Basic information of interview

Total interview time: 15 minutes

Interview table:

When I opened the door, I was confused at first because there were so many people. It's also a large conference room.

An upperclassman will take your resume and send it to all the teachers (prepare your resume in advance, and other things you want to ask the teacher. You think you have advantages, transcripts and certificates are OK, and don't take transcripts if you have poor grades!! Be sure to prepare what you are sure of and good at, because you will be asked for 20 minutes)

Memoirs of Interview Questions

The senior pointed to the position and sat down.

M: Teacher, can you sit down?

T: You can sit down.

M: (Read the examinee number. This may not be necessary. It is the rule of greeting before.)

English teacher: First, you can use english to introduce yourself in one minute

M: I'm introducing myself... (My accent is very poor, I can recite it well in advance.)

English teacher: what do you do in you spare time

M: In my spare time, I like play guitar or play pingpong, times i run with my friends! I thought I might ask this question)

English teacher: so tell me some favorite movies or books

M: My favorite move is "go to my grandparents home", this is about love between grandmothers and grandson. i think two genetations should take more conversations.

English teacher: do you play compute game in your spare time?

M:sometimes, but i don't play some hot games.

English teacher: tell me your plan after your graduate

M: If I have chance to study in this university, i will take more study and research about compute science. if i not, i will find a job

English teacher: what kind of job do you want?

M: The language about java or android

English teacher: to be a programmer?


English teacher: which city do you prefer

M:beijing, because my parents live in beijing.

English teacher: do you heart technology internet of things

M:sorry can you say ……

English teacher: internet of things

M:of thing? (Aufsee)

English teacher: of thing (European service thing) IOT


English teacher: which means network connections of object or the things

M: Sorry, i don't hear

English teacher: ok, have you heard fifth generation of communication (my silence) five G

M:can you say it again?

English teacher: fifth...... Generation of communications five G


English teacher: can you talk something about that?

M:i think five G is a new technology,but he, No, no, it need long time to apply.

English teacher: why?

M:because the hardware is not need the, because the technology need the hardware which is not make,have.

English teacher: that is all, that you

Teacher: Your resume is different from others. You have done many projects

Me: Yeah

Teacher, and your major is not so relevant, because you prefer application and development. Are these things part-time or outsourced

Me: For example, those web projects are my own online projects. One android project was brought by my teacher, and some others, such as the last emoticon Baby and Jane Weather

Teacher: Please tell me about the pure technology

Me: Maybe it is the museum story sharing platform led by our teacher. At the beginning, we received the project and did not learn Android. At the beginning, the technical team was not familiar with the technology, so at the beginning, we spent a week to see the first line of code. The second difficulty was the development of the java backend, Because our team is not very familiar with the Java back-end technology, at first the schoolmate built the framework, and then we wrote the development interface while looking at the framework and the documentation. The third is personnel arrangement and task arrangement.

Teacher: You don't know where the technical difficulties are. What you said is that your starting point was relatively low at that time, and where are the technical difficulties?

Me: Because of this project, the technical difficulty of the application oriented project is to read documents, because it does not need to develop some libraries by itself, such as springMvc and learning the four components of Android

Teacher: This is also a lesson set by the teacher, isn't it?

Me: It's not the curriculum. It's a project team that the teacher found in the undergraduate course

Teacher: Is this for application?

Me: The specific teacher didn't tell us about it (I was shocked here, and the teacher didn't specifically say it, but I should answer "Yes, it is a commercial application")

Teacher: To what extent?

Me: Finally, the basic requirements are OK. At the beginning, when you click in, there is a map guide, which can locate your current position and push you the introduction, audio playback and membership system of nearby museums

Teacher: I see that you have done a lot of development of Android classes. One of the difficulties in Android is push, but it is difficult to achieve 100% push. Is there any optimization direction and mode?

