Quote: Vandigger disappeared

A long time ago, a goblin named Vandigger had a beautiful and amazing appearance, and even the birds in the sky would forget to beat their wings when they caught sight of her. The witch envious of her appearance cast a vicious spell so that she could not be seen by anyone.

Altai, an old painter, once saw Van Diegel when he was not cursed. Since then, he has devoted his life to painting the goblin. Because of his paintings, people were able to see the beauty of Van Diegel again. The world is fascinated by the Van Diegel in the painting.

However, Vandigger was not satisfied with Altai's paintings. In her opinion, Altai never painted one thousandth of his beauty. Angry Van Digger burned Altai's paintings and killed Altai with magic.

Since then, no one has mentioned Vandigger. Even those who have seen Altai's paintings gradually feel that Vandigger's peerless beauty is just their own fantasy.


1、 The girl in the dream


In front of me was sitting a girl in a beige dress. She put one hand on the marble round table and the other on her chin, looking up and down at me with her big eyes. There seems to be a ray of bright moonlight in her eyes. Under the moonlight is the dark water - it is dark and unpredictable, which forms a fantastic contrast with the white on the girl.

I forgot to move my body. Or, I don't seem to feel my body. The eyes in front of me seem to have the petrified magic of the snake haired monster. So much so that all I could see was just the bamboo pavilion surrounded by mountain fog, a round table, and the pretty girl in front of me.

The girl's legs were swinging alternately, and her feet were also pounding the ground, making rhythmic sounds.

"Ta. Ta. Ta. Ta. Ta."

Our eyes never leave each other. Strangely, neither I nor the other party felt any anxiety or embarrassment. We looked at each other silently. Therefore, the regular sound becomes the only way to perceive time here


This dream happened at the end of December last year. In the past ten days, I have dreamed the same scene every night. But the content of that dream is so monotonous that I can't distinguish whether it is a repetition of the same dream or a continuation of the previous dream.

What's more strange is that even after I woke up, the content of the dream could not be forgotten in my mind. I could easily recall all the details of the dream, just like the dream and the real memory were strangely grafted together at a vague point in my brain.


My name is Yi. I am studying in high school in West Bank City this year. I was not born on the west bank, Longshui is my hometown. But "Longshui" for me is just a word appearing on my personal information sheet together with "birthplace", "native place", etc. In my memory, I never went back to my hometown, nor did my parents, probably because my relatives moved to the West Bank. In short, the family never mentioned Longshui. They will only say that I was born on a winter night, how cold and dark it was that night - which may explain the origin of my name. But her mother always shook her head: "It means' hope '."

My parents didn't have me until middle age. As the only child in my family, my mother loves me very much. Of course, my father also loves me, but he often comes home very late, full of alcohol. He said that he was busy with his work, but we all knew that his father came home late only because he was drunk.



"Yi, forgive me," he would say every time when I helped him out of the tavern, "tomorrow, tomorrow I will not drink."

"Tomorrow? What should I do if I still drink tomorrow?" I held the man's hand and walked along clumsily carrying him. I asked angrily.

"When you grow up, I won't drink any more -" he said, "Yi ah, put down my hand quickly. I'm sweating from drinking, and my arms become itchy."

I'm worried. With one effort, he grasped his arm more tightly: "Tell me when you will stop drinking."

"Sixteen, sixteen," the man finally lost, "when Yi is sixteen, I will not drink."


I was looking forward to my sixteenth birthday. Because I thought that everything would be better when I was sixteen. However, instead of waiting for my father to fulfill his promise, some other situations began to change.

Until I entered the age of 16, it was easy for me to sleep. Once you touch your head and close your eyes, you can fall asleep in three or two times. I don't often dream. Even if I have a dream, most people will forget everything in the dream after waking up.

But now, every time I go to bed, I begin to hesitate. I am not afraid of that girl. On the contrary, when I am with her, I will feel a strange calm in my heart, which is a fascinating sense of peace. What I'm afraid of is my own abnormality: dreaming of a strange woman, having the same dream, remembering the content of my dreams... This abnormal feeling different from that of ordinary people, I can't talk about it, but it brings me great fear.

Finally, today, the content of the dream has changed.

I found myself in a place like a railway station. Around the old station are pools of water.

The girl was sitting by the pond, her eyes staring at the water. She was still swinging her slender legs and humming something in a very soft voice. The straw hat tied with a beige bow was gently buckled on her long black hair, and a faint smile floated on her beautiful face.

The calm scene made me wonder whether it was my dream or whether I accidentally entered her dream.

I couldn't help walking past. When I leaned close to her, I finally heard what she was humming.

"Where to go? It's so late. Beautiful train. Lonely train..." It seems to be a random tune, but it's like a smart spring, trickling in her trembling voice.

"Yi," as if she had suddenly found me, she turned her head and looked at me, "Come and sing, too."

Does she know my name? I was startled.

"So... who are you?" Although I can't bear to disturb her interest, I still asked.

She stopped her legs. For a moment, I saw in her eyes that it was like a gust of wind blowing, and the wind condensed the clear moonlight on the tide. The girl stared at my eyes for a long time, until the moonlight in my eyes came back into the darkness. She turned around and looked at the end of the water with ripples.

"Ann, don't forget," I heard her say in a light tone, "my Mr. Altai."


2、 No same snowflakes


"Happy New Year." As soon as I sat down, I heard my deskmate whisper to me.

"Hey, Happy New Year." I responded with a long yawn.

Today is January 3, 2012, and the three-day New Year's Day holiday has just come to an end.

"Didn't you sleep during the holiday?" She gave me a white look.

"No, I was so excited that I couldn't sleep last night when I thought of the beginning of school," I said sarcastically. But in my mind, I couldn't help thinking about the details of the conflicts that appeared in my dream last night.

Just then, I caught a glimpse of a corner of red flannelette leaking out of her drawer.

"This is a New Year gift from my father." She seemed to notice my eyes, so she grabbed the flannelette bag out and shook it as if emphasizing. A small but clear bell sound came from inside. She likes this little thing best. The girl in front of me, who always likes to keep a cold face, showed a rare smile, which was kind of cute.

I sheepishly looked away: "It sounds very comfortable, the bell sounds."

"Yes." She turned her head aside and put the bag back.

"Do you like your father?" I couldn't help asking.

"Well, I think I like it," she seemed to think for a while, then asked, "How about you?"

"My father..." I was stunned for a moment, and then found that I had never thought about this problem. "I was always drunk, always smelling of alcohol, and I still had ugly scars left by fighting with others when I was drunk. It was not easy to return home without talking, and I didn't care about the family affairs..."

As soon as I opened my mouth, I unconsciously let out my complaints about him. My deskmate held his chin in one hand and listened to me silently.

"My father always likes to drag me around with his own words. Swimming, cycling, climbing... He also likes to tell me some old truths. I told him again and again, and I prefer to stay at home and read more books. My mother said that my father simply raised me as a boy, alas." It seems that I was influenced by me, She also followed with an exaggerated tone that did not match her calm face, and read it in pieces, which made me laugh.

