(The Institute of Network Computing was merged into the School of Computer Science in 2020) I am completely unclear about the quota of the first group of network research, sorry

This article was originally written a long time ago, but I can't continue to write it halfway. Now on shore, I intend to finish this article. Maybe I'm in a different mood.

I know that there are many posts about learning methods in the preliminary examination, and my preliminary examination results are not high, so I only plan to ask some questions that I once confused.

Enter oneself for an examination Research direction of computer science and technology {artificial intelligence, network intelligence, human-computer interaction} of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Network Technology Research Institute

Notes Collection

My Postgraduate Examination Notes Collection of Beijing Post

Preliminary test

Total score: 342
(101) Ideological and political theory: 58
(201) English 1: 66
(301) Math 1: 100
(803) Basic Computer Science Synthesis: 118

I hope some of my words can make it easier for you to face the postgraduate entrance examination.

When I look back, as adults in our four years of college, we should no longer regard the postgraduate entrance examination as a threshold of life, or as a special and important task, like senior high school students. We should take the postgraduate entrance examination as an experience, a process and an experience of life. As I said before, I think life should not be a cycle of work, holidays, work and holidays. Whether it's a tired job or a relaxing holiday, we should experience it calmly.

This time last year, I stayed at home. I didn't know anything about the postgraduate entrance examination. I didn't know how to sign up. Of course, I also imagined that I could guarantee the postgraduate entrance examination. I didn't know that I could only apply to one school for the postgraduate entrance examination, and I didn't know anything about preparing for study.

So what I want to say is that the children who will take the postgraduate entrance examination in 2020 will come here completely, so don't worry. I was just a little worried, but actually I didn't do anything. I don't know whether to read books or listen to videos. Before the official preparation for the exam (July), I also took the same math training book every day as the crowd to do some questions and play with my mobile phone for a while, or look at the textbook, without doing any questions at all. In August, I found that I had seen high numbers, linear generation and probability theory before. I completely forgot that I saw some concepts, and I didn't even know what they meant. Because I didn't do it.

I would like to answer some questions that may be puzzling. This is also the question I was puzzled about:

Are you tired of taking the postgraduate entrance examination

I'm tired, but I have no choice.

I started preparing for the exam in July, when the weather was hottest in summer. At the beginning, the learning efficiency was not high. In the first month, I occasionally went to see a movie. Not very nervous. Look at mobile phones during learning. But I adjusted quickly, because the time is too tight.

I think it can be alleviated from these aspects:

First of all, why do you take the postgraduate entrance exam? First of all, my knowledge of professional courses was not solid enough. Before the entrance exam, my network was in a mess. I didn't understand what the link meant in the data link layer? One way? So I can't find a job. Secondly, I hope that I can learn deeper theoretical knowledge in graduate school. If I work, there is little learning time and free time for myself. I don't think I can quickly accept such an environment.

secondly, Make an overall time plan for your review : I planned to finish reading math textbooks in July August and four professional courses in July September. What tasks will be completed each month from October to December. There should be plans to be completed every day At the beginning, I always planned too much every day, so I couldn't finish it, so the plan must be reasonable. The plan needs to be adjusted regularly according to your progress , so you know where your progress is.


How long do you study every day

I wake up at 9 o'clock every morning and start to study at 10 o'clock.

10-11:50 Study in the morning

13: 00 - 17:50 PM

19: 00 - 22:00 pm

This day also has 10 hours. After October, we will learn about 22:30 in the evening.
For me, that's OK. I got up late in the morning, You can make your own schedule to ensure that you can complete the tasks of the day I also tried to get up at 7 or 8 in the morning. After trying for several days, I found that I was very sleepy in the morning and almost fell asleep. I couldn't learn at all, so I just gave up.

Do you bring your mobile phone with you when you study

No. I started with it. After October, I didn't bring it at all, because there was not enough time.

Some people say that it is unnecessary to use mobile phones to check words. Zhang Jian's English yellow book gave a vocabulary book as a gift. It is OK to use this book to check and mark words, but it is unnecessary to care about words that cannot be found on it. Of course, I have different arrangements, but I suggest not. Because the learning process is really boring, especially in the early stage, it is easy to relax if you are not too nervous.

