There can't be rabbit girls in the library. Tsukawa sakuta saw the scene of overturning common sense - he met the wild bunny girl by chance. And she is not an ordinary rabbit girl. She is a student in a high school with Sakuta, a popular actress who is now in retirement, Sakurajima Ma Yi Xuejie. It is said that since a few days ago, people around her have become unable to see her. She came to the library to verify this.

Whether this has anything to do with the mysterious phenomenon "puberty syndrome" spreading on the Internet. Sakutai, who wanted to explore the reason and got closer to Ma Yi, decided to solve the mystery. But things are going in an unexpected direction?

In the city surrounded by the sky and sea, the love story about her and me began.

The new youth story presented by the "Cherry Blossom Villa" group

Cover: Xtheviborax #pixiv

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 Hajime Kamoshida  ☆ -- [01] [Young pig head boy will not dream of a rabbit girl schoolsister] [Yazhi Tianyi]. epub ▄ -- [02] [Young pig head boy will not dream of little devil learning sister] [Yazhi Tian Yi]. epub ☆ -- [03] [Young pig headed teenager will not dream of rational little witch] [Yazhi Tianyi]. epub ☆ -- [04] [Young Pighead Teenagers Don't Dream of Sister Lovers] [Yazhi Tianyi]. epub ☆ -- [05] [Young pig headed teenagers will not dream of beautiful girls with dreams] [Yazhi Tianyi]. epub › -- [06] [Young Pighead Teenagers Don't Dream of Jiaolian Watchgirl] [Yazhi Tianyi]. epub ☆ -- [07] [Young pig headed teenagers will not dream of beautiful girls in their first love] [Yazhi Tianyi]. epub ☆ -- [08] [Young pig headed teenager will not dream of Jiaolian going out as a girl] [Yazhi Tianyi]. epub ☆ -- [09] [Young pig headed teenagers will not dream of red schoolbag girls] [Yazhi Tianyi]. epub ▄ -- [10] [Young pig headed teenagers will not dream of confused female singers] [Yazhi Tianyi]. epub ▄ -- [11] [Young pig headed youth will not dream of a justice nurse] [Ya Zhitian I]. epub ▄ -- [12] [Young pig headed teenagers will not dream of their female students] [Yazhi Tianyi]. epub L -- [13] [Young pig headed teenagers don't dream of Christmas mini skirts] [Yazhitian I]. epub

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Chapter 1 The Sister is the Rabbit Girl


On this day, Sakutaka Zikawa met the wild bunny girl.

The last day of Golden Week.

It takes about 20 minutes to ride a bike from my apartment. The streets near Xiangnan Station, where the third line of the railway in Yokohama City camp intersects, are the island line of Oda Jijiang River, Xiangtie Quanye line. It is a quiet suburban residential area without any tall buildings.

Sakutai looked at the station on the left and turned right at the intersection. Less than a minute later, we arrived at the destination - the library.

Sakuta parked her bike in the parking lot which was half full and entered the library.

No matter how many times you come, you are not accustomed to the unique silence of the library. The body is a little tense.

This is the largest library nearby, and naturally many people come here. The place where I just entered was the area where magazines and newspapers were placed. There, an uncle who was a frequent visitor also read sports news with complex expressions today. Did your favorite team lose yesterday.

When I came to the counter for borrowing books, I saw that most of the desks for self-study were full. There are high school students as well as college students. The working class with laptops is also eye-catching.

Sakutai looked at them from a distance and came to the bookshelf where contemporary novels were placed. Look down at the spine of the book in the order of the fifty tone chart. What I am looking for is the book listed in "ゆ". The small bookshelf only reaches the waist of Sakutai, which is 172cm long.

I found the book my sister wanted immediately. The author is "Youbi Bang Kenai". The title of the book is "Poisonous Apple from the Prince". I remember the book was released four or five years ago. My sister seems to like the previous works of the same author and decides to read all her works.

Sakuya pulled out the old and dusty books from the small bookshelf.

He raised his head to take the book to the counter where he borrowed it. At this moment, "that" came into view.

Opposite the bookshelf stood a rabbit girl.


Blink several times. It was supposed to be an illusion, but it seems not. The outline and existence are clear.

Wear floodlit high heels on your feet. Wrapped around the sleeves and legs are black silk showing skin color. The same black tights emphasize the slim yet concave convex body curve, and although the chest is small, it still has grooves to roll.

The white lining mouth on the wrist emphasized the identity of the rabbit girl, and the black bow on the neck of course.

Except for high heels, the height is about 165cm. A boring expression appears on the correct face, which makes people feel mature and tired.

At first, Sakuya doubted whether she was filming something. But looking around, I can't see adults who are like TV station staff. She is completely alone. Nobody cares. What a surprise! This is a wild rabbit girl.

Naturally, in the afternoon library, her presence is very eye-catching. I don't know if it's not appropriate... In the end, the only place Sakuta could think of where the bunny would haunt was a Las Vegas casino or a slightly different shop. In short, it was the wrong scene.