"Speaking of which, you haven't answered my question yet," my deskmate seemed to think of something and finally pulled back the topic, "Do you like your father?"

"Yes," I sighed, "but it seems that he likes his wine a little more than I do. It's really strange for adults."

"Your excellency is really strange," she repeated.



The bell rang for class. It was composition review. As usual, the teacher first summarized the situation, and then called several students with high scores to read the composition on the stage. At this time, even if we chatted under the stage, nobody would care. This kind of writing on stage is definitely not my turn. My deskmate tried several times, but not this time.

The comment was on the article "No two snowflakes are the same" written before the New Year's holiday.

I think it doesn't matter if the title is "leaves" or "clouds". After talking for a long time, what I want to write is just "people". "It's boring. There are no two people who are the same. Even twins can't be the same." I teased.

Maybe it's because I can't write a good composition all the time. My deskmate also sighed helplessly at my remarks.

"Speaking of this," I looked at her sideways and asked in a low voice, "I see why you always like to be alone and don't make friends?"

My classmate in the upper corner was called to the stage by the teacher.

"Because I'm not interested in their affairs, and I don't want to say anything to pretend that I'm interested," she murmured as she stroked the corner of the velvet bag, "Hey, I ask you. People often say hello, 'Have you eaten?' Do they really care if you have eaten? I don't understand. Anyway, I'm not interested in whether others have meals or not, so I won't say that... "

"... The winter wind will carve the falling petals carefully to show the world her most unique masterpiece..." The voice of the students on the stage reading the composition covered her whisper.

I really found there was some truth in what she said. "I haven't thought about this kind of problem," I shrugged.

"When we write a composition, we all say, 'Everyone is unique.' But in ordinary times, people who behave in a unique way will be excluded. It's strange." She continued to mutter.

I couldn't help being stunned. Just as I was going to consider the elusive philosophy of this sentence, the bell rang after class. The sound of rustling and cleaning the desk came from around, and it was remembered that the next step was the math simulation test.

"Winter vacation is coming," I sighed.

"I ask you, why does this step of the problem become like this?" She took out the math book from her bag, opened a page of notes, pointed to one of the notes and asked me, "What's more, why is this result?"

I never took notes in math class. When I saw my desk mate's math book full of colorful classroom records, the sharp contrast really surprised me. After that, I was full of admiration for this persistence.

"Why... why are you so stupid?" I smiled and sighed. My admiration finally turned into the usual tease. "It's almost a hundred thousand whys."

What I didn't know at that time was that my deskmate, a girl named Man, only stayed in our class for one semester. After coming back from winter vacation, I learned that she had transferred to school. Everything happened suddenly. She didn't say a word about the transfer. The class didn't respond much, but it stirred up ripples when the teacher just announced the news, and soon the surface was polished as before, so smooth that it could not help but wonder whether Mann really came.

In this regard, I am a little lonely. The reason for loneliness seems to be more than man's leaving without saying goodbye.


3、 Accidents

The field of vision is full of chrome yellow tones. Although it is February, at noon, as long as you walk on the street, you still have to feel the power of the sun. Then words such as "drying ginger" and "baking weeds" will come to mind continuously.

I stayed at school during the class, and only came home at noon on Saturday. I stayed in my small bed for a comfortable night, and went back to school the next afternoon. This is true in junior high school and senior high school. Like the rhythm of the four seasons, time passes in such a change. But for me, it seems like eternity.

"Those people are saying, 'Man transferred to another school.' But to be honest, I really can't remember who she is." On the way home with luggage, Yonghui, my colleague, said to me.

I held the information in my arms with one hand and patted the back of his head with my free hand. "That was my former deskmate," I stared at him as if I had seen something amazing. "After a semester, I couldn't even remember the girls in my class."

"It's her," he said in surprise. "I haven't talked with your deskmate, so I often confuse her with other girls."

In fact, in retrospect, Mann didn't talk much, nor did he talk to the whole class on the platform. As her deskmate, I am almost the opposite sex that she talks most in class. So when I learned her sense of existence from other boys, I would be surprised by this cognitive bias.

Can I ever think that my situation is not much different from that of Mann. Even though many people think that I can play with any boy in the class, I feel from the bottom of my heart that only my transferred deskmate and Yonghui can really talk with me. It's just that I prefer to talk about life with Mann, while what I talk about with Yonghui is often just anecdotes.

The scenes of those strange dreams flashed through my mind. Yes, maybe we can find something from this man with a big brain hole.

"Have you ever heard of such urban legends?" I asked casually, "about a male high school student dreaming of a strange girl or something."

"Oh?" Yonghui raised his eyebrows. "I really heard a similar story."

"A similar story?" I repeated his words and couldn't help but prick up my ears.

"It is said that a man in a high school dozed off in class. But a moment later, he woke up with a start. Then, people found blood bursting out of his nostrils

"During the break, people gathered around him and asked him what he had dreamt of in class. He stammered, 'It's like this. I... I dreamt that I was stealing... peeping at a woman I didn't know... washing... bathing. Alas! Originally, I just wanted to lean up to see... see clearly. Who knows, she found me. Fortunately, I woke up quickly, or she would have caught me! '"

Yonghui said, looking at me proudly, "How about it? Is it a good story?"

I rolled my eyes at him and patted him on the back of the head with my hand.

Maybe he is right. If others knew that I dreamed about the same girl I had never met, what would they think? It is not so much to understand as to directly become the topic of conversation after dinner. I swallowed my saliva and swallowed the words I had just reached my throat.

Unexpectedly, I didn't hold the information in my hand for a while, and several pieces of paper fell from it. Yonghui and I both bent down and picked up half of our feet.

"Comrade Culture and Sports Committee member, is this the performance schedule of this year's Sports Festival?" Yonghui looked at the program schedule at hand, "This program is still so uninteresting."

This is what I got from the Student Union this morning as a class cadre. I forgot to post it.

"Yi," he shouted at me, "I didn't expect that your cultural and sports committee members would also perform on the stage. It interests me."

What, why don't I know there is still this risk?

"It must be that the students' union can't recruit coolies, so we just took you to count." Yonghui suddenly gloated. "Congratulations, you are a singing and dancing group."

Even if I don't care about being elected to perform when I don't know it, it's impossible to ask a naturally out of tune person to sing in front of the whole school - I really hope those dancing people recruit boys.

I got off at the gate of the community with my luggage bag. The bus threw a puff of smoke behind me and ran away from the heartless guy with the noisy bus. After calming down, I found that my eyes had been searching for the shadow of home in a pile of buildings in front of me. It's just hoping to find a little belonging in the panic.


4、 Seek support


I took out the key to open the door and weakly greeted the people in the room.

"Hey, I'm back." My father, who was preparing dishes, looked up at me and smiled.

Saturday is the only time I see my father often.

"Put away your things and come to eat." Mother came out of the kitchen with a plate of vegetables.

Everything in the dining room was dyed chrome yellow by the sunlight. When my father straightened his back, I thought his waist was still slightly bent, and then I found that there was an arc between his neck and back. In the sun, my mother's black hair also had pale scratches. They just stand in the undercurrent of time and slowly grow old where I don't know.