Is it difficult to cross exam computer

Today, I asked my roommate what San Gua means. Cross specialty, cross province and cross school.

In fact, the most difficult thing is multi-disciplinary Interdisciplinary students think that they have poor foundation and cannot compete with computer majors.

To be honest, the undergraduate school gives us too little, and the undergraduate class is not active and serious. I didn't understand the computer network and composition principle when I studied in undergraduate, but I did some questions to cope with the exam and got good scores. I learned these professional courses more carefully during the postgraduate entrance examination.

I'm a scum. I have a showdown

The language of C/C++/Java learned in undergraduate classes is actually very shallow. I forgot almost the language of C, but I didn't study C++carefully. I mostly used Java. If you learn a language, you will find that the language has very basic grammar, So I think it's OK for the cross examination students to master a language On this basis, it will not take much time to understand other languages.

(Personally, I think Java is a language that is easy to use, because many methods are provided by jdk, such as dynamic array, list, and of course C++, I prefer Java.)

Therefore, cross examination students do not need to worry about their poor ability with other students. Computer comprehensive professional knowledge can be made up in the initial examination learning stage. Development language knowledge can be made up after the initial test.

When to start formal review

Some people started to prepare from their junior year, and some started to prepare in March this year. My summer vacation officially started in July.

In the end, you need to make an overall time plan.

I plan to prepare in March, but there is no atmosphere around me. I don't realize the seriousness and importance of the postgraduate entrance examination, or even know nothing about it. So the preparation is passive at this time.

If I take the postgraduate entrance exam again, I hope I can prepare in advance, and don't panic behind me. Take learning and preparation as an ordinary thing in life. I know it's easy to say, but really difficult to do.

How to prepare for professional courses

Professional course 118 is not high, but I don't understand why it is so low.

Because I'm not sure about several common sense questions except for multiple choice questions. The code I wrote for the big question data structure may not be perfect. I know all the questions of other professional courses. I also checked the calculation. I don't know whether the calculation is wrong

Before the postgraduate entrance examination, my professional knowledge was never better than anyone else. Although my score on my transcript was 90 or 80, those scores were obtained by staying up for several days and nights before the exam and then doing the test paper. There are many half - understood problems in each course.

My method is to take notes.

One course, one course, one chapter. For example, in computer network, I will write down the questions I cannot understand in every chapter, and then understand them one by one and write them on paper. This round of professional course review is not for examination questions, but purely to learn professional course knowledge. Finally, I have four courses, each of which has about 40 pages of A4 notes.

The Tianqin series I bought is rubbish except for data structure. Rubbish textbooks are bad for children.

Computer network, buy Xie Xiren seventh edition, really good!
The data structure is similar to that of Tianqin. I also referred to the data structure book compiled by Li Chunbao.
The principles of computer composition and the operating system are based on college textbooks, which should be similar.

The second round of review of professional courses is to do exercises. I suggest that the two rounds can be crossed. After I finished the first round, I began to work on the questions and found that I forgot a lot of knowledge Doing questions is a good way to deepen memory. The postgraduate entrance exam is to remember, repeat and do questions.

Do you want to watch videos and report to class?

In addition to the videos of political Ma Yuan and Mao Zhongte, you can choose Xu Tao's videos or "Sister Leg" (I listened to Xu Tao, and Ma Yuanli's capital theory is very easy to understand). I don't think it's necessary to watch the videos for mathematics. I will summarize more and others will tell you the question types and solutions. You still can't do it when you encounter problems.

Want to form a team to study with others?

It is suggested to find a partner and go together at dinner every day.
Without friends, you may eat irregularly every day, or even take a vacation from time to time. At first, I learned by myself. For example, at noon, sometimes the learning time would be postponed, which led to chaos in the afternoon.
But we don't have to learn together. It can be in different classrooms. My roommate and I are like this. We gather at the bottom of the building for dinner.


Total score of Beijing Post (100 out of 100)=preliminary examination score (500 out of 100)/10+re examination score (100 out of 100)/2

The headers are name, major, research direction number, English interview score (full score 10 points), written test score (full score 30 points), interview score (full score 60 points), total re examination score (full score 100 points), total preliminary examination score (full score 500 points), and total postgraduate examination score (full score 100 points)

Ranked 6th in the final total score

Because I was the last one to enter the second round exam (a total of 11 people), I really panicked at that time.

