After contacting typecho for a period of time, the plug-ins you know should be CommentToMail (by Yufei) The latest version was updated on April 25, 2014. I have tried this plugin for N times before, and finally used it successfully.

But there are a lot of partners because of various metaphysics Cause, unable to use normally.

So here is another plug-in CommentMailPlus , is a little partner yorkchou Recommended. His blog also wrote an introduction. Let me take a look Explain in detail usage method. (Valid for local test)

The website is here:

Plug in download address:

Register an account and Verify account

Because the website is in English, I made a diagram ↓

 Depth screenshot 20170610224009.png

The diagram should be very clear, a total of 6 steps.

Step 6 Click the [Domains] column to see mailgun By default, a very long domain name is assigned, that is Sandbox subdomains

[Note]: This domain name is only used for testing by mailgun. If you directly use this domain name configuration, you can only use the Authorized Recipients Send a letter from a member of the list. If you find that someone else will be rejected, the error message is:

 "reason": "Sandbox subdomains are for test purposes only. Please add your own domain or add the address to authorized recipients in Account Settings.",

Therefore, we need to bind Custom domain name To send messages to all users (reviewers). No need to bind credit card

Bind custom domain name

Step 1

Click the [Domains] column at the top, and there is a black button below Add New Domain , poke it!

Step 2

fill in Domain Name It is recommended to fill in [secondary domain name], for example, my domain name is , just fill in Of course, if you have many domains, it doesn't matter to take an idle top-level domain name.

Step 3

An interface [Now Follow These Steps To Verify Your Domain] appears, which is the steps to verify your domain name:

  1. Visit your domain name resolver. For example, if I use HiChina, I will open the background of HiChina
  2. Add DNS records for sending messages: there are two ways,

    • One is to add txt type
    • One is to add mx type
    • I use the first one, which is simpler. The only thing to note is that, Fill in on HiChina Host record To remove your root domain
    • such as Hostname by , filling Host record It is filled in mail OK.
  3. Add DNS records for tracking information: This can be left blank, which does not affect sending messages, but may affect other functions. The filling method and notes are the same as above.

    For example, my background filling record of HiChina is like this (as shown below ↓):


After the binding is successful, you will see that your domain name is green in front of it in the [Domains] column.

Configuration of background plug-ins

  • Mailgun API Key

    I.e API Key

  • Mailgun Domain Name

    Your custom domain name, such as

  • Sender Email

    I.e Default SMTP Login

All right! Everything is done!


The other thing to know is the top navigation bar.

The [logs] displays the sending record. You can see the information of each discovery in detail.

Just like this, escape

Last modification: March 23, 2019
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