Write in front

# Author: free-andy

# Blog: A big river

# Github: php-dict

# License: Apache 2.0

#Respect the achievements of others' labor, and use them from famous sources


array_change_key_case - change all key names in the array to all uppercase or lowercase

array_chunk - split an array into multiple

array_column - return a column specified in the array

array_combine - Create an array with the value of one array as its key name and the value of another array as its value

array_count_values - Count all values in the array

array_diff_assoc - difference set of computed array with index check

array_diff_key - use key name comparison to calculate the difference set of an array

array_diff_uassoc - Use the callback function provided by the user to check the index to calculate the difference set of the array

array_diff_ukey - Compare and calculate the difference set of the array with the callback function for the key name

array_diff - calculate the difference set of an array

array_fill_keys - fill the array with the specified key and value

array_fill - fill the array with the given value

array_filter - Filter cells in the array with callback functions

array_flip - swap keys and values in an array

array_intersect_assoc - intersection of computed arrays with index check

array_intersect_key - use key name comparison to calculate the intersection of arrays

array_intersect_uassoc - Check and calculate the intersection of arrays with indexes, and compare indexes with callback functions

array_intersect_ukey - Use callback function to compare key names to calculate the intersection of arrays

array_intersect - calculate the intersection of arrays

array_key_exists - Check whether there is a specified key name or index in the array

array_key_first — Gets the first key of an array

array_key_last — Gets the last key of an array

array_keys - return some or all key names in the array

array_map - apply a callback function to each element of the array

array_merge_recursive - recursively merge one or more arrays

array_merge - merge one or more arrays

array_multisort - Sort multiple arrays or multidimensional arrays

array_pad - Fill a value into the array with the specified length

array_pop - Pop the last cell of the array (out of stack)

array_product - calculate the product of all values in the array

array_push - push one or more cells to the end of the array (stack)

array_rand - randomly take one or more cells from the array

array_reduce - Use callback functions to iteratively simplify the array to a single value

array_replace_recursive - recursively replace the elements of the first array with the passed array

array_replace - Replace the elements of the first array with the passed array

array_reverse - returns an array with cells in reverse order

array_search - Search the array for the given value, and return the first corresponding key name if successful

array_shift - Move the cell at the beginning of the array out of the array

array_slice - take a segment from the array

array_splice - remove a part of the array and replace it with other values

array_sum - sum all values in the array

array_udiff_assoc - Check the difference set of the calculated array with index, and compare the data with the callback function

array_udiff_uassoc - Check the difference set of the calculated array with index, and compare the data and index with the callback function

array_udiff - Use the callback function to compare data to calculate the difference set of the array

array_uintersect_assoc - Check the intersection of the calculated array with index, and compare the data with the callback function

array_uintersect_uassoc - Check the intersection of calculated arrays with indexes, and compare data and indexes with separate callback functions

array_uintersect - Calculate the intersection of arrays and compare data with callback functions

array_unique - remove duplicate values from the array

array_unshift - insert one or more cells at the beginning of the array

array_values - return all values in the array

array_walk_recursive - recursively apply the user function to each member of the array

array_walk - Use user-defined functions to callback each element in the array

array - Create a new array

arsort - Reverse sort the array and maintain the index relationship

asort - Sort arrays and maintain index relationships

compact - Create an array, including variable names and their values

count - Calculate the number of cells in the array or the number of attributes in the object

current - return the current cell in the array

each - Return the current key/value pair in the array and move the array pointer forward one step

end - point the internal pointer of the array to the last cell

extract - Import variables from the array into the current symbol table

in_array - Check whether a value exists in the array

key_exists - alias array_key_exists

key - get the key name from the associative array

krsort - Reverse sort the array by key name

ksort - Sort the array by key name

list - Assign the values in the array to a group of variables

natcasesort - Use the "natural sorting" algorithm to sort the array without case sensitivity

natsort - Sort the array with the "natural sort" algorithm

next - move the internal pointer in the array forward one bit

pos - Alias of current

prev - rewind the internal pointer of the array to one bit

range - Create an array according to the range, containing the specified elements

reset - point the internal pointer of the array to the first cell

rsort - reverse sort the array

shuffle - scramble the array

sizeof - Alias of count

sort - sort the array

uasort - Use user-defined comparison functions to sort the values in the array and maintain index associations

uksort - Sort the key names in the array using user-defined comparison functions

usort - Use user-defined comparison functions to sort the values in the array

character string

addcslashes - Escape characters in strings using backslashes in C style

addslashes - use backslash to reference strings

bin2hex - function converts binary string containing data to hexadecimal value

chop - alias of rtrim

chr - Return the specified character

chunk_split - Split the string into small pieces

convert_cyr_string - Convert characters from one Cyrillic character to another

convert_uudecode - Decode a uuencode encoded string

convert_uuencode - Use uuencode to encode a string

count_chars - Returns information about the characters used in the string

crc32 - calculate the crc32 polynomial of a string

crypt - One way string hash

echo - output one or more strings

explode - use one string to split another string

fprintf - Write the formatted string to the stream

get_html_translation_table - Return the conversion table after using htmlspecialchars and htmlentities

