A big river

Centos prohibits IP connections to SSH services

1. Modify the/etc/hosts. deny file. The command is as follows: sudovi/etc/hosts. deny 2. Rules for writing content: # Deny specifying IPsshd: # Deny IP segment (wildcard symbol '.') sshd: 127.0.0
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Linux counts the frequent IP accesses of nginx through the awk command

The command is as follows: tail-10000/nginx_log_path. log | awk vFS='|' '{print $2}' | sort | uniq-c | sort-k1-nr | head-n20
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Nginx obtains the real request IP address with CDN

 Nginx obtains the real request IP address with CDN
If the server uses Nginx and CDN is nested upstream, it is inevitable to encounter a problem: "CDNIP is recorded in the request log instead of the actual request IP". As we all know, this is not conducive to website management, or it is difficult to avoid some malicious risks. It is not complicated to solve this problem. Just add the following configuration to the Http section of Nginx: set_real_ip_from0.0.0.0/0; real_ip_headerX-Forwarded-For; Take the pagoda panel as an example. In the "Software Store>Installed>Ngin..."
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Quick SQL that may be commonly used by Z-BLOG webmaster

 Quick SQL that may be commonly used by Z-BLOG webmaster
The default Z-BLOG background management is relatively simple, which is not fast enough for some batch operations. Many webmaster friends who use z-blog to build a website often ask how, what, what data to clear, and how to modify. In fact, most batch operations can be processed through MySQL SQL statements, This article lists some SQL that I think are commonly used, and friends in need can access them directly. Note: The table name prefix involved in SQL in this article takes Z-BLOG default zbp as an example. If you have a custom prefix, please replace it with the value you set (you can set it in the zb_users/c_option.php file
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PHP obtains the root domain name in the URL (non matching suffix)

Extract the root domain name from the URL and find a large circle. Many of them match by domain name suffixes. Although this can be achieved, it is too cumbersome. As we all know, domain name suffixes are always updated. The following cases are matched in a regular way, which is suitable for most scenarios/***$ Url The URL to extract * $tld Whether to return the TLD suffix */functiongetBaseDomainByUrl ($url, $
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