Me: I don't know the direction of optimization, but now we usually use a third-party framework for push

Teacher: The question I want to ask is what is the main difference between the high and low success rate frameworks

Me: Because if his push framework is killed in the background, it may not be able to push

Teacher: From another perspective, you can answer the question that if you are developing an Android application, you can do something to keep it alive

Me: For our applications only, we can open the foreground service. Not very familiar with the survival of third-party frameworks

Teacher: I think you have an introduction to AI in your watch. Do you still have an impression? Briefly introduce the content of this course.

Me: I think AI is a very interesting subject, because it only told us what AI had at that time, but did not go deep into the research of algorithms. What I think of now is the perceptron model. The second layer is the neural network model. For knowledge representation, there are production systems, semantic network representation and so on. Because artificial intelligence is a very broad subject, which includes machine learning, visual recognition and so on. Maybe that's what I'm thinking

Teacher: Are there any extracurricular knowledge points of AI for reference?

Me: en, I don't know much about AI

Teacher: During your postgraduate study, do you have any plans and want to have an in-depth understanding of what aspects?

Me: What I want now is to have a more in-depth study on image recognition, machine vision and machine learning.

Teacher: The question I just asked you is related to this. Is there any self-learning material

Me: I read an introduction article about AI, as well as the self-taught grammar of Python (when I asked this question, I was really... because I didn't know much about this, so you must be familiar with your major, which will be advantageous)

Teacher: How long did you learn this?

Me: Python has been basically used for almost a day, AI

Teacher: One day? (Laughs, my heart cries)

Me: Well, because the basic syntax of Python is very similar to that of other high-level languages.

Teacher: You developed Android and Java before, right? TensorFlow has never been used?

Me: Well, this one doesn't

Teacher: What are the contents of the graduation program you did in your school?

Me: It is a news media aggregation platform based on java

Teacher: I didn't write it in my resume, did I?

Me: Well, no

Teacher: News media aggregation platform?

Me: Well, it's similar to a subscriber, but it's easier to operate than a subscriber. Because of the high threshold of using a subscriber, you need to find your own RSS subscription address. But for ordinary users, it may be very difficult to get started. Now I want to display some domestic feeds, Then the user can click to subscribe directly (I prepared this question before, but it's too tight. I didn't say that the algorithm recommendation is bad or that the product has advantages...)

Teacher: You always said that you wanted to engage in visual recognition, right? But you didn't want to choose this aspect


Teacher: I just can't get it (the teacher smiled when he said this)

Teacher: Did you develop your WeChat public account and blog theme by yourself? Why do you think about this?

Me: At the beginning, he just wanted to set up a blog to play. Then he found a market with typecho theme. Then I made one. It was free at the beginning, but later I found that it could be charged. Later, more and more people bought it.

Teacher: So you do a lot of work at the front end?

Me: In fact, the front-end work is not very much, because I write based on a framework, and my own CSS is not very much

Teacher: The audio playback of your Android application is to call some APIs of the native system. Have you considered developing a simple player?

Me: Because there are already some libraries that encapsulate APIs and are easy to use, so... (Interrupted, apparently the teacher found that I didn't know much about technical details...)

Teacher: Google recently opened a player framework. Have you seen it? (The subtext is that since you always say you use frames, I will test your frames...)

Me: I don't understand this

Teacher: I think you have data mining in your course. Do you still have an impression? What algorithms have you learned and your understanding

Me: What we did at that time was the one made in Java. Hmm... I may not be able to read the English well, that is, the Aprior at the beginning of A, the EPRI RIO algorithm (I also smiled at this place to ease the atmosphere, and I found that the teacher also smiled kindly), that is, he is mining in transactions, and I may not speak well about the specific code implementation. At the beginning, it was pruning, self connection and that... (interrupted, I really forgot this algorithm!!)

Teacher: Is this the only algorithm

Me: Yes, I did this algorithm, and my homework was handed in (actually I just want to sophistry here, which means I didn't study hard, but only asked for this one)

Teacher: This is the assignment. Is this the only one in the course?

Me: Well... there is another algorithm in the course, but that... I don't have a specific algorithm

Teacher: OK, what's the difference between a data warehouse and a database?

Me: Data warehouse? I don't understand

Teacher: Would you be more interested in writing programs or algorithms in the future

Me: I think learning algorithms and programs... I want to go deeper into these algorithms in my graduate stage, which is also beneficial to future engineering development, that is, I will improve my understanding of computers.

