The current host will expire in June, so we are going to replace it with Tencent cloud student machine. After all, it is a cloud server, and its operability and utilization are greatly increased!

In any case, let's grab it first.

Flash sale script

 var getThread = null; var timeInterval = 20; var getCount = 0; if (! getThread) { getThread = setInterval(() => { if ($("button[hotrep='qcact.campus.getVoucherBtn']")[0].disabled) { $("button[hotrep='qcact.campus.getVoucherBtn']").attr("disabled",false); } $("button[hotrep='qcact.campus.getVoucherBtn']").click(); if ($(".J-close")) { $(".J-close").click(); } console.log("Already Tried: " + (++getCount) + " Times."); }, timeInterval); }

usage method

At 11:59:20, refresh Page, right click - check, in Console Paste the above code inside, and then click Enter to automatically execute the code!

proposal : When checking the time, Baidu time , this time is quite accurate.
Tips : If your computer performance is poor timeInterval Increase the value to avoid browser crash. 12G memory runs for 40s without pressure.

so cool, It was captured successfully.

After that, the record will have to be filed again in Tencent Cloud, and the operation of ECS is basically impossible, so I'm not in a hurry for the time being.

Code Source

[Miscellaneous] Tencent student machine registration script

Last modification: February 10, 2023
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