Check the official website of CAROLE&TUESDAY information When I found that the font used in it was very beautiful, I decided to try to find this font, which might be used for PPT in the future.

First I think of the review element. As long as you know the name of the font, you can find the font. But the official website uses font files, and the file names are meaningless garbled. Then you can only use the font recognition website to check.

get into Font recognition net , upload font screenshots.

 Font screenshot
Font screenshot

After some splicing, the font name is“ 대한민국독도 Regular ”。


The font recognition website also gives the font of the cooperative website Download address , but there is a charge.

I tried to Google "민민민도 font" as the keyword, but all I got were news like "Dokdo Dispute"

Since this font is translated as "Dokdo, South Korea", will there be any results with "Dokdo"? The answer is still Dokdo News. Maybe this font is not famous in China.

What about adding English keywords? I searched again using the keyword "민 민 민 도 download", and this time there was a clear result Has. But I can't understand Korean. The downloaded font management software is all Korean

You can only continue to try other keywords to search. I thought that "민민민도" translated into English is "Korea Dokdo", so using "Dokdo" might have results. If there is no more I will give up.

Fortunately, Kung Fu is not in vain. This time on FFONT Found, and detailed font information is available.

The full name of the font is "East Sea Dokdo Regular", which is a Commercially available free fonts If the information is correct, then I found that the font to be paid on font recognition website should be an infringement.

Attach the font file I found: Click here to download

Finally, according to the "East Sea Dokdo Regular", I Google Fonts Found this font on.

Well, after a lot of effort, we finally achieved our initial goal.