The complaint that just came out of my heart is that I can't bear to vent it on these people. I sat down silently, facing a bowl of white rice, a table of rich dishes, and two smiling faces in front of me.

"What's the fun in school?" My father put a piece of beef in my bowl, and then lowered his head to pick up two mouthfuls of rice.

I looked at him and couldn't speak for a moment.

Did father come home late recently? Did he go for a drink? How was the relationship between my parents when I was not at home?

I opened my mouth and answered carelessly, staring at the whole family at the end of the table from time to time.

When I was in kindergarten, my whole family went to the seaside to travel. In the photo, I made a face with my mouth puffed, my father hugged me, and my mother leaned against me. Three people stood on the beach, laughing happily.


I climbed up the stone steps and finally saw the bamboo pavilion built in the mountains.

"... a beautiful train. A lonely train. Sadness is you, the sound of the whistle. It is reminiscent of many things..." The beautiful song of the girl came from the pavilion.

"What song is that?" I couldn't help but get through it.

"Well," Ann stopped humming and stood up from the stone bench

"Then... can you teach me to sing?" I began to falter.

Ann raised her eyebrows.

I told her about the school's annual sports festival and how I was pulled to the stage to sing. As she listened, the faint smile appeared again on her face.

"I can help you sing," she said.

How to help?

"Just come here the night before."

My mind is full of doubts. The girl in front of her, her eyes are more profound than before, like a bottomless abyss.

I walked out of the pavilion and looked back at her. An lingered in the bamboo pavilion, like a cuckoo jumping in a birdcage made of bamboo strips, and kept looking at the sky outside.



The sports festival is approaching day by day, and more and more people in the class come to talk to me with the attitude of watching the excitement.

"How are you, cultural and sports committee member? Are you nervous about coming to the stage on Friday?" A student in the corner of the classroom shouted to me, followed by a burst of laughter from people around him.

"Let's wait and see the good show." I pretended to be complacent, but in fact, I was totally uncertain.

The hardest part is actually when the singing group rehearses. But fortunately, I sang with another boy. Since there was no microphone during rehearsal, as long as my voice was deliberately lowered, my voice could be completely covered by him. Because there was no other candidate, I was not found out by the instructor in public, nor was I replaced. There was no danger. I spent a few days of rehearsal in making up the numbers.

Until the end of the last day of rehearsal, I finally felt relieved. But at the same time, another big stone pressed on my heart. I don't know why I put all my hopes on the girl who doesn't really exist. All I know is that this is a bet against my poor self-esteem. Even if there is a little chance of success, I will never give up trying. Because as long as I give up, I will be stabbed to pieces by the ridicule of the people watching the play behind me.

I walked out of the music room with a complicated mood. "Come on tomorrow." The boys in my group came up from behind and smiled at me. I also smiled at him.

We walked through a classroom next door and found that the drama crew were still rehearsing.

"Why is it necessary to fight to the death?" I heard the people in the classroom say, "You and I were together. Just like the moon and the sun."

"This year's drama is still so profound." The boy beside shrugged his shoulders.


Lying on the dormitory bed. Close your eyes. I saw the bamboo pavilion again.

"You finally come." The girl sitting at the stone table looked at me with her chin.

"What are you going to do?"

"It's easy. You stay in the pavilion, and I'll go out and help you sing. I'll come back after the performance."

"In that case..." I stared at her face in surprise.

"Yes, then I will take the place of 'you' to control your original body, which is wonderful, isn't it?" An's face was full of smiles. "Don't worry, the residual souls in your body will do all those miscellaneous things as usual. We won't reveal any flaws."

"But you must promise me to stay in the pavilion and not go anywhere." She left a word and walked out with light steps. I stared at her blankly until her figure disappeared into the mountains and fog.


5、 Make a sharp turn


Although my heart is full of anxiety, I can do nothing in this strange world, and I have no idea of what happened on the other side. In the end, it was too careless. Even if she made trouble on the other side, I had nothing to do with her.

However, if you stay in this pavilion, your heart will gradually become quiet. It's like the fire is raging around me, but I sit alone, covering my eyes and ears, feeling the peace in my heart.

Suddenly, in the endless silence, I heard some noise. I thought I heard wrong. But before I could doubt my ears, the noise appeared again.

It came from outside the pavilion.

I was about to go out to see the source of the sound when I remembered Ann's advice and had to sit back on the stone stool. Only curious eyes, trying to search for things behind the fog.

Those voices did not stop, like thousands of people shouting behind the fog. That voice has been reverberating in the space above my head, which makes me feel creepy.

Curiosity finally defeated my reason. I walked out of the bamboo pavilion carefully and came to the stone steps. Then I realized that the sound was coming from the fog at the bottom of the mountain. Although they are still vague, I can barely hear the content of the words.

"You just... have you left..." The voice was intermittent, but very sharp, as if it was a female voice, "I was afraid..." My legs trembled when I heard this. What was that? Isn't this my dream?

The sudden sound of footsteps from my ears really scared me. I fixed my mind and saw that Ann was back.

"Didn't she say that she couldn't leave the pavilion?" It seemed that she was stunned when she saw my flustered reaction. She was obviously not happy.

Just as I was about to ask, she continued to speak: "I have already helped you. Go back quickly to avoid being doubted - besides, I really don't like your close friends."

With that, Ann lowered her head and let her long hair block her side face. She walked up the stone steps without paying any attention to me. I looked at her faraway back and had to walk to the mountain gate in the thick fog with a lot of doubts.



My mind slowly recovered and I found myself lying on the backstage table.

"Did you get up too early?" My singing instructor came over with a smile. "I didn't think you had such potential. I didn't see it during rehearsal."

"It was very successful," added a girl who was removing her makeup.

I jumped out of my chair in fright. Although I know in the bottom of my heart that the merit is not mine, there is still a kind of inexplicable joy, or... vanity. Ann didn't break her promise, and she helped unexpectedly.

After the opening performance of the Sports and Arts Festival, I pretended to be calm and walked to the class, but I was silently prepared for praise. Sure enough, as soon as I entered the door, I suddenly heard the head teacher yelling, "Welcome back!" The wave of applause rushed to my face. I walked back to my seat with a smile on my face. As I walked, I could still hear the praises mixed with applause. I was secretly intoxicated with vanity.


"Hey, cultural and sports committee member," as soon as school was over, several people gathered around with malice. "If you have the ability to sing a few words now, you can prove that you didn't lip synch."

"Yes, we all know what you look like when you sing karaoke. It's out of tune..."

"Sing like that just on the stage, this joke is a bit big." Someone echoed.

"Sing a few words to us, prince?" The leader continued to laugh.

I looked at them at a loss and suddenly found that things had gone beyond my expectations.

"It was just my improvisation," I tried to pretend to be calm. "It was super... super performance."

"Oh, super play? See what I said is right, our lip synching little prince can only play super play on the stage."

I hurriedly looked at Yonghui who had been silent for help. Yonghui only half of his face leaked from the stack of books piled high, but his eyes were also staring at me. His face was full of an expression that I could not fathom. Lonely, I had to rush out of the classroom, leaving endless laughter behind me.


