Classification by file type

In fact, there are four kinds:

  • file
  • Code Item
  • resources
  • Instant File

The above is my classification of all the files I encounter, based on the following principles

  • Any important files on the computer must be synchronized
  • Regular cleaning of unsynchronized files on the computer
  • There is only one blog , used to record systematic content. The rest of the notes are stored on Github, with nut cloud backup. Journal is a dedicated APP record
  • Most code items Use GitHub storage only
  • A small number of code projects (because they cannot commit every time they finish writing) adopt Nut cloud+Github Synchronous storage
  • Never use a network disk to store large files (unless temporarily transferred)

In this way, the file classification is very clear, and repeated superposition is avoided as far as possible.

Although some projects use nut cloud+github storage, it does not cause repeated problems, which I will mention later.

Classified by software using synchronization

It can be divided into 8 categories:

  • Blog
  • Journal APP
  • Nut cloud
  • Github
  • Hard disk
  • USB drive
  • Google Photos
  • iCloud

Function of nut cloud:

Nut Cloud is a synchronous disk, which is different from Baidu online disk, hard disk and other backup tools. It is a good backup tool that can be synchronized and backed up invisibly. Github needs to write one function each time before commit+push can back up.

So choose Nut Cloud Backup [some code projects that cannot be submitted every time] and [learning records].

The role of Google Photos:

Google's image backup and synchronization is very powerful. I use it to back up images that need to be synchronized on all devices: MacOS+Windows+Android.

One of the most powerful points is to identify and classify according to different characters and scenes, so as to reduce the time for self classification. It's very cool!

ICloud functions:

In fact, it's useless, at least for me now. Because I only have one computer for Apple devices, I can't synchronize with other devices, and iCloud only has a limit of 5GB, which can be used as desktop and document backup, and can be emptied regularly.

Most importantly, Windows partition , otherwise, it's too messy and troublesome!

That's it~

Last modification: September 12, 2017
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