I wrote an article about Open source license agreement for the project There are six common types, GPL BSD MIT Mozilla Apache and LGPL These agreements apply to our software and project code. For our documents and works, we usually use Creative Commons License To protect.

Reference article Ruan Yifeng: Talk about Creative Commons licenses

Creative Commons licenses (cc for short), which was established by the United States in 2001 Creative Commons Foundation , submitted on December 16, 2002.

Rights reserved by the author in CC agreement

When using the CC protocol, the author can and can only choose to retain the following four rights:

1) 2820744659.gif Signature (Attribute, abbreviated as by): the original author must be mentioned.

2) 714726934.gif Non-commercial use (Noncommercial, abbreviated as nc): It shall not be used for profit-making purposes.

3) 4276763746.gif No deduction (No Derivative Works, short for nd): The original work shall not be modified.

4) 3038078188.gif Share in the same way (Share Alike, abbreviated as sa): If the original work is allowed to be modified, it must be published with the same license.

There are 16 right permutations and combinations in the above four, but we should pay attention to the following points:

1) Cannot select at the same time No deduction And Share in the same way

2) Four rights cannot be waived at the same time

Therefore, if you arrange and combine again, you will have the most common permutations and combinations in 6:

1.  2820744659.gif Signature (by license)
2.  2820744659.gif 714726934.gif Signature - non-commercial use (by nc license)
3.  2820744659.gif 4276763746.gif Signature - no deduction (by nd license)
4.  2820744659.gif 714726934.gif 4276763746.gif Signature - non-commercial use - no deduction (by nc nd license)
5.  2820744659.gif 714726934.gif 3038078188.gif Attribution - non-commercial use - sharing in the same way (by nc sa license)
6.  2820744659.gif 3038078188.gif By sa license

It should be noted that there are different regional versions of the Creative Commons License corresponding to different jurisdictions. In addition, the Creative Commons license has been revised. The latest version is version 4.0, but some regions still use version 3.0. The latest version is recommended.

How to choose the appropriate CC protocol?

You can visit this website[ https://creativecommons.org/choose/ ], according to your needs step by step, you can finally generate a license agreement that meets your needs.

 Knowledge Sharing License Agreement
All original articles of this blog Creative Commons Attribution - Noncommercial Use 4.0 International License Agreement Licensing.

Last modification: March 23, 2019
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