This website is the only way to buy handhome themes, and any other channels are illegal reselling themes.

Handsome theme has been obtained National Certified Software Copyright Certificate

Introduction 9.2.1

Please read the purchase instructions before purchasing, You can consult before purchasing
All function effects in this blog are provided by the theme

Writing and reading, recording and reviewing, simple and powerful.

Function introduction

The carefully matched and designed pure white tone is suitable for various devices and resolutions. Fourteen colors and multiple layouts can be switched at will.

 Responsive design: not just computer side design
Responsive design: not just computer side design
 Top navigation
Top navigation
 Collapse Navigation
Collapse Navigation

Through background settings, the theme can switch between one column, two columns and three columns.

In addition, a transparent mode that is more friendly to the picture background is designed.

 New transparent mode: misty rain, hazy fog, with your favorite beautiful background

Has a preference for dark porn.

 Dark mode: darker, more focused

Simple and practical reading mode.

 Reading mode: focus on your content

Handsome time machine support Web terminal, mobile terminal, WeChat official account, browser, chrome, Firefox, edge browser extension , allowing you to record at any time.

 Time machine: recall those feelings that have not been set
Time machine: recall those feelings that have not been set
 Time machine label, classify what you think
Time machine label, classify what you think

The WeChat official account also supports publishing articles to the designated category (it can be set as an encrypted category, so you can write a diary directly on the WeChat official account)

function introduce
That year today The page will display the content released on the same day in the past 24 months, recalling the past and present mood
Rss subscription On the time machine page, you can also subscribe to any other website that supports rss, and view all your following content on one page

Handsome theme provides a variety of encryption methods for expression.

The whole station is encrypted, and only space is private.

 All site encryption: the black domain in the Internet

Encrypt a category separately.

 Classified encryption: encrypt a certain category separately to hide your own moods

An article is encrypted.

 Article encryption: single article is more free

The content here can only be read after comments and replies (approved).

This part is only visible to login users

function introduce
All station encryption After setting the password, it is required to enter the password to access all pages in the front desk of the whole station
Classified encryption After the password is set, all articles of the current category can be accessed only after the password is entered. It also supports encryption of the specified date range of the category
Article encryption Support encryption of single article
Part of the article is visible in login Some private content can be read only after logging in
Some comments of the article are visible Don't want to be paid for nothing. Leave a comment before you leave
Comment Privacy Comment Visible to reviewers and logged in users, applicable to some information comments involving reviewer privacy

For the first time, the handhome theme transplanted the vditor modern markdown editor into the typecho blog, perfectly supporting the corresponding functions of attachment upload and theme, making image upload and text writing more comfortable.

 Vditor editor: modern article editor

function introduce
Support article format copying If you want to reprint a good article, you can copy it directly to keep the format consistent with the original article
Automatic uploading of pictures included in the clipboard Reprint an article from someone else, but also want to upload the image to your own server. Now everything is automatic
Copy image upload Ctrl+c ctrl+v complete

The article provides up to 20 kinds of short codes to improve the text typesetting experience, which can be visually edited in the editor.

Insert a player in the article to support cloud resolution of songs (Netease Cloud, Xiami, Kugou, Baidu Music)

Insert local video resources (such as. mp4) into the article

Episode List

Insert a third-party resolution video (or collection, you can customize the resolution address) in the article

Insert references from other articles in the article (supports large and small styles)

Shrink Box

These words can not be displayed by default. Click the title to expand

2020 memorabilia

Wuhan was closed down, and the epidemic caused panic


Start telecommuting and slowly get organized

Life is getting better

Travel to Harbin on National Day to meet old classmates


Small target of 2021

Read 10 books:


Exercise for 30 minutes every day:



Link Card

  • Web site
  • IOS/Android development/WeChat applet
  • Background management system/crawler

  • Python/php/JavaScript
  • Java/Scala
  • c++/c

Column display

The label content is edited here, but the icon is not displayed

Edit the label content here, no icon is displayed, and the margin is smaller, suitable for text background

Highlight reference (with 5 different icons and their colors)

Like to change, not stick to the existing settings. Handhome background settings make everything easier.

 Background settings: powerful background settings, no need to know the code details, arbitrary manipulation of your own blog

The rich tutorials provided by handsome users are in the user community:

Detailed installation and use documents:

Ajax search, highlighting search terms

 Instant search: more timely and more useful

Audio and video player

function introduce
Integrated music player The theme has a built-in top global player (switching pages will not be interrupted) and a player inserted into the article to add more colors to the article. The player supports cloud resolution of Netease Cloud, QQ Music, Xiami Music and Baidu Music.
Built in video player Many bloggers are life bloggers, hoping to show some life videos on the broadcast. The theme has a built-in video player, but only supports playback .mp4. .avi .mkv And other video file suffixes.

Album category

 Photo album: share your happy moments with everyone

Chart statistics

You can clearly view the blog dynamics in the past 10 months and the number of blog posts, categories, and tags through the chart.

 Chart statistics: make everything visual

Most of the functions and themes have been built in, and switches are provided to reduce the trouble of finding plug-in adaptations. Let you focus on creating without being disturbed by other trivia.

