A big river

Z-BLOG plug-in gorilla article factory (continuous breeding station scheme)

 Z-BLOG plug-in gorilla article factory (continuous breeding station scheme)
Presumably, all webmaster friends are no strangers to this kind of tool, and they are just talking nonsense and going straight to the topic. This plug-in mainly collects content from the network by setting keywords in batches. Compared with the traditional article collection tool, this plug-in has the advantage that the matching content logic is completely based on browser behavior, and there is no need to simulate any parameters on the server to request, It greatly reduces the interception in the agentless IP state
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Z-BLOG Q&A composite article plug-in (double title+Q&A+original picture)

 Z-BLOG Q&A composite article plug-in (double title+Q&A+original picture)
Automatically collect content according to keywords to combine articles, automatically secondary titles, original pictures, and regular publishing Note: the current version needs to be configured with agents frequently. If you mind, please do not start to avoid unnecessary disputes. 1. Thank you! The plug-in is customized by a "mysterious boss" again! Good people live a safe life! 2. This plug-in is not suitable for virtual host!!! The best plug-in is the pagoda panel!!! 3. For the difference between this plug-in and other plug-ins on the site, see here:
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Z-BLOG rolling news collection plug-in (automatic release+instant messaging)

 Z-BLOG rolling news collection plug-in (automatic release+instant messaging)
Get the current popular information and publish it on the website. You must have been frustrated for a long time. 1. Old friends of SEO, how to say It's like instant noodles with ham sausage 2. Simply operate [Install Plug ins>Access Publishing API] to get real-time popular information and publish it to the website
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Z-BLOG keyword automatic writing (aggregated paragraphs+associative titles and pictures)

 Z-BLOG keyword automatic writing (aggregated paragraphs+associative titles and pictures)
Plug in core: automatically produce aggregated and relevant articles according to keywords, and automatically associate titles and pictures. Note: The current version needs to configure an agent frequently. If you mind, please do not start to avoid unnecessary disputes. 1. The content, title, and image are generated according to keywords, and are collected in an unconventional way, with a relatively high degree of originality. 2. Four operating steps: Install Plug ins>Custom Configuration>Enter Keywords>Periodical Publish
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SEO article builder of Z-BLOG plug-in (article template+paragraph combination)

 SEO article builder of Z-BLOG plug-in (article template+paragraph combination)
A simple but not simple SEO article generation tool that quickly aggregates content and is almost original. If your website has been maintained by collecting content, this plug-in can be your second choice; The plug-in can quickly generate a large number of SEO compliant articles by calling customized content resources. Built in automatic keywords, inner links, pictures, and friendly article tags; A variety of content combination methods and default image resources are available by default. Just bring your imagination with you. At the request of friends, support from
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