hebrev - Convert logical Hebrew to visual Hebrew

hebrevc - convert logical Hebrew to visual Hebrew, and convert line breaks

hex2bin - convert hexadecimal string to binary string

html_entity_decode — Convert HTML entities to their corresponding characters

htmlentities - Convert characters to HTML escape characters

htmlspecialchars_decode - Convert special HTML entities back to normal characters

htmlspecialchars - Convert special characters to HTML entities

implode - convert the value of a one-dimensional array to a string

join - alias implicit

lcfirst - make the first character of a string lowercase

levenshtein - calculate the edit distance between two strings

localeconv — Get numeric formatting information

ltrim - Delete the blank character (or other characters) at the beginning of the string

md5_file - Calculate the MD5 hash value of the specified file

md5 - Compute the MD5 hash value of the string

metaphone — Calculate the metaphone key of a string

money_format - format a number into a currency string

nl_langinfo — Query language and locale information

nl2br - Insert HTML line break tags before all new lines in the string

number_format - format a number as a thousand separator

ord - convert the first byte of the string to a value between 0-255

parse_str - Parse a string into multiple variables

print - Output string

printf - Output format string

quoted_printable_decode - Convert quoted printable string to 8-bit string

quoted_printable_encode - Convert 8-bit string to quoted printable string

quotemeta - escape metacharacterset

rtrim - Delete the blank characters (or other characters) at the end of the string

setlocale - Set region information

sha1_file - Calculate the sha1 hash value of the file

sha1 - calculate the sha1 hash value of the string

similar_text - Calculate the similarity of two strings

soundex — Calculate the soundex key of a string

sprintf — Return a formatted string

sscanf - Parse the characters entered according to the specified format

str_getcsv - Parse CSV string into an array

str_ireplace - Ignore case version of str_replace

str_pad - fill the string with another string to the specified length

str_repeat - repeat a string

str_replace - substring replacement

str_rot13 - ROT13 conversion on string

str_shuffle - random scrambling of a string

str_split - convert a string to an array

str_word_count - Returns the usage of words in a string

strcasecmp - binary secure comparison string (case insensitive)

strchr - alias strstr

strcmp - binary security string comparison

strcoll - Locale based string comparison

strcspn - get the length of the starting substring of the unmatched mask

strip_tags - Remove HTML and PHP tags from strings

stripcslashes - De reference a string escaped with addcslashes

stripos - Find the first occurrence of the string (case insensitive)

stripslashes - back reference a reference string

stristr - Ignore case version of strstr function

strlen - Get string length

strnatcasecmp - compare strings using the "natural order" algorithm (case insensitive)

strnatcmp - compare strings using a natural sort algorithm

strncasecmp - Several characters at the beginning of the binary security comparison string (case insensitive)

strncmp - Several characters at the beginning of the binary security comparison string

strpbrk - Find any character of a group of characters in the string

strpos - Find the first occurrence of the string

strrchr - Find the last occurrence of the specified character in the string

strrev - Invert string

strripos - Calculate the last occurrence position of the specified string in the target string (case insensitive)

strrpos - Calculate the last occurrence position of the specified string in the target string

strspn - Calculate the length of the first substring in which all characters in the string exist in the specified character set.

strstr - Find the first occurrence of a string

strtok - mark split string

strtolower - convert string to lowercase

strtoupper - convert string to uppercase

strtr - Convert specified characters

substr_compare - binary security comparison string (compare specified length from offset)

substr_count - count the number of occurrences of the string

substr_replace - substring of replacement string

substr - return a substring of a string

trim - Remove the blank characters (or other characters) at the beginning and end of the string

ucfirst - convert the first letter of the string to uppercase

ucwords - convert the first letter of each word in the string to uppercase

vfprintf - write the formatted string to the stream

vprintf - Output format string

vsprintf - return formatted string

wordwrap - Break the string to a specified number of strings

Multi byte string

mb_check_encoding - Check whether the string is valid in the specified code

mb_chr — Get a specific character

mb_convert_case - case conversion of strings

mb_convert_encoding - Encoding of converted characters

mb_convert_kana — Convert "kana" one from another ("zen-kaku", "han-kaku" and more)

mb_convert_variables - Convert character encoding of one or more variables

mb_decode_mimeheader - Decode the string in the MIME header field

mb_decode_numericentity - Decode into characters based on HTML numeric strings

mb_detect_encoding - Detect the encoding of characters

mb_detect_order - Set/acquire the detection order of character encoding

mb_encode_mimeheader - encode string for MIME header

mb_encode_numericentity — Encode character to HTML numeric string reference

mb_encoding_aliases — Get aliases of a known encoding type

mb_ereg_match — Regular expression match for multibyte string

mb_ereg_replace_callback — Perform a regular expression search and replace with multibyte support using a callback

mb_ereg_replace — Replace regular expression with multibyte support

mb_ereg_search_getpos — Returns start point for next regular expression match

mb_ereg_search_getregs — Retrieve the result from the last multibyte regular expression match

