A big river

How to determine whether the Linux server is invaded?

 How to determine whether the Linux server is invaded?
In this guide, the so-called server has been invaded or hacked means that unauthorized people or programs log in to the server for their own purposes and use its computing resources, which usually has a bad impact. Disclaimer: If your server is invaded by a state organ like NSA or a criminal group, you will not notice any problems, and these technologies cannot detect their existence. However, most of the compromised servers are intruded by programs like automatic attack programs or cheap attackers like "script kids", as well as stupid criminals. Such attackers will abuse server resources while accessing the server, and seldom take measures to hide what they are doing
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Solution: The page at 'XXXX' was loaded over HTTPS

 Solution: The page at 'XXXX' was loaded over HTTPS
Problem details: 'MixedContent: The pageat' XXXX 'was loadedoverHTTPS, but requestedaninsecureXMLHttpRequest endpoint' XXXX '. This request has been blocked; the content must be servedoverHTTPS.' The reason is that the current website is the interaction mode of HTTPS protocol, but HTTP appears on the page
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Progressive Cache Plug in (Wind Wheel) Disk Occupation Problem Description

 Progressive Cache Plug in (Wind Wheel) Disk Occupation Problem Description
A friend said that when the progressive cache plug-in enabled the cache function, the server disk occupied too much after a period of time. This article is used to explain the causes of this problem and the mitigation methods. Why is disk usage high? Some users like to compare other static plug-ins when they find that the disk is occupied. The conclusion is: "Why don't I use XXX's static plug-ins to occupy so many disks? Is there something wrong with the plug-in?". In fact, it is not difficult to explain this problem. Z-BLOG is a dynamic program, and most of the acceleration plug-ins on the market come from other developers, and generally fall into two categories: 1. Like dedecms, according to the URL
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The cost of Internet rumor making is too low. Is the key to trust?

 The cost of Internet rumor making is too low. Is the key to trust?
The situation is like this. Recently, some netizens have been talking about the "hidden code of sending emails when the website reaches the weight of 7". The specific rumor is the following picture: When I saw this picture, I laughed, but I felt that the cost of Internet fraud and rumor making was too low. The website has not yet known who the originator of this picture is (it is said that it is a webmaster trying to crack the application), ...
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Server firewall URL white list rule settings

 Server firewall URL white list rule settings
The Z-BLOG plug-in provided by this website needs to be automatically processed through regular access to specific URLs, but some friend servers are equipped with firewalls, which leads to the URL triggering the plug-in execution being intercepted by mistake. Friends who do not know the technology will panic at this time. In fact, there is no need to panic. We can configure the URL white list in the firewall to solve the problem
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