This article is a summary of the end of 2020.

Annual summary:

On the fifth/sixth day of the first month in 2021, I finally have time to write the year-end summary of this year.

The year 2020 may be an extraordinary year for the world, a year to witness history, but for me, it is a very ordinary year. I am not a medical worker, a graduate student, a 996 migrant worker, or a tenant in an eggshell thunderstorm.

But 2020 is my busiest year. Being busy can make people forget a lot of things and also make people think about life changes.

Endless work

As long as you want to do the work, you can always do it. There is no end. Therefore, we must do our best, not oppress ourselves to the point that we cannot breathe.

At the beginning of 2020, he will have a high fever and be afraid that it is COVID-19. He will get well in two weeks and start to be busy again Winter vacation assignment for Grade One - geek cloud conference - friend C

After the winter vacation, the school began to work remotely. Scala, which we just learned before winter vacation, is the main project language of the laboratory. At the beginning of this semester, the lab has a new major project - streaming media system theia. Our leader finally decided to use C++as the technology stack for development.

Although I passed the C++test in the first postgraduate exam, I managed to cope with it. At that time, I didn't even hear the term modern C++... nor did I learn systematically. I began to become familiar with it while developing.

Streaming media is something that seems strange to me and obscure at the bottom.

In addition, we also investigated the UI library of c++, hoping to choose a lighter one instead of QT, and finally choose wxwidgets.

In the first semester of the second semester, we basically devoted ourselves to the development of this project. The laboratory has successively completed an OBS like host streaming end, two person voice call, multi person voice conference, and multi person voice/video (desktop capture, camera) conference. The technologies involved are ffmpeg jrtplib、websocket、p2p、sfu、mesh、 Audio and video codec and processing.

For me, it is not only the growth of knowledge, but also a little more assurance in thinking about things than before.

This year, we also naturally became the team leader of the laboratory. For example, the first group of students from Yancheng 0, who were all guaranteed researchers, came to work in the laboratory in their senior year.

This is our final software screenshot. The year-end summary meeting of our laboratory (24 people) was completed through this software.


During this period, the most painful thing was probably many surveys. From scratch, I didn't understand anything, read ICE documents, or understand the process of p2p hole drilling, and analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of various conference architectures.

This year, the projects in our laboratory also became "formal". The processes and technologies used in the development were close to the current industrial standards, and the technologies used were also semi low-level. Instead of using Java and Scala to upgrade the database on the virtual machine, although simple, there was no way to modify problems. Although I did a few projects this year, I thought a lot. The technical documents of last year will be sorted and released recently.

The title of this small chapter is "Endless work". It is almost non-stop all the year round. It is really common to work overtime for the laboratory for free! When the task is completed this week, new work will be assigned in the next week, and there is almost no breathing space. The work was basically completed in February this year.


I went to Harbin on National Day.

This trip has a great impact on my subsequent state this year.

First of all, this is my first time to travel alone (not the first time to take the train alone). I took the initiative to go.

The former classmates in Harbin were there. Before we go, we will discuss what kind of homestay to order and where to play.

In fact, I am a very easy person to spoil the fun. Apart from the communication in laboratory work and between dormitories and roommates, the communication with people in real life is almost zero. And the communication on the network often makes us lose ourselves, which is a kind of "false prosperity".

The travel notes of the trip are not detailed here. In fact, it's very happy, but there are also many unhappy times.

When I get along with others, I especially like to hide my emotions, and I am especially afraid of others' emotions.

But in fact, a sensitive person is selfish because he only considers whether his feelings have been taken care of by others, instead of jumping out to consider others' feelings.

The most profound conclusion I got is that the most important thing to get along with people is to be comfortable. It's painful to be a person no matter how you are or how you stay together. It's not appropriate to be friends or become more intimate.


After returning from Harbin in October, I started to keep accounts. I think this is a good habit, and it is not too difficult to adhere to. After all, the daily expenses are just about meals. Every time I wait for takeout or on the way to the elevator, I will keep accounts.

In order to avoid anxiety during the period of taking delivery and returning to the work station, we set the rule of "what can be done in free time":

  • Bookkeeping
  • Organize bear
  • Sort out the tick list

    • Organize the collection box
    • Task allocation breakdown
    • Time adjustment

We'll talk about bear and the tick list later.

Since the first semester of the second year of graduate school, the salary of the school's laboratory has been raised for us, so it can support the living expenses.

The original intention of bookkeeping was to let myself know how much I spent and how much I still have. In order to know what to buy and what not to buy.


Although the annual fee of members who opened the ticker list in April, they actually rely on the ticker list frequently from December.

At that time, the reason was that I was always inattentive when I was working, and I didn't know what I had done every day. I was dizzy and even worked overtime, but there were only a few things I could finish.

To solve this problem, I can set the following rules:

  • As long as you work, you must turn on the tomato clock
  • No listening to music while working


December can only be regarded as slightly higher use. Just use it to record the to-do list. When I went home to work remotely in January, I reconstructed my list.

