Github is a world-famous open source project community. Does your project have an appropriate open source license agreement? In the atmosphere of gradually respecting copyright in China, I think every blogger should add an open source license agreement for his own projects and appropriate agreements for his own articles. GPL BSD MIT Mozilla Apache and LGPL

Selection method

In fact, it's very simple. Here is one Ruan Yifeng Distinctive pictures in Chinese:


So I recommend GPL-3.0 The agreement protects our project, that is, it gives users the right to modify and redistribute, but users must also be open source again and use the same license agreement.

How to add a protocol to github

In fact, it is very simple. When Github creates a new warehouse, it can already directly select the protocol.

If you do not initialize the protocol at first, upload a LICENSE file in the root directory, and the file content is the corresponding protocol content.

SO, Let's get started!

Last modification: February 10, 2017
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