mb_ereg_search_init — Setup string and regular expression for a multibyte regular expression match

mb_ereg_search_pos — Returns position and length of a matched part of the multibyte regular expression for a predefined multibyte string

mb_ereg_search_regs — Returns the matched part of a multibyte regular expression

mb_ereg_search_setpos — Set start point of next regular expression match

mb_ereg_search — Multibyte regular expression match for predefined multibyte string

mb_ereg — Regular expression match with multibyte support

mb_eregi_replace — Replace regular expression with multibyte support ignoring case

mb_eregi — Regular expression match ignoring case with multibyte support

mb_get_info - Get the internal settings of mbstring

mb_http_input - Detect HTTP input character encoding

mb_http_output - Set/get the HTTP output character code

mb_internal_encoding - Set/get internal character encoding

mb_language - Set/get the current language

mb_list_encodings - return all arrays that support encoding

mb_ord — Get code point of character

mb_output_handler - callback function for converting character encoding in output buffer

mb_parse_str - Parse GET/POST/COOKIE data and set global variables

mb_preferred_mime_name - get MIME string

mb_regex_encoding — Set/Get character encoding for multibyte regex

mb_regex_set_options — Set/Get the default options for mbregex functions

mb_scrub — Description

mb_send_mail - Send encoded messages

mb_split - use regular expressions to split multi byte strings

mb_strcut - Get a part of the character

mb_strimwidth - Get the string truncated by the specified width

mb_stripos - case insensitive search for the first occurrence of a string in another string

mb_stristr - Case insensitive search for the first occurrence of a string in another string

mb_strlen - get the length of the string

mb_strpos - Find the first occurrence of a string in another string

mb_strrchr - Find the last occurrence of the specified character in another string

mb_strrichr - Case insensitive search for the last occurrence of a specified character in another string

mb_strripos - Case insensitive search for the last occurrence of a string in the string

mb_strrpos - Find the last occurrence of a string

mb_strstr - Find the first occurrence of a string in another string

mb_strtolower - make the string lowercase

mb_strtoupper - capitalize the string

mb_strwidth - the width of the returned string

mb_substitute_character - Set/get alternate characters

mb_substr_count - Count the number of occurrences of strings

mb_substr - Get some strings

Variable processing

boolval - Get the Boolean value of the variable

debug_zval_dump — Dumps a string representation of an internal zend value to output

doubleval - alias of floatval

empty - Check whether a variable is empty

floatval - Get the floating point value of the variable

get_defined_vars - returns an array of all defined variables

get_resource_type - return resource type

gettype - Get the type of variable

import_request_variables - Import GET/POST/Cookie variables into the global scope

intval - Get the integer value of the variable

is_array - Check whether the variable is an array

is_bool - Check whether the variable is Boolean

is_callable - Check whether the parameter is a legal callable structure

is_countable — Verify that the contents of a variable is a countable value

is_double - alias of is_float

is_float - Check whether the variable is floating point

is_int - Check whether the variable is an integer

is_integer - alias of is_int

is_iterable — Verify that the contents of a variable is an iterable value

is_long - alias of is_int

is_null - Check whether the variable is NULL

is_numeric - detect whether the variable is a number or a numeric string

is_object - Check whether the variable is an object

is_real - alias of is_float

is_resource - Check whether the variable is of resource type

is_scalar - Check whether the variable is a scalar

is_string - detect whether the variable is a string

isset - Check whether the variable is set and not NULL

print_r - Print variables in an easy to understand format.

serialize - Generate a storable representation of the value

settype - Set the type of variable

strval - Get the string value of the variable

unserialize - Create PHP values from stored representations

unset - Release the given variable

var_dump - Print information about variables

var_export - Output or return a string representation of a variable

file system

basename - Return the file name part in the path

chgrp - Change the group to which the file belongs

chmod - Change file mode

chown - Change the owner of the file

clearstatcache - Clear file status cache

copy - Copy files

delete - See unlink or unset

dirname - Return the directory part in the path

disk_free_space - Return the free space in the directory

disk_total_space - Returns the total disk size of a directory

diskfreespace - Alias of disk_free_space

fclose - close an open file pointer

feof - Test whether the file pointer has reached the end of the file

fflush - Output buffered content to file

fgetc - read characters from the file pointer

fgetcsv - Read a line from the file pointer and parse the CSV field

fgets - read a line from the file pointer

fgetss - Read a line from the file pointer and filter out HTML tags

file_exists - Check if the file or directory exists

file_get_contents - read the entire file into a string

file_put_contents - write a string to a file

file - Read the entire file into an array

fileatime - Get the last access time of the file

filectime - Get the inode modification time of the file

filegroup - the group that gets the file

fileinode - Get the inode of the file

filemtime - Obtain the document modification time

fileowner - The owner who obtained the document

fileperms - Access to files

filesize - Get file size

filetype - Get file type

flock - Lightweight consultation file locking

fnmatch - match file names with patterns

fopen - Open file or URL

fpassthru - Output all remaining data at the file pointer

fputcsv - Format line as CSV and write file pointer

fputs - alias of fwrite

fread - Read files (safe for binary files)

