A big river

Git deletes the trace from the warehouse without deleting the file

The vast majority of the content is not added to the Git repository, such as vendor, node_modules,. idea,. vscode, etc. It is unscientific. If you encounter such troubles, please try the following command. Admittedly, it is for yourself. Gitrm-r -- cachedFilePathgitcommit-m "Submitted once removed" gitbushorigi
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Github uses Token for authentication configuration reference

 Github uses Token for authentication configuration reference
Github requires token for submission from 2021-08-13. After that, if the previous password authentication method is still used, the following error will occur: remote: SupportforpasswordauthenticationwasremoveddonAugust132021. Pleaseusepersonalaccesstokeninstead. In this case, we can configure token authentication. Please refer to the following steps:
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Git configures proxy access for MacOS and Linux

HTTP proxy gitconfig -- globalhttps proxyhttp:// --globalhttps. p roxyhttps:// Proxy gitconfig -- globalhttp. proxy 'socks 5://127.0.0
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