The reason for sending this article is that I receive various questions every day.

I would like to use Answer these questions in a harmonious atmosphere in the least time And achieve win-win results for both sides.

Already have The wisdom of asking questions Such an excellent and comprehensive article, but I still want to write another one. Because this article is too long, it is difficult for an ordinary user to read it patiently. So I wrote some extracts from my perspective.

Core: Don't question developers first

I tell a story about my high school. I have a high school deskmate who is a science bully. So I often ask him questions. Often, he told me first, I thought about it myself, and then immediately counterattack "What you said is wrong!" , and then after a while, I finally found that my understanding was wrong.

Whenever I fight back, my deskmate is unhappy. But we have a good relationship, once he said with a half joking smile Don't question me!

I said contemptuously I wonder what happened to you. You didn't miss it I didn't understand at that time, When you subconsciously think that the other party is wrong, in fact, this atmosphere is not the proper attitude to ask questions.

Moreover, as the content/work that the other party has been thinking for a long time, your first sentence is wrong. Have you ever thought about the other party's anger? Have you thought about the time spent by the other party to consider many aspects? When you say that you are wrong, the first thought of the other party must be "will you use sha ba?".

for instance:
  • A: Xxx is not the right place. Did you write it wrong
  • B: No
  • You must have written it wrong
  • B: (You can't use it. Can't you read the document? Can you read?!) No,

Second: consider whether the other party has obligations or how many obligations to serve you

Open source works The reason for the other party's open source is that they want to get recognition for their works and more people to participate in open source, Instead of being disturbed by endless and worthless problems (harassment)

Paid content , please see the service scope of the other party first. I don't want the other party to help me with everything after paying. The reason for starting payment is that you want to get corresponding rewards through your own time, Instead of being disturbed by endless and worthless problems (harassment)

Finally: consider the way you ask questions and refuse to ask questions without information

Don't send a unilateral request for help without information

For example:

  • one
  • In (even without a question mark)
  • are you there?

From the questioner's point of view, we want to get timely feedback from the other party, but the questioner needs to remember that The other person is not your boyfriend, not your girlfriend, but a person who wants to answer your questions as soon as possible in the least time.

So the questioner Please be sure to reduce the number of meaningless messages and the number of rounds of requesting the other party to send messages. It is better to let the other party end the question dialogue in one round.

Because online life is very different from real life, because the other party doesn't know you. It would be better if I knew something about you before, otherwise I really have no good feelings. Politeness is just the other party's etiquette and quality, and anyone can't stand the crazy provocation.

Politeness and respect are always mutual

Even if the other party has the obligation to provide you with a certain range of services because of your payment, politeness and respect are always mutual, not just because of the payment.

There are some differences between developers and Taobao shopkeepers. Even Taobao shopkeepers do not welcome rude advice. Even if you want to buy, they may not want to sell you because of your attitude.

You can use facial expression packs, but please do not use provocative or questioning facial expression packs

Same as the first one.

appropriate A cute facial expression pack can activate the atmosphere and also increase goodwill. But don't send a series of questions unrelated to the question, and increase the other party's response rounds.

More than necessary, sufficient information is better

Explain the content of the question in detail before the other party replies.

Clear explanation (provide necessary information) It is difficult for most people to do. So you can follow the format Provide sufficient information you know.

  • problem content Related website screenshot private Information (if necessary, account password, etc.)
  • Did it before the problem occurred What operations , and what you did when something went wrong What Attempts
  • You think probably (by no means asserting or questioning)

Examples of correct questioning methods

  • Question: Hello, this problem has occurred here. See the following message for the specific screenshot. This is the problem that occurred after I opened a CDN setting. I can't turn off this setting later. It may be a problem with the program, or it may be that I haven't set it properly. [Screenshot]
  • Answer: Try to turn off a setting switch of the program and then try again
  • Question: I turned off the setting switch, but it still didn't work. This is my website and server account password
  • Answer:( Usually simple problems can be solved in a round of reply If complicated, developers can solve problems through online debugging)


I usually respond to serious questions.

But there are still some serious questions. Because I am still weak, I will not fail to give help or even forget to reply (because at first glance, I did not want to reply subconsciously). Let me say sorry here.

There are some people who don't know the correct way to ask questions. I may not have enough patience to reply. I also say sorry here.

The above content is also a self reminder for me. After all, asking questions and speaking well is a lifelong learning skill.

Last modification: April 13, 2019
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