fscanf - Formatting input from a file

fseek - locate in the file pointer

fstat - Get file information through the opened file pointer

ftell - Return the read/write position of the file pointer

ftruncate - truncate the file to the given length

fwrite - Write file (safe for binary files)

glob - Find the file path matching the pattern

is_dir - Determine whether the given file name is a directory

is_executable - Judge whether the given file name is executable

is_file - Judge whether the given file name is a normal file

is_link - Judge whether the given file name is a symbolic connection

is_readable - Judge whether the given file name is readable

is_uploaded_file - Determine whether the file is uploaded through HTTP POST

is_writable - Determine whether the given file name is writable

is_writeable - alias of is_writable

lchgrp - Modify all groups of symbolic links

lchown - Modify the owner of the symbolic link

link - Establish a hard connection

linkinfo - Get information about a connection

lstat - Give information about a file or symbolic connection

mkdir - Create a new directory

move_uploaded_file - Move uploaded files to a new location

parse_ini_file - Resolve a configuration file

parse_ini_string - Resolve configuration string

pathinfo - Return the file path information

pclose - Close process file pointer

popen - Open process file pointer

readfile - Output file

readlink - return the target pointed to by the symbolic link

realpath_cache_get - Get the details of the real directory cache

realpath_cache_size - Get the size of the real path buffer

realpath - return normalized absolute pathname

rename - Rename a file or directory

rewind - rewind the position of the file pointer

rmdir - Delete directory

set_file_buffer - alias of stream_set_write_buffer

stat - Give information about the document

symlink - Establish symbolic connection

tempnam - Create a file with a unique file name

tmpfile - Create a temporary file

touch - Set file access and modification time

umask - Change the current umask

unlink - Delete files

Directory processing

chdir - Change directory

chroot - Change the root directory

closedir - Close directory handle

dir - Return an instance of Directory class

getcwd - Get the current working directory

opendir - Open directory handle

readdir - read entries from directory handles

rewinddir - rewind directory handle

scandir - List files and directories in the specified path


abs - absolute value

acos - arccosine

acosh - Inverse hyperbolic cosine

asin - arcsine

asinh - Inverse hyperbolic sine

atan2 - arctangent of two parameters

atan - arctangent

atanh - Inverse hyperbolic tangent

base_convert - convert numbers between any base

bindec - binary to decimal

ceil - Rounding in the next method

cos - cosine

cosh - hyperbolic cosine

decbin - convert decimal to binary

dechex - convert decimal to hexadecimal

decoct - convert decimal to octal

deg2rad - convert angle to radians

exp - Calculate the exponent of e

expm1 - Return exp (number) - 1, even when the value of number is close to zero, accurate results can be calculated

floor - Rounding

fmod - returns the remainder of the floating-point division

getrandmax - Display the maximum possible value of random number

hexdec - convert hexadecimal to decimal

hypot - Calculate the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle

intdiv - round the division result

is_finite - Judge whether it is a limited value

is_infinite - Judge whether it is an infinite value

is_nan - Judge whether it is legal value

lcg_value - Combined linear congruence generator

log10 - base 10 logarithm

log1p - Return log (1+number), even when the value of number is close to zero, accurate results can be calculated

log - Natural logarithm

max - Find the maximum value

min - Find the minimum value

mt_getrandmax - Displays the maximum possible value of a random number

mt_rand - Generate better random numbers

mt_srand - Seed a better random number generator

octdec - convert octal to decimal

pi - get the value of pi

pow - Exponential expression

rad2deg - Convert arc degrees to corresponding angles

rand - Generate a random integer

round - round floating point numbers

sin - Sine

sinh - hyperbolic sine

sqrt - square root

srand - Seed the random number generator

tan - Tangent

tanh - hyperbolic tangent

Classes and objects

__autoload - attempt to load an undefined class

call_user_method_array - Call the user method with the array of parameter list

call_user_method - Call user methods on specific objects

class_alias - Create an alias for a class

class_exists - Check if the class is defined

get_called_class - Name of late static binding class

get_class_methods - return an array of method names of a class

get_class_vars - return an array consisting of the default properties of the class

get_class - return the class name of the object

get_declared_classes - return an array consisting of the names of defined classes

get_declared_interfaces - return an array containing all declared interfaces

get_declared_traits - return the array of all defined traits

get_object_vars - returns an associative array composed of object properties

get_parent_class - return the parent class name of an object or class

interface_exists - Check whether the interface has been defined

is_a - TRUE if the object belongs to this class or is the parent class of this object

is_subclass_of - TRUE if the object is a subclass of the class

method_exists - Check whether the method of the class exists

property_exists - Check whether the object or class has this property

trait_exists - Check whether the specified trait exists

Character type detection

ctype_alnum - Do alphabetic and numeric character detection

ctype_alpha - Perform pure character detection

ctype_cntrl - Control character detection

ctype_digit - Pure digital detection

ctype_graph - Perform printable string detection, except for spaces

ctype_lower - Do lowercase character detection

ctype_print - Detect printable characters

ctype_punct - Check whether printable characters do not contain white space, numbers and letters