"What a pity, those people," An said indignantly while looking at the picture in front of him, "envious, envious, envious. When I saw a phoenix spreading its wings in its nest, those noisy crows with unbalanced hearts could only rely on some ridiculous cynicism to comfort me."

She turned around half a circle gracefully with ballet like dance steps, shook her head to me with a wry smile: "They just can't see others' difference."

This is a place similar to an exhibition hall. The golden lights quietly illuminate the walls with classical patterns around them, and many exquisite paintings are orderly arranged on the walls. I can't help following her and appreciating one by one.

Suddenly, I saw a familiar name.

"Ann? Is this you?" I couldn't help shouting out.

"Yes," I saw her giggling. "'Trains to Hometown' is my proud work."

It turns out that she not only sings well, but also paints extremely beautiful pictures. " I was surprised.

"What is it here?"

"You have so many problems," she could no longer hide the smile on her face. "This is also mine, my art gallery."

"I drew this picture at that time, and I liked it very much, so I showed it to the teacher. The teacher also liked it, and liked it very much. So I sent it to people in the art circle, and finally hung it here." An was immersed in memories.

"But those people don't think so," she gradually stopped laughing

"But it doesn't matter," she resumed her unemotional tone. "In your place..."

"Your family will support you even if the whole world speaks ill of you."

"As always."


6、 The cost of capturing dreams


"Why, you also began to take notes?" After self-study in the evening, when I was sorting out the graffiti on the book like Man, Yonghui's voice sounded in my ear. When I think of what happened yesterday, I can't help getting angry and ignoring him.

"It's like an apology," he said, tossing two packets of instant coffee on the open book in front of me. "For the sake of my brother, can you come out and talk?" I turned to him and suddenly found his nose was very red and swollen.

"You don't know what's wrong with my nose?" When I asked him about his red nose, he suddenly bounced far away, like a cat whose tail was scalded by boiling water. "You really don't know?"

"Really -" suddenly remembered the "transaction" with the girl yesterday, "I did it?"

"'Did I really do it?'" He repeated in imitation of my tone, "Yesterday I just came to say hello to you, and you suddenly took your pen... your pen..." He suddenly covered his nose with a wail.

"Pen? How did you say hello“

"Just came and patted your head," he glared at me.

Remembering what Ann said yesterday and her embarrassment, I couldn't help laughing: "I clapped my head... it was because you clapped your head... hahaha..." This time it was Yonghui's turn not to hit one place: "Sure enough, I'd better take the coffee back."

"Sorry... hahaha." I had to apologize to him repeatedly.


"Then what?" I asked after finally calming down his mood. "You didn't call me out because of your nose."

"No - not all," he pulled out a strange ornament from his school uniform pocket and handed it to me. It was a rope loop with several beautiful feathers hanging on it. One silk thread weaved a flower shaped net in the center of the rope loop.

"This is really beautiful. If you give it to Man, she will like it." I sincerely lament its exquisite workmanship.

"This is for you," he said with a straight face. "Dream Catcher, a real dream catcher."

I looked at him puzzled.

"'I dreamed of a beautiful girl I didn't know'. I remember you said something similar before."

"That's nonsense. Don't you take it seriously?" I was at a loss when he suddenly threw out the topic.

"Since then, you have been dreaming about her one after another. In this dream after another, the distance between you and her has become closer and closer... Later, you began to have physical contact. And recently, you found yourself deeply in love with each other..."

"Those behind are not..."

"Then yesterday, you were possessed by this girl." His face became more and more serious. "Did I say something wrong?"

"The details are not quite right, but on the whole, they are almost the same." Seeing his rare seriousness, I had to start telling the truth, "You must not tell others... and there is no such thing as' lying on the desk sleeping and bursting out nosebleeds'“

"Sorry! If only I had believed you earlier," he suddenly grabbed my shoulder with both hands after listening to my answer. While talking, he shook a few times, "but I realized it because of your abnormality yesterday... including your high pitched voice on the stage."

"High pitched on the stage?" I couldn't help staring. "Seriously?"

"Don't mention this first," he rolled his eyes. "Hang this net on your bedside, and she won't pester you any more."

"Remember, no matter how beautiful that girl is, she is never a good fault."



Ask yourself, Ann didn't do anything to hurt me. On the contrary, she will listen to my complaints, see my vulnerability and comfort me, and help me when I am in a desperate situation

But my premonition is getting stronger and stronger: the scene I dream may not be the result of my brain activity. An Keneng is not just an accidental character in my dream. She may have her own independent personality, her own ideas, and even her own story. I gradually worried that I would sink deeper and deeper into the mire of that strange dream.

After all, I hung the exquisite decoration on the shelf at the head of my bed before closing my eyes.


I was awakened in the confusion by the annoying wake up bell of the school. I stretched and rubbed my sleepy eyes.

"Yi, early." The person on duty in the dormitory has cleaned up.

"Morning," I subconsciously responded to his greeting, "Morning - morning?"

When I found the sense of disobedience, I suddenly bounced up and felt the alarm clock in the quilt.

It's six thirty two. Although the late spring sun has not yet shone into this small room, there is no doubt that the long night has passed.

Nothing happened last night. No dream memory, nor did I see the girl named An!

I cheered and took off the dream net at the head of the bed and held it in my arms, as if I had been given a life saving straw. People in the dormitory looked at me with pity as if they saw a fool, but they didn't know that the person in front of them had just passed their first sleep since they were 16 years old.

I finished my breakfast with joy and rushed to the classroom to share my joy with Yonghui.

However, until the end of self-study in the morning, Yonghui still did not appear. "The first lesson was changed to self-study, and everyone should remember to keep quiet." When the head teacher gave this temporary notice, I vaguely realized the seriousness of the matter, because I also saw Yonghui's parents with solemn faces outside the door.

"I heard that Yonghui was hospitalized." Someone was whispering. "He was found dead in bed in the morning. He couldn't wake up after shouting."

"How can this happen? Are you still alive?"

"I don't know what ailment I suddenly got - it's terrible."

More and more rumors made me fidget, and the pen in my hand began to shake.

I caught a glimpse of the instant coffee from Yonghui on the desk and opened a packet and poured it into the thermos. I hope I can calm down with the help of caffeine. Unexpectedly, I was so sleepy that I was overwhelmed with sleep



"Yi, you really did a wonderful thing." An in a beige dress stood on the steps much higher than me. Even if I didn't look at her, I could still feel the burning eyes of the girl.

I suddenly raised my head and casually looked at her. I saw her slightly squint her eyes and put on a look of contempt. The black water in those eyes is now tumbling crazily. The girl's hands were wrapped around her chest, but she could not hide her hands trembling with anger.

Before that, I had never seen her face show any intense emotion. Now, her face is twisted with anger, but I can feel that she is still suppressing her emotions.

"What did you do to him?" Although a little fear flashed in my heart, I still tried to resist her majesty.

"I warned you," Ann deliberately lowered her voice, as if trying to hold back her anger. "I don't like your close friends, especially his self righteous cleverness."

"What did you do to him?" I repeated mechanically.