Machine test

This year, the online research institute's machine test is very simple, and it can't bring paper materials into the examination room. Previously (in 2018 and before) it could. (In the words of the big men, it is 4A per capita)

Four questions were asked in 47 minutes. OJ ranked eighth in the list, but I don't have acm experience, just rely on the speed.

The first question is to input four numbers and output the smallest
Question 2 Given the year range, determine the number of leap years
Third question, linked list operation, search by value, delete, reverse linked list. I want to blow up Java's list, API is easy to use
The fourth question is to find the minimum spanning tree of a graph. At first, I thought I couldn't do it because I didn't look at the code, but fortunately I saw the idea, it wasn't very difficult

This year's topic test cases are very simple, and there is no particularly strange input to consider. You can directly submit the sample locally.

Let me say some tips:

  • Enter the examination room about 30 minutes in advance and choose a machine at random.
  • You can choose to open the compiler. The first line of each question is to enter the number of test data groups. Write these codes first.
  • Then split the screen from left to right, with the web page on the left and the compiler on the right, and write quickly while watching.

Supported languages C/c++(supporting stl)/java 8.

Now that Java 8 is supported, you can see the new features of Java 8. Some of them are very helpful. (I thought at first that only Java 7 was supported, so I didn't see the new features of Java 8.)

For machine test training, you can borrow the VPN gateway account of the seniors to scan past machine test questions of Beijing Post.

About computer test questions in previous years , you can take a look here My Postgraduate Examination Notes Collection of Beijing Post

written examination

According to the official website, 30% of the re examination scores are accounted for, but failure will not affect the admission. However, it will affect the ranking after admission. The final ranking is based on the score of the first examination/10+the score of the second examination/2. Scholarships awarded in the first year are ranked according to this (first prize 8000, covering 70%, second prize 4000, covering 30%)

The written examination is all choice and judgment questions, mainly to investigate the understanding of concepts, not very in-depth.

The hole I fell into was that the 2015 computer system structure question I had seen before was a calculation question. I thought it was an assembly line calculation question, but the results were all concept questions, and I didn't prepare well!!

The written test is basically a concept question, but the calculation question seems to be none!

Notes on the written examination You can also refer to this article My Postgraduate Examination Notes Collection of Beijing Post


What should I do if I don't have a project

I think the project is not important, but depends on your computer ability, which includes Ability to learn new skills Computer skills mastered

For example, the AI major interviewed will prepare Python learning and related algorithm learning after the initial exam, which can be written on the resume.

If you have time, you can do a project of interest but small scale, such as face recognition for your family (this can actually be done by calling an off the shelf database, mainly to understand the whole process and algorithm ideas), or you can write it on your resume.

For non cross examination students, there must be a good curriculum, which can also be written on the resume.

There are not many projects, and the teacher may ask more professional knowledge, so we should prepare more for this aspect.

Full Record of Beiyou Online Research Interview

2019 Beijing Post Online Research Interview Record

Some problems in applying for the examination of Beijing Post

Is it difficult for Beiyou to apply for the exam

All of them said that some groups were even as difficult as 985. I don't think that's accurate. It may be on the same level as the 985, but it is still easier to rank with the top computer science subjects, such as Beijing Airlines.

You can know the situation by referring to the organization line of Beijing Post this year and the theater line (re examination line) of other universities. The group line I applied for was 342, and I was the last one to enter the second interview. In addition to the online research group 2 with 350+professional masters, the other groups are not very high. The average group line of the computer college is about 340+. Therefore, those who intend to include Beijing Post should set the goal score of the initial exam at 360+, so that they can enter the second exam more stably. Of course, we should continue to prepare after the second interview. (370 of our group were wiped out)

The organization line of the Computer College is relatively stable, 340+, but some other colleges, such as online research, online security, and software, have low scores. I saw a 4-group professional master of online research on 278

What is enrollment group

I didn't understand this problem at first, but it was not so complicated.

When applying for the examination, we should choose a certain college - a certain major - a certain research direction (group)

But the general study is to interview the whole profession together, so there are many people taking the second interview together. And if you are admitted, your future research direction may not be the direction you applied for, but just as a reference.