In a book on GTD time planning I read earlier, we have two ways:

  • First, we rely entirely on our brain to remember the work we need to do
  • The second is to give the list to remember completely. We just need to follow the list

It is not usually memorized by the brain, but half by myself, so I sorted out the process of task recording, sorting, arrangement and completion according to the tick list.

In January, the focus of work shifted from the laboratory to "looking for internships", so more planning and arrangement were needed.

A long time ago, my monthly plans were written directly on the markdown software, but I found that the implementation was extremely poor. Because we don't open them every day, we often forget about them.

The new monthly, weekly and daily planning process is realized through the tick list+time reminder, which can remind me more of the tasks that have not been completed.

Wait until the time for the tick list is longer, then write your own use experience.


I am a software controller. I like to download similar software and choose the "best" one.

But now I always remind myself that no idea or idea can be the best, but only in line with the present, so we must constantly modify and change to make it gradually close to perfection.

The task plan is like this, so are your own life processes and the software you use.

I wrote an article about the selection of markdown editor before Whole equipment markdown writing guide - Friend C

But my choice is mweb. The main reason is that the buyout system is convenient at 128 yuan.

But one day in November, I suddenly wanted to change a software.

The reasons for dissatisfaction with the current mweb software are:

  • The ios terminal needs to be purchased additionally, and the interface is not good, that is, the whole platform experience is not good
  • It's very troublesome to choose the classification

The most important thing is that I have to open a dialog box every time to select a category. The mouse selection is very difficult, which leads to many of my notes are not classified.

The bear tag replaces the classified article system management, making classification particularly simple. In addition, the whole Apple ecological support is very good, and the interface is much better than that of mweb.

So I turned to bear, and the purchased mweb3 has not been used for a year (the purchased mweb2 that I have been using before has been used for more than a year).

It was also at this time that I gradually got used to "subscription based payment", because it brought different experiences. (Although the update of bear is really slow, there are few bugs in the existing functions and the experience is excellent)


The current recording process is not without problems. The biggest problem is that there are too many fragments recorded frequently and they are not organized enough to make their own words more in-depth.

In addition, there is no fixed process to collect, sort out and review some thoughts about watching videos and brushing watercress. These need me to improve.


Everyone knows that keeping a diary is a good habit. But some people say that serious people who write diaries.

Since primary school, the teacher has asked to keep a diary. Now we still keep a diary like a running book at home, which makes us feel different.

Personally, I think the function of keeping a diary is to make myself feel the existence of time.

Because as the days go by, if we don't write something, as if time had never happened, this is also the "quantitative life" I am slowly implementing.

"Quantifying life" is not only a simple record, but also a knowledge. Many people who are obsessed with it develop a series of methods and theories. Unfortunately, I am still trying. Quantitative life - Wikipedia, free encyclopedia

When the epidemic started, I said that I would keep a diary this year.

Start by finding a piece of software.

On Android, I used "a diary", with beautiful interface and appropriate price. A little longer ago, when I was just in college, I used "Youdaoyun Notes" to keep a diary. Although I didn't write much about it, it still exists today.

On iOS, I finally chose Daymore, a 38 yuan buyout system. The details of the interface can see the author's intentions. The experience was very good. But in December, I want to replace it. The reason is that it can only be written on mobile phones.

But sometimes when I am at the computer and want to record some things today, it is very troublesome. This main reason, let me find a new software - Gezhi diary.

In fact, I downloaded this software before, but I think that a diary is divided into a fixed number of boxes to fill in, which is not free and very troublesome! But now it suits me very well. Most of the time, I don't know where to start my diary. The fixed grids can remind me what happened today and what needs to be recorded.

 Screenshot 2021-02-16 23.40.39.png

The subscription fee is 128 yuan a year, which is acceptable.

At present, it is decided to continue using this software, so I have imported all the contents of the previous diary, Youdao Cloud Notes and daymore here.

Importing is tricky, because Gezhi diary only supports importing data from "day one" diary. So I first exported these software data and wrote a python script to convert the format into the data of the day.

Ihewro/daymore2day one: the data exported by the daymore software is transferred to the day one (github. com)

Netease Cloud has been using it since college to post a lot of hypocritical updates. Taking this opportunity, Netease Cloud also wrote a script to delete all the updates. Before deleting, it saved all the updates and converted them into an imported format.
Ihewro/deletetease: save and delete all Netease Cloud updates (github. com)

 Screenshot 2021-02-17 14.25.37.png


The end of the first semester of graduate school indicates that we are beginning to look for internships. Spring recruit and autumn recruit are two important time points for taking an offer before graduation.

There will always be people who are ahead of schedule. So and so have been practicing for a month, and those who find the news of internship have become numb.

At present, the biggest anxiety may be to find internships, which is also a challenge for me.

"The opportunities for young people are unlimited, and so are young people.". But don't be so pessimistic. Although many people are ahead of me, there are always other opportunities waiting.