"Is' Dream Catcher 'right? Let's see who should be protected by' Dream Catcher '!" Obviously, Ann was finally irritated by me. She put down her arms, clenched her fists, and shouted hysterically, "KLS -' Sleeping Beauty Syndrome ', is that what you call it? Anyway, he also enjoys sleeping, so let him sleep for ten and a half years."

After shouting frantically, An's legs softened and he sat down on the stone steps with a bang, breathing heavily in his mouth. Only then did I realize how much my dream net had hurt her. I watched her react so violently that I was stunned and dared not move.

In any case, the girl in front of me helped me and gave me support. However, I was selfish for a while, which caused her to lose her attitude today. My heart was very unhappy.

"Compensation..." I muttered in bewilderment.

"How can I compensate you... so that you can let him go?"

"Compensation?" She snorted contemptuously, still breathing very fast. "Really?"

Seeing her weak, I had to nod my head quickly.

She waved her wrist and motioned me to leave: "Remember what you said today. Otherwise - I will never forgive him."


7、 Repayment


After that, Yonghui's condition improved rapidly "miraculously". Before the Tomb Sweeping Day holiday, I finally saw his lively figure in the school.

"I hope I can have your physique as soon as I sleep until the holiday," I said sarcastically.

"Your instant coffee is also too sweet - one sip of it will make people sleepy for days and nights. That effect is like a powerful sleeping pill..." While joking with him as usual, I quietly returned the dream trap to his hands, "now I think you need it more“

"You must have done something secretly," Yonghui took me aside and whispered, "The doctor said that he had never seen such a case of me before, and he would recover and leave the hospital in less than a week..."

I reached out my hand and motioned to him not to go on saying, "You should consider this a small miracle." Then I patted him on the shoulder.

"You must be careful -" he sighed, "especially the old man."


During the lunch break, I told Ann about Yonghui's recovery and thanked her.

"Is there anything you haven't told me?" The girl who was eating strawberries with relish suddenly asked coldly.

I understand that she meant the return to Longshui tonight.

I was also surprised when I learned about this decision from my mother through a telephone conversation with my family last night. For the place where I have no memory, my trip is more like a "journey" than "going back to the country".

It's a long way to go back to Longshui. First, we need to detour along the continuous mountains on the west bank, then cross the Longshui River Valley, and drive a long way through the plantations at the foot of the mountain to see the town of Longshui. Driving my small van, we can't go back in three days, and the short Tomb Sweeping Day holiday is far from allowing us to go back and forth.

"By train," my mother said on the phone, "we'll start as soon as you finish school."

"Remember what you said before." Ann picked up a bright red strawberry and gently reminded him. Her slender body slightly turned its back to me and leaned against the stone table in the bamboo pavilion. It seemed that she was still angry with me.

I promised to get up and leave. At this time, the girl spoke again.

"Yi," she seemed to say to herself, "do you think I'm a monster?"

I can't think of how to answer this strange question at the moment. I was stunned. I saw that Ann still turned her back to me, chewing silently, and said nothing more. I turned around and walked out of the pavilion.



At seven o'clock in the evening, we got on the train - the train to Longshui and home.

The train gave out a long roar. It seemed that there was a recovering steel heart under the floor of the carriage. It was beating again and again, and the bed board, the suitcase on the bed and the water cup on the table shook regularly. The train began to move forward in the beating of wheels and rails.

The smell of coffee and fast food soon floated in the car, and the voice of talking in different dialects was mixed with the cry of babies... I was like being immersed in a pot of chowder soup, and a variety of flavors stirred to produce another unique flavor.

Father was lying in the lower bunk, resting on the suitcase with towel on his head. Mother, by the light of the carriage, was cracking melon seeds while looking at the newspaper on her knee, and occasionally read to me the interesting content in the newspaper in a loud voice. Although I was not interested in her sharing, I still nodded and followed her, occasionally turning my head to look out of the window to see unknown trees or power poles that would flash past in front of the window every once in a while, and to see the railway tracks that appeared and disappeared near the bottom of the window.

"What kind of boxed lunch?" The train attendant interrupted my thoughts with a mechanical inquiry.

I waved my hand: "I'll just eat instant noodles." As I said, I patted my backpack which was full of drums beside me. The mother in front of me gave me a white look and got two sets of braised lion's head for herself and father. Moments later, the neatly dressed steward slowly dragged the dining car and disappeared into the crowd of carriages.

After dinner, bored, I continued to look out the window at the scene of rapid disappearance, and unconsciously fell into thinking again.

Who built the road under the train? The steel bridge across the steep canyon, the tunnel through the huge mountain at will, and the concrete overhead on the original forest easily... These seem to have existed since the birth of the world. When we travel on them, they are so deserved to exist that no one will even calm down to appreciate these incomparable projects. We just enjoy their convenience with ease, just like babies don't think about how to solve their three meals a day

When I came back to my senses again, the people in the car had already fallen asleep, and the intermittent snoring sound surrounded me. "Yi," when I heard someone reading my name behind me, I subconsciously turned back and found that it was my father's balderdash, "Forgive me." I sighed helplessly, "Have you been drinking again“

The other party did not reply.

After all, I couldn't resist the invasion of sleepy feeling in the carriage, so I had to pack up and climb onto my bed.


"See you again so soon?" The girl who was reading raised her eyebrows.

I am in a brick house. Although it is a brick house, the interior decoration is very neat and beautiful, showing a trace of elegance in the plain.

"What a beautiful house!" I sighed.

"Have you ever been here?"

No, I thought about it. No matter in my dream or in reality, I have no memory of this house.

"This is my favorite place." Her eyes looked at everything around.

"Well, it's time to fulfill your promise." Place the book and stand up from the wooden chair.

"What do you want me to do?"

"Just like last time, you stay here and I go out. Just one day," the girl's eyes looked at me directly, "after today..."

Her original firm eyes became free, but then she said: "...... After today, I will leave your dream. From now on, you will have ordinary dreams, and I will not disturb you again."

Originally, I was still hesitating, but after hearing the last sentence, I let go: "But you must promise me that you will not mess around there."

"I just want to go out."

"Have you heard the story of the goblin Van Digger?" She was about to step out of the door, but stopped again.

"I always felt that if it was the witch that Vandigger punished, she would not end up like this."

I was stunned.

"Sorry, my Mr. Altai."

The door suddenly closed behind her, blocking the girl's back and voice at the other end of the door.

What An said suddenly before leaving suddenly confused me. I groped for a place to sit down and glanced at the book she had just put down on the table. It was a book of some age. The glue on the back of the book had fallen off, and there was a "Complete Book of Legends" written on the worn cover.

"Why do you still read such books?" I muttered.

It's boring. I raised my legs, picked up the book and opened the first page.

On the yellow title page, the girl's name is written in delicate handwriting. And under the pencil trace that had already infiltrated into the paper, there was a little something newly written, like children's graffiti.

I read the story of the cursed fairy Vandigger and the painter Altai when I flipped aimlessly. The fairy Vandigger disappeared from the world because of the evil curse of the witch. With the help of Altai's paintings, she was able to survive in the world in another way. However, Vandigger killed Altai and destroyed the painting because of his arrogance. She was no longer known to the world.