ctype_space - Blank character detection

ctype_upper - Do capital letter detection

ctype_xdigit - detect whether the string contains only hexadecimal characters

Date and time

checkdate - Verify a Gregorian date

date_add - Alias DateTime:: add

date_create_from_format - Alias DateTime:: createFromFormat

date_create_immutable_from_format - Alias DateTimeImmune:: createFromFormat

date_create_immutable - Alias DateTimeImmune:: __construct

date_create - Alias DateTime:: __construct

date_date_set - Alias DateTime:: setDate

date_default_timezone_get - Get the default time zone used by all date time functions in a script

date_default_timezone_set - Set the default time zone for all date time functions in a script

date_diff - Alias DateTime:: diff

date_format - Alias DateTime:: format

date_get_last_errors - Alias DateTime:: getLastErrors

date_interval_create_from_date_string - Alias DateInterval:: createFromDateString

date_interval_format - Alias DateInterval:: format

date_isodate_set - Alias DateTime:: setISODate

date_modify - Alias DateTime:: modify

date_offset_get - Alias DateTime:: getOffset

date_parse_from_format — Get info about given date formatted according to the specified format

date_parse — Returns associative array with detailed info about given date

date_sub - Alias DateTime:: sub

date_sun_info — Returns an array with information about sunset/sunrise and twilight begin/end

date_sunrise - Return the sunrise time of the given date and place

date_sunset - Return the sunset time of the given date and place

date_time_set - Alias DateTime:: setTime

date_timestamp_get - Alias DateTime:: getTimestamp

date_timestamp_set - Alias DateTime:: setTimestamp

date_timezone_get - Alias DateTime:: getTimezone

date_timezone_set - Alias DateTime:: setTimezone

date - Format a local time/date

getdate - Get date/time information

gettimeofday - Get the current time

gmdate - Format a GMT/UTC date/time

gmmktime - Obtain the UNIX timestamp of the GMT date

gmstrftime - Format GMT/UTC time/date according to regional settings

idate - Format the local time date as an integer

localtime - Get local time

microtime - Returns the current Unix timestamp and microseconds

mktime - Get a Unix timestamp of a date

strftime - Format local time/date according to regional settings

strptime - Resolve the date/time generated by strftime

strtotime - Resolve the date time description of any string into a Unix timestamp

time - Return the current Unix timestamp

timezone_abbreviations_list - Alias DateTimeZone:: listAbbreviations

timezone_identifiers_list - Alias DateTimeZone:: listIdentifiers

timezone_location_get - Alias DateTimeZone:: getLocation

timezone_name_from_abbr — Returns the timezone name from abbreviation

timezone_name_get - Alias DateTimeZone:: getName

timezone_offset_get - Alias DateTimeZone:: getOffset

timezone_open - Alias DateTimeZone:: __construct

timezone_transitions_get - Alias DateTimeZone:: getTransitions

timezone_version_get — Gets the version of the timezonedb


curl_close - Close cURL session

curl_copy_handle - Copy a cURL handle and all its options

curl_errno - Return the last error code

curl_error - Return the string of the last error in the current session

curl_escape - Encode the given string using the URL

curl_exec - Execute cURL session

curl_file_create - Create a CURLFile object

curl_getinfo - Get the information of a cURL connection resource handle

curl_init - Initialize cURL session

curl_multi_add_handle - add a separate curl handle to the curl batch session

curl_multi_close - Close a set of cURL handles

curl_multi_errno - Return the error code of the last curl batch

curl_multi_exec - run the child connection of the current cURL handle

curl_multi_getcontent - If CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER is set, the obtained output text stream is returned

curl_multi_info_read - Obtain the relevant transmission information of the currently resolved cURL

curl_multi_init - return a new cURL batch handle

curl_multi_remove_handle - remove a handle resource from the cURL batch handle resource

curl_multi_select - Wait for active connections in all cURL batches

curl_multi_setopt - Set an option for cURL parallel processing

curl_multi_strerror - return the error code described by the string

curl_pause - Pause and unsuspend a connection.

curl_reset - Reset all options of a libcurl session handle

curl_setopt_array - Batch set options for cURL transfer sessions

curl_setopt - Set cURL transmission options

curl_share_close - Close the cURL shared handle

curl_share_errno - return the last error number of the shared curl handle

curl_share_init - Initialize a cURL shared handle.

curl_share_setopt - Set options for cURL shared handles.

