📝 Daily record

    📝 Daily record Diaoyin recommended it to me today "Invincible Small Thick Melon" Video, really cute!!! Everyone goes to see it. At the same time, he deeply envies the life of children, and has at least a few fragments of his childhood memories 💬 share

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    📝 Daily record In the morning, I ran into a delivery boy's car while riding my electric bike. Originally, my speed was only 20km/h, which was really slow It is impossible to collide. Even if it is necessary to collide, both sides can surely avoid braking and giving way. When it happened, there was a car on my left. I couldn't let it go. When I felt that I was going to hit it, I braked, but it was obviously not that fast. As for the delivery boy, he didn't have the sense to brake quickly, as if he thought he couldn't hit him, and he didn't give way to the other side. So, I ran into it, so I was stunned when I ran into it

    At first he ran into me. He didn't feel wrong at all. As if it was my problem, I quarreled with him directly. I said you were going retrograde, and you were so fast that you didn't slow down even if you were about to hit. He said what happened to retrograde. I told you what to do.

    The first time I met such a thing, I didn't even know the telephone number of the traffic police (I should call 122 to let the traffic police come). But fortunately, both of them are fine. The delivery car is faster than mine, and the plastic on the chassis of my car is directly knocked off In addition, the delivery car is retrograde and does not slow down. I quarreled with him at the roadside. I was supposed to go to work on the last day of the year. Alas, I should have asked for leave. Just argue with him and say some solutions: 1 Call the traffic police. I'm not afraid. He went retrograde first Fix it for me (his car is OK... but something is spilled) 3 compensate for

    At the beginning, he said that the compensation would be 100... That would definitely not work. He said that the side of your chassis was damaged, which would not affect the ride. I asked him to see what it was like. It was just bought this year. He also felt guilty after reading it. He said that 200 would stop me talking. In fact, I don't know how much it will cost to repair it, but 100 is definitely not good, and 200 is probably not good either But there was nothing else to do. If he wanted more, he would have to spend it. So he scanned the code and left.

    When I thought about this on the way back at night, I was still a bit scared, because I had never thought that an electric car could hit so badly before The speed of riding on the deserted road is really killing me. How can I meet you again? It's just a detour Maybe a lot of times, the person opposite thinks the same way, and thinks that it is you who should make a detour or slow down. If you don't slow down yourself, it will be a tragedy.

    I thought of the night before yesterday when I went back on the road and passed an old man (riding a bicycle). I didn't think so at that time. Now I think that if I really knocked the old man down, I would probably not have passed this year Therefore, be careful so that Wannian Ship does not have too high expectations of the other party's behavior. If you should avoid, take the initiative to avoid. Especially when you are retrograde, you should know that you are wrong and give way to others.

    📝 Daily record At noon today, ld said that he could go out for lunch when he stayed in the company for the last day. No one had any opinion, so I suggested going to the restaurant "Boiling Fish Village" (near Zhichun Road).

    When I was a graduate student, one night there was a project that required me to work overtime (about 2 o'clock at midnight). Project ld took us to eat in this restaurant at night. At that time, I thought it was really luxurious, and I was very impressed. I went to the United States to see more than 160 people per capita, but the evaluation was 4.2. After the proposal, I regretted it. Why is this score so low

    At noon, the big guy (7 people) went to this store to eat, and sure enough It's awful If I am asked to give a score, I can only give 1 point It is expensive and not delicious. Every dish is hot and spicy. Special numbness. Even the small crispy meat and crispy fried shrimp are numb with pepper Chopped peppers, eggs and peppers are all super thick and a little black, and they are very free. When asked the waiter, he said that is the case Attitude wasn't very good either. At last, I ate bullfrogs, which was probably the worst bullfrogs I had ever eaten. First of all, the bullfrog is actually the whole bullfrog, rather than cut pieces. It looks a bit scary The special dish, boiled fish, is also the most expensive Jiangtuan fish. How come the meat is very little, almost all bones. After eating 10 pieces of fish, the meat is not as much as that of a piece of fish in the general fish grill. All bones are very numb, and obviously there are too many Chinese prickly peppers. There is also a chicken, which is inexhaustible. Is the salt free Too salty.

    I don't know how the good impression of this store came from, or whether this store has changed in recent years, or whether the chef has gone home on New Year's Eve? Be trapped!! A good "lunch benefit" is just wasted!

    📝 Daily record In the morning, I cycled about 25 kilometers to file files Probably the farthest single ride I've ever had How strong the wind is today

    📝 Daily record I feel a kind of inertia in my work 🤔 Life observation If you keep working, you will constantly want to get a sense of achievement from your work, so that you forget to rest. Similarly, if you take a break, you will soon stop working and indulge in the comfort of venting.

    📝 Daily record If you become angry or sad because of your work, you will lose

    🎬 Watching movies In the evening, I watched three episodes of China's Strange Tales, which was really good. The first episode is probably the most discussed one. The classic ip of the Monkey King is always new. After all, the Monkey King is the real idol in many people's hearts. The second episode is true, and the style of painting is really like a ghost. The third episode is also a moving story, about wolves and people.