Teacher: Hmm... You wrote a lot about development. Did you learn it yourself

Me: Well, at that time... some were brought with teachers, and some were taught by themselves

Teacher: Well, I think you've learned about computer network, right? Let's talk about TCP congestion control (I've already answered a lot of questions very poorly in the past. This teacher may also want to help me out. Maybe everyone has no problems, but we should make up 20 minutes, but I learned this problem well at that time)

Me: Well, TCP congestion control mainly includes three algorithms. Generally speaking, there are four algorithms on the Internet: slow start, fast retransmission, congestion control and fast recovery. In fact, fast retransmission should use this strategy throughout the process. The receiver will immediately send a cumulative confirmation after receiving the sent packet, rather than wait until it has data. This is fast retransmission. Slow start means that at the beginning, he is. In fact, his starting point is very low, but the growth rate is very fast, because he is multiplying the speed by 2. When it reaches the slow start threshold, he starts congestion control. Every time the transmission control, the congestion control will only increase by 1, and when it loses packets, the fast recovery algorithm will start. That's about it. (When I said these things, a teacher nodded frequently. I just thought he was polite and wanted to comfort me...)

Some feelings

The teacher is really excellent! People in the second interview group all said that they were "kind".

  • Your strengths on your resume are carefully written one by one, so as to guide the teacher to ask your strengths. Don't write on the project if you don't know it well, it will backfire!! For example, if you have forgotten the Python you learned a long time ago, you should not write on it and become familiar with Python
  • You must know in advance what technology you want to do after choosing your major, and prepare for undergraduate courses and these technology related courses. For example, if I choose to major in artificial intelligence, it is advantageous to understand algorithms such as Python and machine learning.
  • Try to be organized about the problems that will not happen
  • I don't think it's important to talk about Caton nervously. It's normal to be nervous. I drank a bottle of mineral water while waiting for the interview, but I must be organized. I didn't do well enough, that is to say, I was very casual. In the end, I didn't prepare enough questions, or I didn't have enough interview experience
  • When speaking, you must look at the teacher and say that you can find the teacher's expression, nod, smile or other emotions. What I understand is that when you look into the eyes of others, you believe in others. If you give your heart away, the teacher naturally does not want to see a person who lowers his head to speak.
  • Speak calmly and smile appropriately, but I think it will be helpful to have more interview experience

At that time, after my interview, I really regretted that I could answer many questions to make the teacher more satisfied and guide the teacher to ask me what I am good at. (As for this guidance, the method is that you deliberately say some skills/aspects you are good at when you answer, because the teacher also works hard to find problems, not to make you difficult).

The list of candidates was drawn up last night. I knew that I had been accepted. I was very excited to talk to my family on the phone. Because I was the last one to enter the second round exam with 342 points. A total of 11 people entered the second round exam, and 2 people were brushed, with scores of 370 and 348 respectively. Another 342 (as I did) also went ashore. It seems that one of them is a cross examination. The interview result is not very good. I don't know the details.

therefore Since cross examiners intend to cross test computers, they should make their own requirements consistent with those of other undergraduate majors. Don't think that the first test score of cross examination is high. Our sophomore majoring in chemistry has a Xueba, whose computer skills are also super powerful. Computer learning is not as difficult as imagined. I am willing to spend time. I think it is not a problem. Of course, it's OK to prepare professional knowledge at the initial examination. After the initial examination, prepare the technology related to the major you want to apply for, do some projects, or learn some technology, and write some code.

Maybe my resume and transcript look good. The project teacher mentioned above thinks my professional ability is good. I think the interview effect is not good. I prepared a professional interview before, but I didn't ask much (except for the congestion control at the end). Instead, I asked many college courses (related to the major I applied for)

Before my interview, I searched for a long time and didn't write down the interview questions in detail. The above is my experience and some experience, and I hope it will be helpful to the students who take the exam of Beijing Post. I know that more is better than one experience, so just do it

Last modification: February 6, 2020
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