curl_share_strerror - Return the error message corresponding to the error number

curl_strerror - string description of returned error code

curl_unescape - Decode the given URL encoded string

curl_version - Get cURL version information


filter_has_var - detect whether there is a variable of the specified type

filter_id - return the id associated with a filter with a specific name

filter_input_array - Get a series of external variables and process them through filters

filter_input - Obtain a specific external variable by name and process it through a filter

filter_list - Return the list of supported filters

filter_var_array - Get multiple variables and filter them

filter_var - Filter a variable with a specific filter

Function processing

call_user_func_array - Call the callback function and take an array parameter as the parameter of the callback function

call_user_func - Call the first parameter as a callback function

create_function — Create an anonymous (lambda-style) function

forward_static_call_array — Call a static method and pass the arguments as array

forward_static_call — Call a static method

func_get_arg - Return an item in the parameter list

func_get_args - return an array containing a list of function parameters

func_num_args — Returns the number of arguments passed to the function

function_exists - Returns TRUE if the given function has been defined

get_defined_functions - returns an array of all defined functions

register_shutdown_function - Register a function that will execute when php terminates

register_tick_function — Register a function for execution on each tick

unregister_tick_function — De-register a function for execution on each tick

Regular processing

preg_filter - perform a regular expression search and replace

preg_grep - return array entries that match the pattern

preg_last_error - Return the error code generated by the last PCRE regular execution

preg_match_all - perform a global regular expression match

preg_match - Execute matching regular expressions

preg_quote - escape regular expression characters

preg_replace_callback_array — Perform a regular expression search and replace using callbacks

preg_replace_callback - Execute a regular expression search and replace it with a callback

preg_replace - Perform a regular expression search and replacement

preg_split - separate strings by a regular expression


checkdnsrr - Perform DNS communication check for the specified host (domain name) or IP address

closelog - Close the system log link

define_syslog_variables — Initializes all syslog related variables

dns_check_record - alias checkdnsrr

dns_get_mx - alias getmxrr

dns_get_record - Get the DNS record of the specified host

fsockopen - Open a network connection or a Unix socket connection

gethostbyaddr - Get the hostname corresponding to the specified IP address

gethostbyname - Return the IPv4 address corresponding to the host name.

gethostbynamel - Obtain the IPv4 address list corresponding to the Internet host name

gethostname - Get host name

getmxrr - Obtain the MX record corresponding to the Internet host name

getprotobyname — Get protocol number associated with protocol name

getprotobynumber — Get protocol name associated with protocol number

getservbyname - Obtain the port corresponding to the Internet service protocol

getservbyport — Get Internet service which corresponds to port and protocol

header_register_callback - Call a header function

header_remove - Delete the previously set HTTP header

header - Send native HTTP headers

headers_list - Return the sent HTTP response header (or to be sent)

headers_sent - Check whether the HTTP header has been sent

http_response_code - Get/set the HTTP status code of the response

inet_ntop — Converts a packed internet address to a human readable representation

inet_pton — Converts a human readable IP address to its packed in_addr representation

ip2long - Convert IPV4 string Internet protocol to a growing integer number

long2ip - Convert long integer to Internet standard format address (IPV4) with dot in string form

openlog — Open connection to system logger

pfsockopen - Open a persistent network connection or Unix socket connection.

setcookie - Send cookies

setrawcookie - Send cookies without URL encoding

socket_get_status - alias stream_get_meta_data

socket_set_blocking - alias stream_set_blocking

socket_set_timeout - alias stream_set_timeout

syslog — Generate a system log message

program execution

escapeshellarg - Transcoding strings into parameters that can be used in shell commands

escapeshellcmd - shell metacharacter escape

exec - Execute an external program

passthru - Execute external program and display raw output

proc_close - Close the process opened by proc_open and return the process exit code

proc_get_status - Get the information of the process opened by the proc_open function

proc_nice - Modify the priority of the current process

proc_open - Execute a command and open the file pointer for input/output.

proc_terminate - Kill the process opened by proc_open

shell_exec - Execute commands through the shell environment, and return the complete output as a string.

system - Execute external program and display output

PHP options and information

assert_options - Set/get various flags of assertion

assert - Check whether an assertion is FALSE

cli_get_process_title — Returns the current process title

cli_set_process_title — Sets the process title

dl - Loading a PHP extension at runtime

extension_loaded - Check whether an extension has been loaded

gc_collect_cycles - Force collection of all existing garbage cycles

gc_disable - Deactivate circular reference collector

gc_enable - Activate circular reference collector

gc_enabled - return the status of the circular reference counter

gc_mem_caches — Reclaims memory used by the Zend Engine memory manager

gc_status — Gets information about the garbage collector

get_cfg_var - Get the value of the PHP configuration option

get_current_user - Get the name of the current PHP script owner

get_defined_constants - Return the associative array of all constants. The key is the constant name and the value is the constant value

get_extension_funcs - returns an array of module function names

get_include_path - Get the current include_path configuration options

get_included_files - return the array of included and required file names

get_loaded_extensions - Return array of all compiled and loaded module names

get_magic_quotes_gpc - Get the configuration option settings of the current magic_quotes_gpc

get_magic_quotes_runtime - Get the activation status of the current magic_quotes_runtime configuration option