The second round exam of Beijing Post is based on the research direction The research direction you fill in is the one you admit. So there are relatively few people entering the second interview. Research direction is also called group. For example, our newspaper is {AI, network intelligence, human-computer interaction}, and the group number is 1, Group number is the number of research direction

Another term of Beijing Post is core It is equivalent to another one below the hospital Courtyard

This courtyard Several teams responsible for several disciplines

For example, our Network Research Center is responsible for Group 1 (research direction numbered 1) of Computer Science and Technology (Master), Group 14 (research direction numbered 14) of Computer Technology (Master), Group 1 of Information and Communication Engineering (Master), and Group 1 of Electronics and Communication Engineering (Master).

The center itself is divided into several working groups Which working group will be assigned to study after being admitted.

Summary: Application is to apply to a group in a center under a college. The list of reexamination and interview will be interviewed according to this group. After admission, they will be assigned to a working group in the center.

Do you want to contact the tutor in advance

Our center is a "tutorial group" system, which has been unified in enrollment and management. It is different from the "tutorial system" in many centers, and the specific reason is that which tutor is not so meaningful. You don't need to contact the tutor in advance

This is Mr. Wang's original words. I didn't understand them

My family urged me to send an email to the teacher and contact him when I got my first exam results. I even had to go to the house right away, but my reason stopped me.

It seems that other centers need to contact tutors. The head of Beiyou said that if you can get in touch before the postgraduate entrance examination, you can work directly in the laboratory... I don't know much about this

How to adjust and operate

The first adjustment is that after the list of candidates for the second interview is drawn, you can adjust if you are not included in the second interview. It is better to contact the tutor first for adjustment.

The second adjustment is that the second exam was cancelled, and there will be a second adjustment opportunity in the school.

A senior wrote a github about the admission of Beijing Post. For more information, see here: See_you_in_BUPT

Does Beijing Post discriminate against both Africa and China

According to the previous seniors and sisters, Beijing Post is still very fair.

In my opinion, many Shuangfei's initial exam scores are very high, but the second exam is still brushed. The reason may not be discrimination against Shuangfei, but your lack of knowledge in addition to the professional knowledge of the exam.

In other words, most of them may work hard during the postgraduate entrance examination, and their scores are very high, but they do not work hard enough in other times of university, resulting in insufficient professional quality.

In other words, as long as you have the strength (including exam results and other professional skills), the postgraduate entrance examination of Beijing Post is relatively fair

Choose a professional master or a learned master?

(This answer was written after one semester of Beijing Postgraduate School)

There are some differences between professional and academic masters in the training program. First, the academic masters may engage in scientific research in the university laboratory, or work in the company to practice and do projects. The professional masters will basically be assigned to the company to do projects.

The difficulty of graduation is low, there is no need to issue small papers, and the graduation requirements are low. A small thesis must be issued after graduation, and the teacher may be very demanding. It is easy to be rejected if there is no innovation.

The requirements for professional and postgraduate courses will also be lower. For example, only one required course is required for mathematics courses, and the total credit requirements are also lower.

I can't confirm the recognition of professional and academic masters in the society. At least personally, the gap between the two should not be very big.

In general, the requirements of professional masters are low, and in recent years, the admission scores of some groups are very close to those of academic masters, while those of some groups are very low. Both are three-year.


The experience of postgraduate entrance examination is too long. Thank you to your roommate @ Lin Guojie who has been chatting and complaining together during the postgraduate entrance examination (he has not finished the second interview, and wishes he can go ashore)

Thanks to Mr. Wan Jing for her care and help all the time. Thanks to all the seniors and sisters for their experience and the materials provided by the re examination group! I also thank my parents for not giving me too much pressure during my postgraduate entrance examination!


In the process of postgraduate entrance examination, there must be times when you don't want to learn, times of painful doubt, and times of restlessness. No matter how many experience posts you read, they are all stories of others. Only when you come here, can you feel that you have lived up to this period of time. In addition to knowledge, you must also grow in thought. Even if the worst result fails, this period of time must not be wasted. When we come back from experience, it is just a preparation for the exam. There are many choices, setbacks and difficulties on the way of life.

I hope my experience can help you~

If you have other questions, you can leave a message in the comment area~If I know, I will try my best to answer them

Last modification: June 25, 2024
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