A big river

Problem solving skills you need to master as a ZBlogger
1024 Station building equipment Z-Blog store historical order import guide
Z-BLOG Lazy Man One click collection, automatic collection, release and push
Z-BLOG article automatic comment plug-in (can be used to layout SEO keywords)
Z-BLOG progressive cache hot wheel version (database optimization+whole station static)
Z-BLOG keyword automatic writing (aggregated paragraphs+associative titles and pictures)
Chameleon template pseudo original Z-BLOG plug-in (interference code+unique template)
Z-BLOG content distribution plug-in (station cluster management+data broadcasting)
Z-BLOG city sub station plug-in, supporting pan resolution and secondary directory sub stations
Z-BLOG Lazy Man One click collection, automatic collection, release and push
Z-BLOG map plug-in, supporting TXT, HTML and XML formats
The page OG tag optimization plug-in can make the display content more accurate after collection
Z-BLOG article automatic image matching plug-in (built-in random image library+can also be customized)

SEO article builder of Z-BLOG plug-in (article template+paragraph combination)

 SEO article builder of Z-BLOG plug-in (article template+paragraph combination)
A simple but not simple SEO article generation tool that quickly aggregates content and is almost original. If your website has been maintained by collecting content, this plug-in can be your second choice; The plug-in can quickly generate a large number of SEO compliant articles by calling customized content resources. Built in automatic keywords, inner links, pictures, and friendly article tags; A variety of content combination methods and default image resources are available by default. Just bring your imagination with you. At the request of friends, support from
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Z-BLOG content management extension (free module)

 Z-BLOG content management extension (free module)
The default article management is too hot. Some common functions have been customized. 1. More query conditions and batch update attributes have been added to article search. 2. Support one click view of duplicate articles, cleaning, and batch replacement of article titles/contents. 3. Support article export TXT, import TXT (requires a paid module
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Z-BLOG content management extension (payment module)

 Z-BLOG content management extension (payment module)
The default article management is too hot, and some common functions have been customized. To use this module, please install the content management extension first. Because the two built-in modules are relatively troublesome and hard to write, they are charged. 1. Support article export TXT, import TXT
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The article auto anchor text (inner link) plug-in supports forced random or exact matching

 The article auto anchor text (inner link) plug-in supports forced random or exact matching
Not surprisingly, this plug-in is a necessary tool for SEO. It supports user-defined internal chain insertion and two insertion modes: forced random and exact matching. The operation is very simple, that is, you set a batch of link information, and when the page displays the article, the program automatically extracts random or precise matching links to the article content
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The page OG tag optimization plug-in can make the display content more accurate after collection

 The page OG tag optimization plug-in can make the display content more accurate after collection
Optimize the OG tag of the SEO strategy, and add the META tag of the OG attribute. The OG tag can be understood as a signboard for spiders, which can directly indicate the main content of the page to spiders, so that the content displayed after inclusion can be more accurate. The effect is as follows (right click on the page to view the source code):
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