get_required_files - alias get_included_files

get_resources — Returns active resources

getenv - Get the value of an environment variable

getlastmod - Get the last modified time of the page

getmygid - Get the GID of the current PHP script owner

getmyinode - Get the inode of the current script

getmypid - Get the ID of the PHP process

getmyuid - Get the UID of the PHP script owner

getopt - Get options from the command line parameter list

getrusage - Get the current resource usage

ini_alter - alias ini_set

ini_get_all - Get all configuration options

ini_get - Get the value of a configuration option

ini_restore - Restore the value of the configuration option

ini_set - Set a value for a configuration option

magic_quotes_runtime - alias set_magic_quotes_runtime

main - Virtual main

memory_get_peak_usage - Return the peak value allocated to PHP memory

memory_get_usage - Return the amount of memory allocated to PHP

php_ini_loaded_file - Get the path of the loaded php.ini file

php_ini_scanned_files - Return the list of. ini files parsed from the additional ini directory

php_logo_guid - Get the logo's guid

php_sapi_name - Return the interface type between the web server and PHP

php_uname - Return information about the system running PHP

phpcredits - Print the list of PHP contributors

phpinfo - Output information about PHP configuration

phpversion - Get the current PHP version

putenv - Set the value of the environment variable

restore_include_path - Restore the value of include_path configuration option

set_include_path - Set include_path configuration options

set_magic_quotes_runtime - Set the activation status of the current magic_quotes_runtime configuration option

set_time_limit - Set the maximum execution time of the script

sys_get_temp_dir - return the directory used for temporary files

version_compare - Compare two PHP normalized version numeric strings

zend_logo_guid - Get Zend guid

zend_thread_id - Return the unique identifier of the current thread

zend_version - Get the current Zend engine version

error handling

debug_backtrace - Generate a backtrace

debug_print_backtrace - Print a backtrace.

error_clear_last - Clear the last error

error_get_last - Get the last error that occurred

error_log - Send an error message to a place

error_reporting - Set which PHP errors should be reported

restore_error_handler - Error handling function before restore

restore_exception_handler - Restore the previously defined exception handling function.

set_error_handler - Set user-defined error handling function

set_exception_handler - Set user-defined exception handling function

trigger_error - Generate a user level error/warning/notice information

user_error - alias of trigger_error

Output buffer control

flush - Flush output buffer

ob_clean - clear (erase) the output buffer

ob_end_clean - Clear (erase) buffer and close output buffer

ob_end_flush - Flush out (send out) the contents of the output buffer and close the buffer

ob_flush - flush out (send out) the contents of the output buffer

ob_get_clean - Get the contents of the current buffer and delete the current output buffer.

ob_get_contents - return the contents of the output buffer

ob_get_flush - Flush out (send out) the buffer content, return the content in string form, and close the output buffer.

ob_get_length - return the length of the output buffer content

ob_get_level - Return the nesting level of the output buffer mechanism

ob_get_status - Get the status of all output buffers

ob_gzhandler - The callback function used in ob_start to compress the contents of the output buffer. ob_start callback function to gzip output buffer

ob_implicit_flush - Open/close absolute brushing

ob_list_handlers - Lists all active output handlers.

ob_start - Open output control buffer

output_add_rewrite_var - Add URL rewriter values

output_reset_rewrite_vars - Reset URL rewriter values

Cryptographic hash algorithm

password_get_info - Return information about the specified hash

password_hash - Create a hash of the password

password_needs_rehash - detect whether the hash value matches the specified option

password_verify - Verify that the password matches the hash value


session_abort — Discard session array changes and finish session

session_cache_expire - Return the expiration time of the current cache

session_cache_limiter - read/set cache limiter

session_commit - alias of session_write_close

session_create_id — Create new session id

session_decode - Decode session data

session_destroy - Destroy all data in a session

session_encode - Encode the current session data as a string

session_gc — Perform session data garbage collection

session_get_cookie_params - Get session cookie parameters

session_id - Get/set the current session ID

session_is_registered - Check whether the variable has been registered in the session

session_module_name - Get/Set Session Module Name

session_name - Read/Set Session Name

session_regenerate_id - Update the existing session ID with the newly generated session ID

session_register_shutdown - Close session

session_register — Register one or more global variables with the current session

session_reset — Re-initialize session array with original values

session_save_path - Read/set the save path of the current session

session_set_cookie_params - Set session cookie parameters

session_set_save_handler - Set user-defined session storage function

session_start - Start a new session or reuse an existing session

session_status - Return the current session state

session_unregister — Unregister a global variable from the current session

session_unset - Release all session variables

session_write_close — Write session data and end session


json_decode - Decoding JSON formatted strings

json_encode - JSON encoding variables

json_last_error_msg — Returns the error string of the last json_encode() or json_decode() call

json_last_error - Return the last error that occurred


set_socket_blocking - alias stream_set_blocking

stream_bucket_append — Append bucket to brigade

stream_bucket_make_writeable — Return a bucket object from the brigade for operating on

stream_bucket_new — Create a new bucket for use on the current stream

stream_bucket_prepend — Prepend bucket to brigade

stream_context_create - Create a resource flow context

stream_context_get_default — Retrieve the default stream context

stream_context_get_options - Get parameters of resource flow/packet/context

stream_context_get_params — Retrieves parameters from a context

stream_context_set_default — Set the default stream context

stream_context_set_option - Set parameters for resource flow, data package or context