I thought about the meaning of this story, and suddenly recalled those meaningless words that Ann had always said. A strong sense of foreboding spread through the spinal cord.

I turned the book back to the title page and carefully marked the graffiti with my forefinger. When I suddenly found the meaning of this pattern, my heart could not help beating - it seemed to be my childhood handwriting. That graffiti is nothing but my name - Yi.

Suddenly, for a moment, I was regretting that I had not left the dream catcher to my parents.

At this time, someone pushed the door open.

"Ann!" I shouted, trying to question the visitor.

"Ann?" What answered me was a voice full of vicissitudes. "That child will not come back."



I woke up slowly amid the noise. I felt the sun was dazzling, and then I heard the sound of the steel wheel hitting the gap between the rails - I was on the train.

Memories that do not belong to me rush into my heart.

"Can I help you?" The woman in overalls came over with the cart.

"Still eating instant noodles, Yi?" A dignified woman sitting opposite me took the words.

"No, just some fruit," I said to the woman pushing the dining car. "Just the box of strawberries."


The frequency of the noise outside the carriage gradually slowed down. It was the train coming into the station.

"Are you there? Yi, take your luggage," said a voice behind you.

I turned my head and accidentally saw the man's face. Although the wind and frost have now climbed onto his face, in a long time, this face is like a dead tree floating in the stormy waves. Even though it has experienced countless waves to suppress it, it still insists on floating out of the sea again and again.

The man pushed the big suitcase down from the seat, and then moved the fat beer belly, trying to leave the narrow space between the seat and the table, but unexpectedly, when he pulled out, he kicked the suitcase on the edge of the aisle. I heard him humming, but he bent over and supported the huge box and walked out of the carriage along the bustling crowd. I carried my luggage and followed me wordlessly.

As I walked out of the platform, I looked up at the station notice - today is Tomb Sweeping Day. Wednesday, April 4, 2012.

The railway station that once appeared in my canvas is completely another scene. People in fashionable clothes keep passing by. The wall is hung with brightly colored billboards. The place where the pool used to be is filled with cement, and there are new cars on it

At the moment when I walked out of the building, the refreshing sunshine in April afternoon dripped down from the eaves overhead. I hold it in my hands, and the golden light keeps turning in my hands. Even if everything in the world has changed, the sun is still familiar.

The man put his luggage in the trunk of the taxi, reported the name of a hotel to the driver, and the car drove forward. My head leaned against the window and looked out of the window dejectedly. I can't recognize this crowded town full of tall buildings. I will never forget the place where the brand new department store stands. That land used to be my home and my last memory.


When I arrived at the hotel room, I immediately left my heavy luggage behind.

Yi lives in a single room, not on the same floor as his parents' room. Thanks to this, I can enjoy this hard won time alone.

I collapsed on the soft big bed, closed my eyes, and touched everything in the world heartily. Although these things are strange, at the moment, they make me feel inexplicable kindness. The newly washed bedding has a pleasant smell, the soles of my feet feel warm when they touch the furry carpet, the curtains lifted by the gusts of wind have my favorite color, and the wind brings cool and moist smell... The long lost satisfaction flows into my brain like a wave from my five senses along the nerves.

This real world really makes me crazy. Everything is breathing, jumping, changing - the feeling of being alive. I took a few deep breaths and finally opened my eyes slowly.

I have more important things to do.


"You have to drink when you come back here? Can't you stop?"

As I approached their room, I vaguely heard some discordant voices.

"It has been said for several years. Don't worry about it."

"Don't come back at all!"

The man burst out in front of me. I looked at him quietly. I used to be so familiar with this person, and now I am such a stranger. Without realizing it, I opened my mouth slightly——

"Where to go? It's so late. Beautiful train. Lonely train..."

Such a familiar melody, this time, can't bring any emotion. At the next moment, I saw the man's body standing like a stone sculpture.

Do you forget the time river between us?

"Are you here?" The man's deep voice vibrated.

"Yes, Dad," I replied.

I'm back.


8、 Lost memory


"What does' Ann won't come back 'mean?" I looked at the strange old man coming in from the door. "Who are you?"

The old man laughed and gave a short and strange laugh. The carefully trimmed curly beard on the upper lip shook. He came to me with his hands behind his back.

"The second question is relatively simple, let me answer that first," he said in a high pitched and hoarse voice.

"You can call me 'Du Ren'. I have always been by your side, but I can only be seen when my soul is not found“

I was confused: "'Ferry'? 'The soul is not settled'? What are these?"

"I can tell you all about it later. Yi, you are not short of time anyway."

He sat down beside me.

"Anna has occupied your body, your soul has been excluded by her, and you no longer belong to that world."

"But that time before," I stared at him in a panic, and there was only chaos in my head. "She -"

Did she lie?

"She has made up her mind to go this time," the old man interrupted me.

"The world is affected by Ann's consciousness activities, and I know her thoughts accordingly. The child wants to understand something, so she has been wandering in the cracks of this dream," the old man pouted and winked at me playfully, "Are you interested in looking at those past memories?"



I followed in the footsteps of the man, silent all the way, and unconsciously came to the outskirts of the city.

He bought two flashlights in a small shop, handed me one of them, bought a large beer, and took me to the hill.

The way up the mountain was buried by weeds growing wantonly, and the dew at night made the steps muddy and slippery.

"Be careful, look at the road," he said ahead.

When he reached the mountainside, the man stopped and picked up a bamboo pole from the grass beside the road.

"Yi," he said, "remember the big sister who often played with you when you were young?"

The boy's brain can no longer find any memory of childhood, infantile amnesia - people will spontaneously lose the memory before the age of six, which is really cruel.

"That's your own sister, called An," he sighed, his voice trembling. "That winter, your mother and I went out on business and locked you two at home for a nap. Who knows, there was a fire next door... When I arrived home to open the door, the fire was already quite big.

"I managed to save you - only you were saved."

There was only a dull noise in my throat. He continued to walk forward with his head buried, holding the bamboo pole and flashlight in one hand and the wine in the other. I followed behind.

"We have been hiding this from you for a long time. I hope you will understand us sooner or later."

I am free to let the man's self talk into my ears. The shaking of the flashlight in front of me brought me back to my senses, and I found that my hand with the flashlight was trembling violently because of the cold at night on the mountain? Did his words remind me? It is my reason that is restraining the anger in my heart... I don't know why for a moment.

The man did not seem to notice my abnormality. He still turned his back to me and waved the bamboo pole. The tall weeds in front of him were cut by the bamboo pole and made a crooked path.

After a long silence, he seemed to suddenly remember something. The man stopped his work and asked:

"Who taught you the song you sang just now?"



"Ann is my sister 13 years older than me? You are crazy!" I looked at the old man blankly. "It's impossible, absolutely impossible. I am the only child of my parents."

"Is that what they told you?" The old man sneered, his curly beard rising high. "No wonder the boy was so angry."

"Sixteen years old is just a hasty stay for you, but it's still for her. An has waited for you to grow up for 13 years, just to let you see her and talk to her on the same day as her. Who would have thought that this time is so long that they choose to forget their own flesh and blood - it's unbelievable."