    Each story has its own style. The sound effect and background music of each film give people a visual feast. 📝 Daily record

    📝 Daily record Just now, when I opened the flybook, I found that my colleague's review code at 23:00 was really a good colleague in China (really) because everyone is busy at work at ordinary times and it is particularly difficult to find someone to review! Tomorrow, Tuanjian, but I don't plan to go there. After all, I haven't been infected by Xinguan. It's not like a tiger falling into sheep's mouth to go to places with such a large flow of people now... I have been working in the company for two days, and everything is still good. Maybe the company is basically not positive, but it is all positive. I also travel by electric vehicle, and the contact is controllable. If you can't be positive, you can't be positive.

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    📝 Daily record On the first day of the weekend, throw away all the garbage in the house and the room 🧹 I cleaned it and took a bath at night to welcome the new year.

    📝 Daily record The second time the house was rented, it was expensive and pitted, and it was cheated by the intermediary. Before renting, the intermediary said that the houses were close to the university and were all qualified people. The one in the adjacent room is a "little boy", and the one opposite the door is a "little couple", who usually makes no noise. When I looked at the house, I asked the original resident if there was any noise at ordinary times. The original resident was stunned and said no.

    It was almost noon this morning, the next door began to play the piano, and in the afternoon, the flute began to play in the evening. After the opposite couple came back in the evening, the door was opened and closed more than 10 times, and the sound of opening and closing was not only loud, but also the wind blew my door loudly (because the door was not tightly closed, and the quality of the door was poor). The house they live in is also independent, and there is no living room in this house, only a kitchen. I can't understand what they are doing in and out At night, he spoke very loudly, which could be heard across a bathroom. There is also the occasional sound of dragging the table upstairs

    Two times in the adjacent room, I heard the other party's voice in the morning

    Then insist on moving out when the contract expires in July next year! They are so worried about intermediary fees that they no longer believe in intermediaries. They do not understand residents or noise at all. After signing the contract, it's useless to find them. Ask them and they will let you find the housing manager.

    Don't let me see lovers next time I rent a house!!!!!!!!! The apartment I rented for the first time was next to a couple, and then the next day I couldn't stand the noise of changing rooms. But this time it was supposed that it would be fine across the door. Alas, I was lucky.

    📝 Daily record The server expired, and I regret that I didn't buy it for three years when I was new on the Double 11 last year, but only bought it for one year. Migrate all configuration services at night

    Because the server mail was tested and I logged in to mailbox 163 again, I found that several important emails had not been read or returned. The reason was that the phone number of mailbox 163 before was not my current phone number, and the client could not get the authorization password of the mailbox, so the client could not log in It is necessary to completely change the important contact information from 163.

    📝 Daily record Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, I feel that this quarter's OKR cannot be completed. It is too difficult. I feel that I have been urged by the progress, but there are too many trivial details

    📝 Daily record Beijing is approaching the first wave of peak infection, attention is only the peak, not the end, not all people infected At the same time, the delivery fees for takeout and supermarket delivery are becoming more and more expensive, the transportation capacity is becoming more and more tight, and the express delivery is also delayed. Is letting go a scientific answer? When will normal life order be restored? Will we become one of the costs of restoring order? This answer can only wait for time to answer.

    Not only the people around us, but also the colleagues in the company have a large number of Yang Guo, with a high fever of 39 degrees. The body aches and the throat is like a knife. I have a lot of fever experience. Searching for "fever" in my time machine can find the records over the years. But generally, the course of disease can be recovered in 4 days (which is relatively serious). Obviously, the new crown is more serious than before.

    The fever dates in recent years are: January 7, 2017, May 9, 2017, March 13, 2018, August 27, 2018, November 1, 2018, January 13, 2019, March 25, 2019, 2020-02-21, 2020-4-15, and 2020-9-14 (getting better soon)
    In 2021, it was unclear that there was no record, but I did not have a fever in my impression. I came back to school in April 2022 and had a cold (soon recovered). It will be found that since the new crown, the number of fever has become less and less. Maybe I usually wear masks outside. Another trick is that every time I feel that I may have a fever, I drink a lot of water, keep a good rest, and then carry it to avoid the fever.

    Although there is no infection yet, I don't know when I can hold on to it. I don't want to try again for the taste of colds and fever. Here is an excerpt from a fever experience in 2019:

    Because I was ill until yesterday. A few days ago, I said that the cold was over, but who knows it was just the beginning. From the beginning of fever, I had a headache for two days after taking medicine. This headache is not an ordinary pain. It is the kind that is quick to split, and the head can't move hard, otherwise the tendons will break.
    In addition to headache, I still have no physical strength. For two days, I lay in the dormitory all day without going out I didn't have lunch
    Sick people can't be considered as human beings. They can't do what they want to do, can't control themselves, and can't realize the vulnerability of people when they are not sick, but it is true. I even imagine that I can't walk in my old age. If I can't use my body, I can't use my strength. I can only use my heart.
    I don't know when I will get well when I am ill, which is the most painful.
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About me

  • I come from a small city in the south. I have a quiet personality and hate going with the tide.

That year today

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