I don't know since when. There is a date on everything. The saury will expire, the canned meat will expire, and even the fresh-keeping paper will expire. I began to wonder what else in the world will not expire?

This sentence often appears in the selection of famous lines in high school compositions

Every day you have the opportunity to pass many people, and you may not know them, but perhaps one day he will become your friend or bosom friend.

I watched the film tonight.

Watching the whole movie, the whole people were confused and didn't understand the theme. He told two love stories: one about He Debin who fell in love with the woman who killed him, and the other about Fei, a young girl who has been secretly in love with 663 policemen. Is the theme about love? There is no clear story line in the whole movie. Is there any inevitable connection between the two stories? The final outcome is OK. The score of Douban was 8.6!, However, I haven't seen any profound reviews, most of which are detailed.

However, I would like to start with my "impressions".

When we like something, we always think about how to "own" it and also covetously want to "permanently own" it. This may be a human nature. I also remembered that the younger brother in "Time Thieves" pointed to the exchange card and said to his brother, "Look, it's always effective!"! The elder brother said to his younger brother Luo Jiner, "Little brother, nothing in the world is always effective.". It's a sad sentence, but the truth is that. What is always valid? Some people say love, some say kinship, some say kinship. However, these people who are important to us in life will only pass through our life, and we will only be alone in our life journey.

So, when I like something, when I like a person, I will not yearn for forever. It is very happy to have good memories. It is enough to have the honor to experience the things I like! Cherish everything you like, instead of worrying about when it will expire.


Last modification: March 23, 2019
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