He led me through the floating silver smoke. The old man said that those were Ann's memories.

In the huge classroom, I saw the small figure with long black hair at a glance. She lay quietly on the table, standing out among a group of playful peers. All the students around were making noise in groups, but no one paid any attention to her. She also seemed to be indifferent to the actions of people around her, but looked out of the window and winked at several birds flashing in the blue sky in a corner under the eaves.

I saw a group of people pointing at her in the other corner of the classroom.

"Guess what I saw?" one of the boys said in a strange voice, "I actually saw the painting of that crazy woman in the art gallery."

"God, no wonder I smell a bad smell when I enter the door."

"Ha ha ha." The girls with ponytails on one side laughed wildly.

"Wow, it smells so bad." The boy pinched his nose and continued.

"Hey, stop talking." Another girl tried to stop laughing and patted the boy on the back. "Be careful if she rushes over and pokes you in the nose with a pen."

"Ha ha ha ha ha." The ponytail girl laughed even louder.


Although I was just a bystander, I felt inexplicable pain when I heard these words.

The old man seemed to see through my mind. He said in a low voice, "Don't let your emotions be involved, or the child's memory will mistake you for the master - that's not a good thing." I suddenly got out of my emotions and stared at these smoky objects around me.

"I didn't expect you to be so sentimental," the old man said with a gloating face. "Boy, you'd better not go near to see it. Let me tell you."

At this time, I saw the appearance of parents in the smoke. They were so young.

"This is the only person in the world who still cares about her. These two people hope that they can have another person to accompany the child. So they gave birth to you."

Yi means "hope". My mother's words flashed through my mind.

"But in the fire 13 years ago, Ann didn't expect that her parents only saved her brother, but left her trapped. Now your family is living happily, but she is once again thrown into the cracks of this dream and nobody cares..."

"No," I interrupted angrily. Unexpectedly, when my heart wavered, the silver smoke around me hit me without warning. I subconsciously looked for Anna's slender figure in these memories, but only saw endless malice. They rushed at me like huge waves, roaring.

I tumbled down in pain, trying to escape from the vortex of terror. Who would have thought that the smoke was like a worm, twisting its body and trying to drill into every pore on my skin.

I heard the old man laughing beside him: "I told you that the child would go back to revenge. Even if she let you go back, she might have made a mess there. Do you want to go back and clean up the mess?"



The phone in the jeans pocket suddenly vibrated.

It was my mother who called and asked me where I had gone. I said I was with Dad. After hesitating for a moment, she asked me to advise my father not to drink too much wine and go back early. I acquiesced and hung up the phone.

"That song... was sung by my mother. She sang it several times when you were not at home."

I can't see the expression on the man's face in the dark night. I only know that he stared at me for a long time, and finally he gave up and went on playing with the weeds. A few minutes later, the stone steps finally emerged in the current of weeds.

"We're almost there," he said.

The moonlight was blocked by the airtight clouds, so the night that lost its only light still melted into the dark silence. We continued to walk up the mountain without saying a word, and two electric lights were beating in the dark night filled with mountain fog.

When approaching the top of the mountain, I finally saw the light of the lamp - several street lamps that had not been completely abandoned outlined the outline of a pavilion nearby.

It's the bamboo pavilion. I recognized it at a glance.

The man put down the beer and used the pole to pick up the tangled weeds on the ground, and a small stone tablet was exposed. In the dim light, I could see the words on the stele clearly.

It's so simple. I smiled sadly.

"Customarily speaking, she can't live with her ancestors, so she has to live here," he said to himself, hanging his hands, staring down at the stone tablet, "I'm sorry, it's been so many years."

Yes, so many years.

He squatted down, reached out his hand and gently touched the stone tablet. He whispered to me, "Yi, can we talk about something?"



Somewhere in my heart, I still believe in Ann. It is an indescribable sense of trust flowing in the blood vessels. Just like when I was with her, my heart suddenly felt settled. I pray to see her again, just to tell her that I am sorry.

The old man gave out a shrill short laugh and used his crutch to dispel the smoke around me. Curled together, I felt the end of the crutch swinging in front of me - he was motioning me to stand up: "Come on, let me slowly tell you everything about the world, and more about the child."

I raised my head with difficulty, struggled to get up and keep up with his pace, and walked together to the boundless silver white ahead.

Suddenly, the old man in front of him coughed violently. Then, with every cough, his body and everything around me began to fade from his eyes like quicksand.

"What happened? Where are you going?" I was shocked, and quickly walked forward to confirm the situation with the old man, but I saw the kind smile on his face.

"It's not where I'm going, it's time for you to go back." He tapped me on the shoulder with his crutch and giggled. "It seems that the child has got the answer - she is going to disappear."


9、 Redemption


"You say - if Ann saw me, what would she say?" Dad, who had been silent, suddenly threw the question to me.

hear nothing of. Some things cannot be explained clearly by words alone.

I just wanted to ask why you didn't come back that day.

But then there were more and more problems.

Why don't you mention me to Yi? Why is there no trace of my existence? Do you really forget me? Or don't you treat me as your child at all?

I closed my eyes and answered him in silence.

The man threw the bamboo pole aside, picked up the wine on the ground, and sat down on the spot. Then he patted the grass beside me and motioned me to sit down.


The rustle of grass and leaves was heard from the ear, and the overhead light became colder.

The man finally pulled the beer out of his hand and shook at me.

I waved my hand: "I'm only 16 years old and don't drink."

He suddenly thought of something.

"Oh, yes, you are sixteen years old this year." So he took the jar and gulped it for several times, then sighed. "It has been thirteen years."

"Of course, I also thought about the agreement with you - but every night, I can only sleep on this thing," he looked at the beer can in his hand, as if talking to himself, "can by can, drunk, can only rely on this, I can sleep."

"Because when I am awake, once I close my eyes, your sister's voice will ring in my mind that night, and I will see her face."

He took a few more mouthfuls.

"Yi, will you listen to me?

"That night, I really almost saved her, just a little bit. But those people said that it was dangerous... They stopped me! I told them that my child was in there. Don't talk about danger. I just want to get her out, even my own life can be spared, as long as she is safe..."

He choked, took another gulp of wine, and then turned to look at me. I subconsciously avoided his eyes

"People always hide their pain, which is human nature. It's easy for us to remember how happy we are. But in the daytime, when I was hit by a suitcase, it hurt - I can't even remember a little now.

"Originally, we used to selfishly think that after we got on the train to the West Bank, everything could start over again. Everything would be like before, forgetting the pain, leaving only happiness, and then you could grow up like that... carefree."

"But..." he said as he rolled up his sleeves.

I couldn't help staring.

I saw shocking black scars. It was the mark left by a serious burn, lying on his arm like a centipede, long and twisted.

"Yi, no one has taught me how to be a father. I have never been a good father. But everything I do is just to give you the best. That's all."

I finally took back my hidden eyes everywhere and looked at him carefully. I looked at the dim lights one by one, and the hair on the man's temples was dyed white.


