CMD under Windows has an embarrassing interface and many disadvantages: it does not support Linux commands and git commands. However, the emergence of cmder solves these problems. So let's use cmder to replace the default command line terminal of Windows.

Be sure to unzip the cmder to a non Chinese path, or an error will occur!!!

Configure cmder.exe to the environment variable

Computer properties - Advanced system settings - Advanced - Environment variables - Double click Path to open the editing window - Click New - Fill in the folder directory where your cmder.exe is located
After adding, Win+r once enters cmder, it can be opened!

Add cmder.exe to the context menu

Enter the following statement on the administrator permission terminal:

 Cmder.exe /REGISTER ALL

Change prompt symbols

The default is λ , change to common $
Open the clink.lua Files, searching λ , replace all with $ That's it! (1.3.1 The full version is valid for personal testing)

Common shortcut keys

ctrl + `Global call!
alt + enter Full screen display, cancel full screen display
ctrl + r Historical Command Search

Reference article

Compulsory artifact under Win Cmder

Last modification: February 10, 2017
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