once a day before sleep.
    There is also an anti tuberculous drug levofloxacin chip, which is used once a day to treat bacterial infections, and has obvious dose control.

    It's more than 10 o'clock since I left the hospital. I cut my hair on the way back. I took two medicines after I came back at noon. After dinner, I took antibacterial medicine, and then took medicine for rhinitis and asthma before going to bed.

    📝 Daily record After checking out on Thursday night, I thought it was Friday's day. I got up at 7:00 in the morning and went to the hospital at 7:50. Then I swiped my card and found that the time of visit was Sunday So I will go to see a doctor tomorrow morning.

    📝 for the first time The first overtime on Saturday. Because the project is urgent, we need to work overtime one day a week these weeks. Of course, there is overtime pay for overtime on such days off.

    I went to bed at about 12:30 before 1:00 these two days. I feel that my symptoms are slightly better. I will go to the hospital tomorrow morning to see what the problem is.

    📝 Daily record 😷 Sickness Today, there is still no improvement in the condition, although Ambroxol Hydrochloride Oral Solution is taken three times a day

    After reading the three apps of Peking Union Medical College, China Japan Friendship and the Third Hospital of Peking University Medical College, Peking Union Medical College only has an account in the international division. The registration fee is outrageous. The expert number and director number of China Japan friendship are not expensive, only 80-100, but all have no number, and the regular number will also be on Monday.

    The Third Hospital of Peking Medical College will have an expert number of 300 tomorrow morning and an ordinary outpatient number of Saturday. I made an appointment with the expert number of the Third Hospital of Peking Medical College at 8:00 tomorrow morning. It happened that the company had commercial insurance, and it was the first time to use medical insurance. Then I will see how to use it

    😷 Sickness It has been nearly two weeks since I felt chest tightness and shortness of breath.

    In March, I also had some phlegm. On March 12, I bought medicine in Meituan and oral solution of Ambroxol Hydrochloride in Jingdong, and insisted on going to bed early for a week. Later, it gradually alleviated to normal.

    There are various kinds of influenza A viruses in the work area at the back, and they began to feel unwell. Before the May Day holiday, they began to have chest tightness. On May 7, they bought another bottle of ambroxol hydrochloride oral solution. One bottle (100ml) has been drunk. Today and yesterday, they frequently vomited and burped. I don't know whether this effect or the disease has worsened. I'm going to see the hospital this weekend if it doesn't improve this week.

    In the evening, I saw the registration of the nearby hospital and the respiratory department, all of which were without number and full. It is not clear whether this has always been the case or because of the second wave of the new championship recently.

    It's hard to breathe in a happy day! If you can breathe freely, it must be a very lucky thing.

    📝 Daily record Since the end of April, I have stayed up until 1:30 every day, and my health is getting worse and worse, so I can't ignore it anymore.

    The number of people around me who have won the second wave of new titles has also changed. I have never had a fever, so I don't know if I have had yang, but other symptoms have continued since I released them in January. Low back pain, throat discomfort, chest tightness, poor breathing, oral ulcers and so on almost non-stop take turns.

    In the past half month, from the start of new demand to the exhausted. But the body is always the first, so I don't think about any work after work.

    💼 Learning from work As for work, a requirement was started from 0, so a lot of scheme design and review work was involved. The most profound experience here is that over design is the root of everything. Many excellent technical architectures need to be evolved, rather than put in place in one step.

    In code design, there are many good design patterns and principles, so that the code can be easily extended and tested. But in the actual design, it is easy to design an "extremely general" design method from a specific requirement. The more general the module, the higher the complexity, because more scenarios need to be considered.

    So it's better to do it in two modules instead of one module that is flexible and versatile.

    Especially when we are just exposed to some design principles, we want to apply them everywhere in the code, such as single responsibility, open/close principle, MVC, etc. It may cause a less complex requirement to be split into many independent modules, resulting in the need for communication between these modules, or the need for functions to be stolen constantly through the hierarchy, which undoubtedly increases the complexity.

    Of course, good code needs some design, and the trade-offs need to be mastered in continuous practice.

    📝 Daily record At the beginning of April, a high quality demand was inserted, and they didn't have a good rest for two consecutive weeks!