Like a recent favorite picture:

 Please enter a picture description

My experience is not to think so much, such as the question of "what is the purpose of living", which has no answer and no result, but to focus on everything we need to do at the moment is the right way, such as "going to the dock to order French fries", such as "going out for a short walk".

In a word, anxiety is useless, what it is is what it is, and what it has been is untraceable.


Change and aging

This year, perhaps because of the busy work, I have less time for affectation. At the end of last year, things that still needed to be rejected and my good friends cried like the world would abandon me.

But now we are slowly seeing changes in everything. Human changes are always subtle and let me ignore them. But when I come back to my senses, I often feel that some time flies.

 Please enter a picture description

The students of the Student Union who worked with me in my freshman year have now become selling teachers.

The circle of friends of primary school students even basked in children. A few years ago, I didn't think much of the news that the post-90s are 30 years old, but now I feel a bit of fear.

The whole family went to the temple near their home for the Spring Festival this year, and we went to the same place for the Spring Festival in 2019. Now look at the photos taken in the past two years, I will find many changes in myself. In appearance, the face shape seems to be less compact than before. I've always hated myself before, but now I'm afraid I will even more despise myself. But now I don't have such high requirements for myself, just be clean and happy.

As I said before, we have always been at the best moment of the moment without knowing it, and we can only regret it when we look back. I hope there are fewer such moments of regret, and I hope I can better grasp every moment now.


When it comes to aging, death is a taboo topic. It's still scary to think of this topic occasionally late at night. At least it shows that we are still having a good time and afraid of death.

It reappears in my mind that one day we will disappear from the world forever. This fact that cannot be reversed and changed makes me feel uneasy.

The meaning of life does not lie in what we get, because we can't keep anything in the end, but it does not mean that we don't want to fight for anything. We must obtain some to get a better life experience, but we cannot give up life in order to pursue a better life experience.

We can fight and work hard, but don't make yourself look like a ghost or a ghost for the sake of struggle. I think it is unworthy of being depressed and having no happiness in life.

This picture is seen from Douban, and the comments below this post are also wonderful.

Some people say that they are satirizing the strivers. They have fought for their whole life, rejected all temptations, and thought they could get some rewards. In fact, the reward of life is the journey itself.

Some people say that this picture means that our understanding of the meaning of life is not to gain anything, but the journey itself. The cartoon also changes the image of death from a life seeker to a giver.

I personally agree with the second view, that is, this picture is not to encourage us to accept some temptation, not to encourage us to become materialistic and become more hedonistic, but to let us understand life more deeply. Life is busy and we are always moving forward, not to get any reward at the end of life, All of life is living itself.

Information Age

In fact, the extreme popularity of mobile phones has only been nearly 10 years, but it seems that it has become a consensus of the society. It has always existed and has been inextricably linked with our human beings.

This is a bit strange, especially the explosive growth of Internet information in recent years. I think we should be a little vigilant. Because these media or networks can easily make us stand in line and lose our independent thinking.

Independent thinking is painful, because it means that we need to find corresponding information, data or enough life experiences to support us to reach a valid conclusion. But now in the information age, we don't need to think about official media, big V, top setting and traffic. We see that everyone says so, as if this thing must be correct.

In addition, the Internet era has made the atmosphere of discussion even bigger, and people are particularly prone to confrontation. In particular, gender opposition. I didn't pay much attention to this before, but now I use watercress more. The comment area on watercress is always trying to find a new way to argue about gender opposition. I support women for gender equality, but do they really help gender equality by abusing them in every way. There may be, but it is also because of the bad name that it gains fear rather than respect.

These problems are to a large extent social problems. The society is not rich and strong, and there is no progress. In fact, there is no way to solve these problems very well.

My own view of the information age is that information is pervasive in our brains. Don't you read microblog? Ok, Zhihu will give you a push, and Zhihu will not use it. The public account will give you a push. WeChat will never be used. I can easily get involved in many things, so it is good for me to control the acceptance of information, because there are really not so many important things to worry about.


Well, I've written a lot of messy things. I haven't written articles of this sort for a long time. The more I write, the worse it gets. Although I didn't write much before Here are some of my best things in 2020, to share and record.

  • Favorite album of the year 💽
    "Close recognition and readability"

Flip around and listen, in addition to like there is only like it.

  • Best APP of the Year

Tick List
Lattice log
Qingju bookkeeping

Nomination Award:

At the end, I would like to write my own feelings. I often see comments like "Why do you listen to such an awesome song? Nobody loves me..." in the song comment area.

I used to have a similar idea. After listening to such an elegant song, it seems that "Extraordinary Wulin" is a little more special than others. Now I remind myself not to turn any external things into their own labels or content worth showing off.

Of course, listening to more types of songs, watching more movies, books, and touching more things will make us think more, but that does not mean that people who have not seen or done these things are special. We do these things only because we want to do them, not because we prove that we are more special than others.

The annual goal has not been written yet, and the number of articles written this year has decreased. I hope that the blog can post more articles in the new year. See for the next article.

Last modification: January 22, 2023
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