A big river

Z-BLOG article automatic image matching plug-in (built-in random image library+can also be customized)

 Z-BLOG article automatic image matching plug-in (built-in random image library+can also be customized)
SEO articles pay attention to both pictures and texts, and the plug-in can automatically provide random pictures for articles. 1. By default, dozens of types of pictures are provided as options, and random illustrations are automatically provided for publishing articles. 2. It can also support customized pictures, which are simple, direct, and do not think, and never worry about article pictures again
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Z-BLOG original image plug-in (self generated watermark image+MD5 modification)

 Z-BLOG original image plug-in (self generated watermark image+MD5 modification)
Publish articles to automatically generate images. It also supports modifying MD5 images and customizing image watermarks. Support automatic downloading of remote pictures (non station pictures); Support automatically adding watermark to the image and modifying the MD5 value; Support adding article attributes to pictures as watermarks, or customize them; Support automatic generation of pictures and inserting them into the article content. I know some friends will come again and ask: will the articles with revised pictures be included? How long can it be included? How about ranking? Every time I encounter such a problem, I wonder, is this person serious? Should I install X? Want to fool him? I wonder if you have ever experienced such a scene when reading:
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