A big river

Five "flaws" you may consider when buying or selling rental housing

 Five "flaws" you may consider when buying or selling rental housing
1. Whether there are any damage points in the physical defects, such as cracks, water leakage and blockage, must be truthfully disclosed by the Seller, including invisible places. 2. Rights defects such as whether the seller has ownership of the house (some people can sell the house even if it is not their own, which is not allowed). 3. Legal flaws
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Me and my father

My name is Dongsheng. My father gave me this name. He said it was appropriate because I was born in winter, so I often feel lucky. Fortunately, my father's educational level is not high, otherwise he might name me with some biological terms, such as viviparity and egg birth. So I am satisfied with the name of Dongsheng, It doesn't sound like a big shot. My father died in a self arranged "accident" when I was 30 years old. He went to visit relatives that day. When he came back, he had too much food and wine. He also rode a motorcycle. His eyes wandered off the roadside cliff. Although people wrapped iron, the iron was not saved, and he killed himself. I think my father's body has not decayed since his early years
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I'm afraid I'm used to being ignorant and boring

This is probably my most shocking cognition since I was an adult - ignorance and uninteresting are still used to. I was a problem teenager in the eyes of teachers when I was a student. It is reasonable to say that my parents spent money to let people do my education work. I belong to the direct beneficiary and also belong to the consumer of the school. The school should treat me as God, and I have the right to question and refute. But the teacher, "the most brilliant career under the sun, the engineer of human soul", will never allow me to have such a shocking idea. So my greatest joy at that time was disobedience, and I was glad that I had not been cut off from my hamstrings or cut two cuts on both sides of my forehead (frontal lobe of the brain was cut off). Now I think of these things, I feel that this stage of my life is still surrounded by walls
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