There was a rustling sound around the night, and the weeds around the small stone tablet were also swaying with the wind.

"Yi, sorry, please forgive me." After the last sip of beer, the man began to mutter habitually.

"I can't help thinking, if one day I can see Ann again, what will she say?

"Will she hate me? Will she... forgive me if I do something so outrageous?"

With the help of the wind, the moon finally passed through the clouds. The soft light like water enveloped us again, and everything around us was tinged with a faint halo of moonlight.

Everything around suddenly became dreamy.

I took his hand with the beer, one or two, and gently broke the man's trembling fingers, freeing his palm from the beer can. The can was empty, but when I took it and held it in my hand, it was unexpectedly heavy.

"I think she... she would probably say," I put my hand on the man's thick palm and let the grooves in my big hand enter my palm, "Dad. If you can be your daughter in the next life, let's sing together, OK?"

I saw two lines of tears sliding down the man's face.

"Thank you."



"Blind Vandigger. You almost hurt the kind Altai again."



Everything in the dream is collapsing little by little, like a painting whose color gradually melts in the water. When everything around has faded away, only the background is endless white.

In front of me, a girl in a beige dress is sitting in the void. She crossed her legs, held her chin, and looked at me with a smile. The dark water in the eyes, which was illuminated by the moonlight, is now sparkling.

"Is that what we looked like when we first met here?" she asked me, pretending to be a hole under the board.

"Hmm..." I also cooperated with her and pretended to be meditating

She "pooped" and laughed: "Sorry, I only know how long it has been... After all, there is nothing here. But now, I wish time would stop moving."

She smiled and pouted.

"I remember that when I saw you again, I was really frightened and excited. At that time, I almost forgot how to talk to people. In fact, what I wanted to say was -" She sighed, smiled and shook her head, "Yi, you have really grown into an adult."

Finally, I could no longer hold back the feelings in my heart. I rushed forward and embraced Ann. So tightly, tightly, he hugged her into his body: "Sorry, elder sister, can you not go, please don't leave me again."

Only then did I find that her body was very light, like a snowflake that would disappear at any time.

For a moment, she seemed to freeze, but soon laughed again: "Can you remove the word" old "? I don't like it so much."

I also coughed and laughed.

"Tell you, Yi," the girl whispered, putting her mouth close to my ear, "when the train is going to the west bank, you will pass a station called 'Anyi'. Every time I go to the city to play, I feel very happy to hear the name.

"That's true - it's a beautiful name."


10、 Trains

I woke up on the bed in the hotel room. Soft sunlight, beige curtains blown by the wind... It is so peaceful around, but my heart is lonely. I closed my eyes again and tried to search for the remnants of the dream. But everything is no longer clear.

When my parents came back near noon, I saw my mother holding a bunch of white, lovable daisies in her hand. We said goodbye to Longshui and got on the train to West Bank City before nightfall.

The train whistled, invigorated, and embarked on the journey again. I sat with my back to the direction of the train, watching the plants, buildings and people in Longshui recede inch by inch in my vision. In a trance, I feel that time is going against the current. Those who have left home finally return to their hometown today. On the platform, relatives holding lanterns welcomed them with open arms, even though they had been waiting for them for many years.

Now, I seem to be one of them. But I don't know who I am waiting for, or whose figure I hope will appear at the end of the horizon. Without a lantern in my hand, I am out of place in the reunion crowd.

"Then you can be your own lantern." A slim girl handed the lantern to me and naturally took my arm. I can't see her face clearly, nor can I tell her voice, but I feel her face is full of smiles.

"Come on, let's go home."

When I opened my eyes in the light of the carriage again, I realized that I had just slept by the window.

"Did you fall asleep?" Mother looked at me and smiled. "What dream did you have?"

"It's probably a good dream," I replied. "But I don't remember it."


After the train stopped at the station, a young man came into the box. He has stubble and a big black backpack. The young man said that he was a musician who wanted to pursue his dream in the city.

After he sat down, his father pointed to his bag and asked if it was a guitar.

yes. He said that it was a gift from his family.

"Can you borrow one to play?" asked the father. "I also want to buy one for my son."

I looked at my father in surprise.

The youth agreed. He pulled out his bag and took out a shiny wooden guitar.

Father thanked him for taking the guitar, caressed the body lovingly and tried again. Hearing the sound of the strings, the man smiled like a child.

"Come and sing a song, son," said the father.

"But..." I waved to get rid of it. "I sing out of tune."

"You are just like her when she was a child," his father laughed heartily. "Your sister could not sing well when she was a child“

I saw him close his eyes, as if searching for something in his mind. Everything in the past seems to be back in my mind now.

"Where to go? It's so late... a beautiful train, a lonely train. Sadness is you, the sound of the whistle. It's reminiscent of many things..." Father sang in a deep voice, and my mother and I also sang along with the melody of the guitar.

Trains shuttle rapidly in the darkness. At the end of the long railway, peace of mind is where our little home exists.

"Why, I shouldn't wave a towel. The passengers are more or less close to me.

"Go ahead and hope you have a safe journey.

"The bridges are solid.

"All tunnels are bright."




The first draft of Train was completed on March 10, 2015. On that day a month ago, "Huahuo" had just started.

It's an illusion to say I'm "productive". The idea of this novel began many years ago, even far earlier than the previous one. Because the praise of the previous one gave me great confidence, the first draft of Train was born with all my efforts.

Compared with the previous work, the creation of Train is much more hurried, and it is basically updated by taking one or two hours out of school every day. Because the creation process is intermittent, the language is not as refined as the previous one.

The reason why it has not been officially published is that I think the first draft did not express what I envisioned very well. So all the time, I hid the work and even had the idea of rewriting it.

Through various coincidences, four years after the first draft was completed, I found this work again. After reading through, although it was the first draft, I was still deeply shocked by the energy contained in it. I secretly made up my mind that it would be a pity to hide such works forever. So I reorganized the outline of the first draft. Under the same context of the story, I filled in the gaps of some characters and narrative logic, and deleted the redundant parts.

On July 24, 2019, I completed the revision of the first draft and released it, so that everyone can enjoy this beautiful story that I love deeply.

To some extent, Train is the sister story of Fireworks. In addition to the similar story structure and the return of the story stage and characters, both of them are works based on the theme of "love&lost", and the purpose is to "celebrate love and life". The "love" here is more about looking back and paying attention to the beautiful feelings we are used to. But it is often after the loss that we can truly appreciate the value of these feelings.

In addition, the song of the same name that appears repeatedly in the novel is a poem by Turkish poet Tarangi, which was translated into Chinese by Yu Guangzhong and sung by folk musician Cheng Bi in 2014. The songs in this novel also refer to the images in Cheng Bi's works.

Finally, I attach the poem I wrote for this work after the first draft was completed.


Other one: Lantern

nightfall. The bird returns.

The rain poured down and the lights lost their souls.

The wine cup is full and the meaning is waning.

Where does the long way lead to?


The rain stopped. The lights are on.

Who and reward? Sometimes flowers bloom.

When the wildfire is over, the dream returns.

The moon knocks on my heart, and my old friend returns tonight.