It will be my birthday in 20 minutes.

In fact, at an old age, I don't value birthdays so much. I care about some blessings among friends, rather than the so-called birthday cake.

I didn't want to write anything at this time, because I can't write anything in 20 minutes. But when I think about it, I don't need to write anything eloquent or pretentious.

I think this time may be a good new start.

After going through the work and family affairs during the epidemic, I can feel some changes in myself. Because of the busy work, although I complain and feel tired, I spend most of my time learning to solve problems rather than thinking about things.

Now in a modern era, I used to reject such things that were too entertaining, such as station b, such as dithering, such as Zhihu, such as groundbreaking news. So that's why my undergraduate project was an rss subscriber, because I felt that reducing external interference would make me more efficient.

But I found that it was not. I still didn't want to work when there was no entertainment. I still procrastinate, because in such an information age, I can't completely isolate technology. More importantly, entertainment and efficiency do not conflict with self-discipline.

I watched a video today. It said that the human brain has two regions. One is the limbic system, which is responsible for guiding our entertainment, and the other is the prefrontal cortex, which guides our work and learning. The delay is clearly the victory of the marginal system. and Anxiety, frustration, bad mood It is very, very, very manufacturing that makes our edge system easier to win.

For me, an important goal in the future is Minimize negative emotions This may be a way to keep my life on track, rather than letting myself not play games or watch videos. What I want to tell myself is that the absence of negative emotions is far more important than wasted time.

Negative emotions come from many aspects for me. For example, seeing excellent people of the same age can even increase my anxiety. But when I put the removal of negative emotions in the first place, whether I am making progress and being better, these things are not so important, but not so anxious, and life may be more regulated. In other words Negative emotions can make us seem to care about life very much and seriously, but actually they can only help.

The other is my title. "Heart Wants Wild" is my favorite album. One of the songs is "Man Stealing the Moon".

I hope that when communicating with people, I don't attach too much importance to something, and don't be too afraid to lose something or relationships. Just show myself. I just express my opinion if I think it is correct.

I seldom wrote such words this year, because what I know is that no matter how much I write or how deeply I feel, it is not as useful as continuous practice in life.


Last modification: July 31, 2020
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