A big river

Z-BLOG map plug-in, supporting TXT, HTML and XML formats

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Yanzu dedicated Sitemap (XML+TXT+HTML)
Z-BlogPHP plug-in
2022-01-11 18:05
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Several map tools have been used in the store, but they are not suitable. They need to be developed by themselves. They support XML, TXT and HTML Sitemaps (hard to develop, please do not remove the copyright).

If you fail to access the map link, please confirm whether it is set Pseudo static

  • Comment List
  • Passerby A   On November 10, 2022-10 00:06:39
  • Boss, I hope you can add a paging function to the plug-in.
    The maximum number of links in a single xml is 50000. For websites with a large number of articles, one sitemap. xml is not enough.
    Add pages such as sitemap_1.xml and sitemap_2.xml to ensure that website links can be submitted to the search platform.
    I hope you can accept my suggestions. Thank you very much!
    • Great River   On November 10, 2022-10, 13:34:25
    • You can use Tu Tu's: https://app.zblogcn.com/?id=1758
  • Encyclopedia of good policies   At 19:24:58 on April 30, 2023
  • The plug-in is very easy to use. It is the SITEMAP plug-in that ZBLOG thinks is the best to use for free! (Those charged have not used - _ -!)
    However, the following prompt will appear on my website XML map:
    This page contains the following errors:
    error on line 2 at column 6: XML declaration allowed only at the start of the document
    Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error.
    • Great River   At 09:52:00 on May 2, 2023
    • Reference solution: https://bbs.zblogcn.com/thread-104733.html
  • hqy   On 2024-03-14 00:53:19
  • With version 1.3, Google still prompts that your site map or site map index file does not correctly declare the namespace at 1 place where the namespace is incorrect. Example line 1 tag: What about urlset? This is the xml format that Google can recognize https://www.xxx.com 2018-12-20 T 14:13:59+00:00 1.0
    • Great River   At 11:24:51 on March 15, 2024
    • For the latest version, you can customize the namespace or use the txt map format.
  • evo   At 21:40:13 on May 7, 2024
  • It's really hard work to develop such plug-ins


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