I'm a procrastinator. I have serious procrastination
To put it simply, it is "something that can be delayed to the next day should not be done today".
If I can delay, it will soon become the norm of my daily life.
Of course, procrastination is very harmful, but the uncontrollable delay can only send out a sigh of "what to do", and then continue to procrastinate.
For example, it took two weeks to finish this article
Procrastination patients (research system)

What is procrastination

Wikipedia The introduction on is:

[Delay] ^ (y á n d à ng) refers to a "personality" behavior, that is, delaying the planned task to a later time, which is also widely known as "procrastination". Delayers often feel anxious about starting or completing any task or decision, and regard delay as Coping with anxiety A mechanism of.

The defining criteria are:

  1. This kind of behavior will prevent you from achieving the expected goal. It is unnecessary, and only delays the completion of the task.
  2. Procrastination often brings pressure, guilt, reduced efficiency, panic, and other people's negative comments on your inability to complete the task and fulfill your responsibilities.
  3. It will lead to a vicious circle and further delay.

As long as you meet any of the above, you are a procrastinator (๑ ̀ ㅂ ㅂ و ✧)

Wikipedia also mentioned "college delay":

College delay is not a special type of delay, but it is especially common in colleges and universities. Students have too many deadlines for homework and exams. Due to poor time management, insufficient learning skills, and academic pressure, various activities and events often lead to "procrastination".

Why procrastinate

Wikipedia says:

Delay can be caused by psychological factors. There are various psychological factors that cause delay, and the differences can be great. In general, the causes of delay can be anxiety, low sense of self-worth, or self abandonment due to mental distress. Generally, procrastinators have a low sense of responsibility. They are often immersed in perfectionism and imagination to achieve, unwilling to face reality and ignore their potential.

In short escape

Lift chestnuts

  1. In order to enrich the content of the blog, I will evolve from Bai Zhiji to a big man as soon as possible. As a blogger, I have already figured out a number of topics that can be written and started to conceive the content, imagining that I will become a big man like Guangshu one day.

But when you were ready to write the title, your roommate suddenly shouted:
"French fries are half price in the supermarket next door!!"
"Really? Wait for me to buy it!"
When I returned to my dormitory happily after buying French fries, I had forgotten all about writing articles.
The next day, I opened the blog background and found a draft with only a title.
"Well, what should I write..."
"How to write..."
"What should I do..."
Head scratching
"Well, write it after you remember it!"
So I played Wizard 3 happily.

  1. In the new semester of freshman year, students should choose their own courses.

What is Moko? It is a large-scale online course.
"Wow, I must follow my interest in Muke's choice!", he thought.
I chose the course of "public Japanese" carefully.
"In order to learn Japanese well, it is not enough to just watch Moku! I must learn Japanese well!" I made up my mind.
Open Dangdang and search for "Standard Japanese".
"70... buy!"
"If I can learn Japanese well, I can watch animation without watching subtitles and understand Japanese songs!"
"The most important thing is that I can understand what they are saying in the little movie!"
Full score for YY ability.
It's hard to remember the fifty notes. Let's finish Muke first!
After Mocha finishes painting
As a result, the two books are still on the shelf.

There are many others, such as:

  1. Said he was going to eat, but still stayed in bed
  2. Said to do homework, but waited until the lights went out
  3. Said he wanted to get up, but didn't get up until about noon
  4. Take out your phone and forget everything you have to do
  5. After reading a chapter or two of the book to be read, I will leave it aside until I forget her existence
  6. One episode of the play you want to chase will be abandoned, and you will watch it tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, but there is no more
  7. Vow to get rid of the bad habit of procrastination
  8. Find a girlfriend (give up, there is no future in a dead house!
  9. …………

How to solve

Slight delay is not a disease. Everyone will procrastinate sometimes.
Unless procrastination has affected you Mental health , then this belongs to Mental illness Please find a psychologist immediately.

Slight delays are relatively easy to resolve.
As long as: smash the phone! Smash the computer! Smash the router!
Wait, why blame innocent electronic products for your own delay? (I'm afraid I will regret death if I do so

It is still necessary to suit the remedy to the case. If there is any reason for the delay, make corresponding changes to that matter.

It's mentioned on the wiki Tomato working method , but this method is not suitable for me because I don't understand it
My personal method is relatively simple, making a mandatory plan.
Make a table, plan what things to do, and finish them within the time limit.
Start after timeout Punishment mechanism : Don't play with mobile phones/computers, and then scold yourself in the heart: If you can't do this, you will lose ten pounds!!
In this way, I dare not stop (ง) ง

Data cited from Wikipedia
Delayed entry: https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Delay
Tomato working method entry: https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Tomato working method