Handsome has submitted more than 800 records since its release, and user feedback enables Handsome to do better.

function introduce
Article Tree Make the article structure clearer and support the screen size of computers and mobile phones
Code highlighting Applicable to users who need to display code
Mathjax formula support For users related to mathematical formulas
Picture light box Pop up window of pictures, more convenient for zooming in and downloading pictures
Picture delay loading Delay loading pictures in posts and blogs
Sticky Posts Display some of your articles on the top
Support CDN and image space acceleration Support image space to automatically replace pictures and static resource addresses in articles as your static space address
Support cdn image thumbnail automatic processing size If your cdn supports image processing, you can use the theme switch to automatically zoom the image size of the article and home page, so as to save more user traffic and improve speed and smoothness
Text layout enhancement Buttons can be inserted into articles, and other articles can be referenced to display in the form of article blocks. Articles can be inserted into expansion boxes, tab boxes, videos, music, highlighted references, labels, and photo albums
Article screenshot One button automatically generates the article sharing card, which is simple and good-looking.
Smooth Scrolling Make your mouse scroll more smoothly
Album module Simple creation method, supporting external link and internal link pictures
Bean Paste List Time machine Article archiving Message Board Friendly Links Github project Enrich the website module
Header rich customization The article can be illustrated or not It's up to you to simply send a life diary or officially publish a beautifully typeset article
Automatic identification of outer chain Small icons are automatically added to the external chain, and a new window is opened, while the link of this site is not refreshed and opened
Resources that do not need homepage rendering will be dynamically loaded Both code highlighting and mathjax dynamically load js only on the article page, and images of the emoticon and reward modules will only be loaded when the user clicks, so as to minimize the number of requests and speed up access
Local cache function Based on service work technology, visitor browser level caching will be realized. After opening the blog for the first time, the blog's js and css will be automatically cached. Subsequent visits will only pull a small amount of resources away, making the access speed reach the peak
Powerful usage documentation From installation to use, FAQs to function descriptions, 99% of the topics can be answered here
More powerful background settings For the first time, complete the appearance settings and basic settings to start using If you want more free configuration, try the enhanced functions in the advanced settings. Developers can also use them; You can configure your own blog without understanding and modifying the code. Use the mouse to select and cancel
User community Customized beautification tutorials provided by handhome users can make your blog more different
Work order system A problem solving platform similar to email, but also supports QQ online
And more It supports filling in the filing number, statistical code, adding custom css, html, js, pjax animation settings, and more details

Theme purchase

programme price
personal use 88 yuan/person

No price negotiation. Please indicate "Purchase Handsome Theme" when adding friends

Please click here to view the purchase instructions before purchasing

Handsome is my amateur project, Purchase means that you understand the following rules, otherwise please do not disturb , thank you for your support and understanding:

  • Before purchase:

    • Refund not supported : Because the theme is virtual goods, no refund for any reason is supported after purchasing the source code. Please read the function description of the theme introduction page before considering whether to purchase. You can consult before purchasing
    • Master the theme : The configuration of the theme does not need to modify the code, However, it requires certain document reading ability , if you do not want to see the document, please do not buy
    • Scope of use

      • The typecho theme supports versions 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2 of typecho. Not available for WordPress , supports MySQL, sqlite, Pgsql databases, Apache, nginx servers, and PHP5.6~php8.0 versions.
      • The theme has a domain name authorization mechanism. By default, it can authorize a domain name by itself. If it is your own site, Self service modification is available (No need for me to operate). If you need to authorize other sites (for your own use), you can contact me to add them manually (without any secondary payment). It supports the authorization of external and internal network (LAN) IP and domain names
      • The theme can be modified freely for self use, Do not migrate/migrate to other systems/platforms based on handsome , otherwise, please do not buy
  • After purchase:

    • After sales content : Theme After sales is responsible for questions related to theme setting, not any after-sales questions related to server configuration and typecho installation
    • After sales response : Because it is neither a robot nor a full-time after-sales service, Therefore, you may not be able to reply immediately. I will reply to you in my spare time. You can view the usage documents first to save each other's time. 99% of the questions have been written If it is not found in the document, you can describe the problem details and screenshots as much as possible and send them to me. When you see them, you will reply, usually in In hours Internal reply. If there is no reply, please remind me again
    • Provide free upgrade and update services : Handsome is still in the update cycle. The update cycle is not fixed. If there is time, more updates will be made. For details, please refer to the update log at the end of the article
    • Personalized customization service is not supported : You can put forward any of your suggestions and ideas, but you will consider various factors comprehensively. It is not guaranteed that you will adopt them. Please understand.
  • summary : After purchase, you will get: 88 yuan= Handsome theme+supporting plug-ins+free follow-up updates+basic after-sales service (theme related)


Handsome Theme User Usage Protocol

Purchase process:

  1. Scan directly first The QR code in the purchase method or payment by transfer (pre-sales consultation is available if there is any problem). Please note the contact information QQ when making payment
  2. Then contact me through the following contact information (Please note "Purchase Handsome Theme"). After seeing it, you will immediately respond to the application and process, and send the related documents of your theme through QQ

  3. Enjoy theme after-sales service (including issues related to theme setting)

Purchase method:

 Scan QR code for payment, click to enlarge the clear version

Working with Documents

The content mentioned in the help document will not be replied.

Please discuss non topic related issues and customized function modification issues in the exchange group

Due to space, only the latest log is displayed. Please refer to Handsome Theme Update Log

Update log

Updated to 9.2.0 on August 6, 2023

newly added
  • The layout of the home page has been newly adjusted. The size of the head map strictly follows the 8:3 scale. Before that, there might be no resolution error, but now it is more tidy. At the same time, in different resolutions, multiple articles will be automatically selected and displayed side by side according to the width
  • Some minor adjustments have been made to the UI style layout, and more uniform UI style optimization has been carried out at many places and the bottom of the right sidebar as a whole
  • The mobile phone terminal adds a button to call up big search
  • The bottom menu supports customization. You can remove built-in buttons or add custom links! Customize bottom menu
  • Update the vditor version, optimize the automatic uploading function of the external link images, and add more error prompts
  • Fix article preview white screen problem
  • Fix the image problem of the watercress list
  • Fix the problem of using the time machine browser plug-in
  • Fix separate page encryption

Last modification: June 28, 2024
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