But the reason why Sakutai was really shocked was elsewhere.

Obviously, she was dressed so flashy and eye-catching, but no one looked at her.

"What are you doing? This is"

The subconscious made a sound. The librarian nearby threw a sign of "please keep quiet". Sakutai responded with body language and thought, "No, no, no, there should be someone who has a better idea.".

But just because of this, Sakutai felt a strange conviction.

Nobody cared about the rabbit girl. I'm afraid this is not a deliberate indifference, but simply a failure to notice.

Generally speaking, if there is a nerve stimulating Miss Rabbit nearby, the students who are struggling with the Six Laws will raise their heads. Uncle reading the newspaper will also pretend to be reading the newspaper to peep. The librarian will also be careful to remind that "it's not appropriate to dress like that...".

Strange. It's obviously strange.

It was like a ghost that only Sakutai could see.

Cold sweat oozed from behind.

The bunny ignored Sakutai, who was shaken, picked up a book and went to the self-study area inside.

On the way, she looked at the face of the female college student in self-study and made a face at her. As if to make sure that the other party can't see, reach out to the face of the wage earner operating the laptop and swing up and down between his face and the screen. Seeing that neither of them responded, she smiled contentedly.

After that, she sat in the innermost empty seat.

The male college student sitting in the opposite seat looking for things did not notice her. Even if she pulled up the neckline of the tights that slightly slipped, he did not respond at all. Obviously, it will definitely come into sight

After a while, the college student did not know whether he had finished checking the information and was ready to leave like an innocent person. Then, he left again like a free man. I didn't glance at her chest when I left.


After thinking for a while, Sakuta took the place of the university student and sat in the empty seat.

Staring at the bunny in front of her. The soft curve of the hands extended from the exposed shoulders. White skin from neck to chest. As these parts slowly rise and fall with breathing, they are inexplicably sensational. The atmosphere in the library that advocates "earnest and studious" will become strange. No, it's quite strange.

After a while, she looked at her eyes from the book.


They looked at each other and blinked twice.

It was she who spoke first.

It's amazing

Inexplicably, with a cheerful and mischievous tone.

"How can you still see me?"

It sounds like no one else can see themselves.

But there is probably no mistake in understanding her words in this way. Because in fact, no one around noticed that she was full of feelings of disobedience
Goodbye then

She closed her book and stood up.

I should have said goodbye. In the future, it's OK to take today's experience as a joke, but Sakuya has reasons not to let go.

The reason is that Sakuta knows her.

An elder sister of his first grade who went to the same high school. The original senior high school of County Lifeng is Grade 3. I also know the name. And the full name.

Sakurajima linen clothes.

That's the rabbit girl's name.


Said quietly to the white back who was going to leave.

She stopped suddenly.

"What?" asked Ma Yi with his eyes.

"Are you Sakurajima's elder sister?"

I noticed the volume and said her name.


Ma Yi showed a surprised look for a moment.

"This means that you are a student of Fengzhiyuan High School?"

Ma Yi returned to his seat again and looked directly at Sakutai.

"I'm Sakutai Zichuan who works every two years."

"I am Sakurajima Ma Yi. Sakurajima Ma Yi's" Sakurajima "plus Sakurajima Ma Yi's" Ma Yi ""

"I know. After all, the elder sister is a celebrity"


Ma Yi, with a lack of interest, looked out of the window with one hand holding his cheek. Because the posture is slightly forward, the groove of the chest

The gap was highlighted. The eyes were naturally attracted to the past. It's a feast for the eyes.

"Prince Sakuyu of Zichuan"


"Give you a piece of advice"


"Forget what I saw today"

Before Sakutai spoke, Ma Yi continued.

"Because if you tell someone about this, you will be regarded as a person with brain problems and lead a life with brain problems."

I see. This is really advice.

"And never have anything to do with me"

"If you understand, answer Yes."


Ma Yi looked at the speechless Sakutai with some displeasure, but she immediately took back her listless expression and left her seat. After putting the book back on the original shelf, she went to the exit of the library.

During that period, no one really noticed the linen clothes. As they walked past the counter, the librarians just silently continued their work. Only Sakutai was entranced by the long legs wrapped in black silk.

After losing sight of Ma Yi, Sakutai, who was left in the library, fell on the table.

"Even if I had to forget"

Said to himself.

"You can't forget the exciting Miss Rabbit gesture."

From the fully exposed shoulder to the attractive skin on the chest. Chest ravines highlighted by the fact that the linen clothes support the face with one hand. The aroma left in the nasal cavity. Only Sakuta could hear the whisper. He stared at his clear eyes. All of this stimulates the male part of Sakuta. Somewhere in his body, he becomes very energetic.

Thanks to this, even if you want to stand up, you can't do it because you care about the eyes of people around you.

It seems that we have to sit down for a while.

This is the reason why he didn't catch up with Ma Yi immediately although he had many questions to ask.