stream_context_set_params — Set parameters for a stream/wrapper/context

stream_copy_to_stream — Copies data from one stream to another

stream_filter_append — Attach a filter to a stream

stream_filter_prepend — Attach a filter to a stream

stream_filter_register — Register a user defined stream filter

stream_filter_remove - Remove a filter from the resource stream

stream_get_contents - read the resource stream to a string

stream_get_filters - Get the list of registered data flow filters

stream_get_line - read a line from the resource stream until the given delimiter

stream_get_meta_data - Get the header/metadata from the encapsulation protocol file pointer

stream_get_transports - Get the list of registered socket transport protocols

stream_get_wrappers - Get the registered stream type

stream_is_local — Checks if a stream is a local stream

stream_isatty — Check if a stream is a TTY

stream_notification_callback — A callback function for the notification context parameter

stream_register_wrapper - alias stream_wrapper_register

stream_resolve_include_path — Resolve filename against the include path

stream_set_blocking - Set blocking or blocking mode for resource flow

stream_set_chunk_size - Set the resource stream block size

stream_set_read_buffer — Set read file buffering on the given stream

stream_set_timeout — Set timeout period on a stream

stream_set_write_buffer — Sets write file buffering on the given stream

stream_socket_accept - Accept socket connections created by stream_socket_server

stream_socket_client — Open Internet or Unix domain socket connection

stream_socket_enable_crypto — Turns encryption on/off on an already connected socket

stream_socket_get_name - Get the local or remote socket name

stream_socket_pair - Create a pair of identical network socket connection streams

stream_socket_recvfrom — Receives data from a socket, connected or not

stream_socket_sendto — Sends a message to a socket, whether it is connected or not

stream_socket_server — Create an Internet or Unix domain server socket

stream_socket_shutdown — Shutdown a full-duplex connection

stream_supports_lock — Tells whether the stream supports locking

stream_wrapper_register - Register a URL encapsulation protocol implemented with PHP classes

stream_wrapper_restore — Restores a previously unregistered built-in wrapper

stream_wrapper_unregister — Unregister a URL wrapper


class_implements - Return all interfaces implemented by the specified class.

class_parents - Returns the parent class of the specified class.

class_uses — Return the traits used by the given class

iterator_apply - Call a user-defined function for each element in the iterator

iterator_count - Calculate the number of elements in the iterator

iterator_to_array - Copy the elements in the iterator to the array

spl_autoload_call - Try to call all the registered __autoload() functions to load the request class

spl_autoload_extensions - Register and return the default file extension used by the spl_autoload function.

spl_autoload_functions - Returns all registered __autoload() functions.

spl_autoload_register - Register the given function as the implementation of __autoload

spl_autoload_unregister - unregister the registered __autoload() function

spl_autoload - default implementation of __autoload() function

spl_classes - Return all available SPL classes

spl_object_hash - return the hash id of the specified object

spl_object_id — Return the integer object handle for given object


bcadd - Addition calculation of 2 arbitrary precision numbers

bccomp - compare two numbers of arbitrary precision

bcdiv - 2 digital division calculations with arbitrary precision

bcmod - Take modulus for a digital with arbitrary precision

bcmul - Multiplication of 2 numbers with arbitrary precision

bcpow - Power of any precision number

bcpowmod — Raise an arbitrary precision number to another, reduced by a specified modulus

bcscale - set the default number of decimal places reserved for all bc mathematical functions

bcsqrt - Quadratic root of any precision number

bcsub - Subtraction of 2 numbers with arbitrary precision


connection_aborted - Check whether the client is disconnected

connection_status - Return the status bit of the connection

constant - return the value of a constant

define - define a constant

defined - Check whether a constant with a name exists

die - equivalent to exit

eval - Execute the string as PHP code

exit - Output a message and exit the current script

get_browser - Get the functions of the browser

__halt_compiler - interrupt compiler execution

highlight_file - Syntax Highlight a File

highlight_string - syntax highlighting of strings

hrtime — Get the system's high resolution time

ignore_user_abort - Set whether to interrupt script execution when the client disconnects

pack - Package data into binary strings

php_check_syntax - Check PHP syntax (and execute) the specified file

php_strip_whitespace - Return the PHP source code after deleting comments and spaces

sapi_windows_cp_conv — Convert string from one codepage to another

sapi_windows_cp_get — Get process codepage

sapi_windows_cp_is_utf8 — Indicates whether the codepage is UTF-8 compatible

sapi_windows_cp_set — Set process codepage

sapi_windows_vt100_support — Get or set VT100 support for the specified stream associated to an output buffer of a Windows console.

show_source - alias highlight_file

sleep - Delay execution

sys_getloadavg - Get the load average of the system

time_nanosleep - Delay execution for several seconds and nanoseconds

time_sleep_until - Let the script sleep until the specified time.

uniqid - Generate a unique ID

unpack — Unpack data from binary string

usleep - execute with the specified microseconds delay