A big river

Problem solving skills you need to master as a ZBlogger
1024 Station building equipment Z-Blog store historical order import guide
Z-BLOG Lazy Man One click collection, automatic collection, release and push
Z-BLOG article automatic comment plug-in (can be used to layout SEO keywords)
Z-BLOG progressive cache hot wheel version (database optimization+whole station static)
Z-BLOG keyword automatic writing (aggregated paragraphs+associative titles and pictures)
Chameleon template pseudo original Z-BLOG plug-in (interference code+unique template)
Z-BLOG content distribution plug-in (station cluster management+data broadcasting)
Z-BLOG city sub station plug-in, supporting pan resolution and secondary directory sub stations
Z-BLOG Lazy Man One click collection, automatic collection, release and push
Z-BLOG map plug-in, supporting TXT, HTML and XML formats
The page OG tag optimization plug-in can make the display content more accurate after collection
Z-BLOG article automatic image matching plug-in (built-in random image library+can also be customized)

The difference between several Z-Blog article output plug-ins on this site

 The difference between several Z-Blog article output plug-ins on this site
Based on Z-Blog, this website provides several tools to facilitate webmaster friends to quickly produce articles. Because some friends have difficulty choosing, I am often asked about the difference between XXX plug-in and XXX plug-in, so I decided to write an article to explain. As of the time point when this article was published, the article output plug-ins developed by this website include: lazy one click collection, SEO article builder, keyword automatic writing, rolling news collection, question and answer combination articles. 1、
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Z-BLOG Q&A composite article plug-in (double title+Q&A+original picture)

 Z-BLOG Q&A composite article plug-in (double title+Q&A+original picture)
Automatically collect content according to keywords to combine articles, automatically secondary titles, original pictures, and regular publishing Note: the current version needs to be configured with agents frequently. If you mind, please do not start to avoid unnecessary disputes. 1. Thank you! The plug-in is customized by a "mysterious boss" again! Good people live a safe life! 2. This plug-in is not suitable for virtual host!!! The best plug-in is the pagoda panel!!! 3. For the difference between this plug-in and other plug-ins on the site, see here:
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Solution to the loading failure of individual plug-in word segmentation package (word segmentation package dict. utf8. xdb)

 Solution to the loading failure of individual plug-in word segmentation package (word segmentation package dict. utf8. xdb)
Several Z-BLOG plug-ins developed on this site need the support of a word segmentation tool. Because the word package of this word segmentation tool is relatively large, it is not directly packaged into the plug-in installation package when updating applications. The loading method is to automatically download the plug-in remotely when it is initialized. By default, the word segmentation package is placed on the free CDN built through Github (cdn. jsdelivr. net). Because of the mainland network environment, if the server is in the mainland, the CDN has a probability of access failure, which causes the word segmentation package to fail to load, and then the plug-in will also lack the functions provided by the word segmentation package and report an error. The error is roughly as follows:
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Update server DNS settings with pagoda "Linux toolbox"

 Update server DNS settings with pagoda "Linux toolbox"
The reason for writing this tutorial is that I recently moved a home for the website domain name. Because I reset the DNS server and resolution of the domain name, users in some regions who did not refresh DNS in time could not access my website. For the latest resolution, the DNS cache time (TTL) I set is one hour, but some users have not been updated in time due to the server cache. In this case, you can manually update the server DNS settings to make them take effect. In view of the pagoda panel used by most webmaster friends, this tutorial takes pagoda as an example. Note: It is not necessary to update manually. When the server cache time is up, it will be automatically updated. This depends on the server cache time
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PHP obtains the root domain name in the URL (non matching suffix)

Extract the root domain name from the URL and find a large circle. Many of them match by domain name suffixes. Although this can be achieved, it is too cumbersome. As we all know, domain name suffixes are always updated. The following cases are matched in a regular way, which is suitable for most scenarios/***$ Url The URL to extract * $tld Whether to return the TLD suffix */functiongetBaseDomainByUrl ($url, $
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