    📝 Daily record I went to Panjiayuan last Sunday to get a pair of glasses. The original pair has been used for 4 years. A large frame with a refractive index of 1.61 feels heavier than before I bought the last pair near the railway station because I lost my glasses on the train. My first few glasses are those with small frames and black rims without nose pads. This time, I changed my style and chose metal white edge and large frame+nose rest. I'm not used to this nose rest shaking and sound

    📝 Daily record I did a lot of things this weekend

    On Saturday, my undergraduate roommates got together, because one of them was leaving Beijing to work in his hometown. He has worked in Beijing for 4 years. After a meal, I went to KTV. There are so many people in the shopping malls, and I have not been to such shopping malls or cinemas for more than 6 months. After parting, I went to the barber shop again. The last time was two months ago. This time, it was obvious that there were many people in the barber shop. Two old ladies had their hair permed. 💇 Anecdote of Barber I still went to the barber shop in my previous rental community. Since the price of this shop has risen after decoration, I feel that the hairdressing skill has become worse... (The same person) I don't know what's going on, maybe I won't go there again next time

    Few pedestrians on the road wear masks, and most of the shopping malls still wear masks. I'm used to wearing masks when I go out On Sunday, I mainly solved the problems that had not been solved during the working day last week, but I was very happy to solve them. To solve the problem, we can't rely on guessing. We need to go deep into the underlying code, although it's really painful.

    The weekend is over again.

    🤔 Life observation I watched a very innocent movie again in the evening. I have a feeling that movies are beautiful, and we can get life inspiration or good feelings from them. But the movie is not real life. If you imagine that your life will have the same plot as that in the movie, you will be disappointed But that's enough in itself

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    🤔 Life observation

    1. Most of the time, self-discipline is not a self drive that can be sustained, but there are many objective conditions. One of them is the state of the body. The worse your body is, the harder it is to discipline yourself. For example, after a busy day, it is difficult to exercise self-discipline, or improve yourself
    2. Time for rest and life is as important as work. I often procrastinate on other things because I feel that although I waste some time here, it's a big deal that I have less rest in the afternoon, or less rest in the evening, or it's a big deal that I stay up late, so I will give myself an excuse to be lazy at the moment. Now I think it is very wrong. A person's energy in a day is limited. We should not use the future time to overdraw to consume now. Otherwise, it will inevitably lead to a vicious circle of worse rest and worse spirit. Therefore, rest and entertainment time must be guaranteed. Even if time is wasted in other places, this part of time cannot be regarded as a part that can be appropriated at will.

    When we have this awareness, when we are procrastinating, we should be clear about the consequences, that is, less work will be completed today, rather than the false idea that we can complete the work with quality and quantity guaranteed by taking chances to work overtime at night.

    👀 Product observation Chatgpt4 has been released. I don't think this conversational AI can replace many jobs at present. The reason is that most of human work depends on subjective initiative, rather than one dialogue at a time to obtain work results. The boss hired an employee in order to give him the job. Therefore, although conversational AI is becoming more intelligent, it also has formal limitations.

    Whether it can be used to reduce manpower and improve work efficiency. If it is smart enough, I think it is OK. One person used to do three things a day. Maybe we can do more now.

    Chatgp3 has been used for a period of time and is often used in daily work. One feeling is that, for simple problems, it may do more directly and faster than the search engine. Complex problems may waste your time and mislead your thinking. It may be more reliable to read technical documents directly than to ask a technical question

    📝 Daily record On Saturday, Meituan bought a bunch of flowers for 3 yuan. This is me, too 📝 for the first time Buy flowers! I was disappointed when I received it. The flower not only doesn't smell good, but also has a bad smell I feel a little expectoration today. I bought the Kyoto Nianzi Temple to try. Try it. It's too sweet and a little bitter If it falls on the floor or the table, it will be difficult to clean it up

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  • I come from a small city in the south. I have a quiet personality and hate going with the tide.

That year today

Haha, you can switch in the right setting button. I prefer this color

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📝 The daily record of this weekend is relatively more... On Saturday, undergraduate roommates get together, because one of them is leaving Beijing to work in his hometown. He has worked in Beijing for 4 years. After a meal, I went to KTV. There are so many people in the mall, and I have already been about 6

"It can't be described as happy or unhappy. I just want to live more intensely."

In the morning, I dreamt that the code I submitted had compilation problems again. I was found by others and woke up