In order to prevent the world from being destroyed and safeguard world peace, I decided to write down the diary of the original god.

I have almost finished writing the part I recalled before and put it in here

On February 23, 2021, we will march towards the world 8!

When my world level reached 55 and the grass began to grow wildly, I remembered that I could write a diary of my daily experience of playing God.

But write memory ( hydrology ) I'm good at it. Let's update it slowly. φ(≧ω≦*)♪

On February 27, 2021, I came to walnut!

Finally, we waited until the release of Walnut character pv. According to tradition, it should be released at 12:00 on Wednesday. It is said that it was postponed to Saturday because the oil pipe audit failed.

Although it's cute, I can't feel it

On March 2, 2021, eat and drink well, and walk well!

On March 4, 2021, the autumn farewell will come again

The most painful thing in the world is to draw a character who is already full of life again.

Meet on March 7, 2021 and enjoy delicious food

Meet on March 8, 2021 and enjoy delicious food 2

March 15, 2021

There is a "Original God Prayer Record Export Tool"( GitHub )", you can read the game wish record and draw a chart to analyze the data. I really want to beat myself with a piece of tofu.

Then export excel and use this Through analysis, more comprehensive data can be obtained.

 Overview of card drawing data (622 cards in total)
Overview of card drawing data (622 cards in total)

Of course, there are achievements. The non emirate is myself.

Invitation of Fenghua on March 17, 2021

Since version 1.4 is written while playing, it can write a lot of pictures. In order to reduce the pressure of loading this article, feelings about the main story of the new version will be shown in the " My original diary: the invitation of Fenghua ".

On March 18, 2021, the pure water spirit spoke!

Log in to the game, open the sign in activity, and get two recipes.

Clear the daily task and get the legendary key.

Wait, can I get 1 key for every 8 tasks!? Then my reasoning above is wrong

One in two days, two in four days, and three in six days. It will take two weeks to unlock the invitation task of all characters. You are really good at Miha You.

Play pure water spirit. Only then did I know that the pure water spirit had a voice, and the voice was good. Although there was sweet rain, the bird was beaten violently twice.

Then go to brush the water book and produce three oranges for the first time.

Get off the line after using up physical strength. The maid's task will be done another day.

Grass growing daily on March 20, 2021

Finish boring daily tasks.

Unlock a hidden achievement.

Clean up your physical strength and go offline.

On March 21, 2021, Noelson, hurry up!

Today is Noel's birthday. Happy birthday!

As for the daily tasks, I received the entrustment from Ninth Master Chang today.

I've watched it before, so I didn't watch it this time.

Look forward to your old friend on March 22, 2021

Among the tasks entrusted today, there is an unusual task: "Look forward to your old friend for a long time". The task description is an important story task related to Chang Jiuye.

Combined with "Lin Xiaoshu", "This novel is really powerful" and the dialogue with relevant NPCs, I sorted out the stories related to "Chang Jiuye", focusing on " My Original God's Diary: The Story of Chang Jiuye ". My writing style is poor enough

On March 24, 2021, the life of the royal daughter will be completed. It is just around the corner

The weapon pool was nearly enough for ten companies, so Krypton issued a monthly card. But why do you play a role

On March 27, 2021, it is finally QAQ

70 guarantees

Longji Snow Mountain OST on April 2, 2021

This is the song waiting!

It will expire on April 7, 2021

Gift to you on April 17, 2021

Today is Mandy's birthday. I saw him catch 10 crystal butterflies for me early in the morning.

But I didn't say that the crystal butterfly could really be pinned to the hair

Copy of childe on April 20, 2021

Recently, the master's copy will be reborn on the first floor of the Golden House after death. If you jump down, it will be forced to reload.

April 28, 2021 Yanfei is so cute

You are not in the pool

May 10, 2021 is for Winterland!

It is said that every time you choose different options for this task, you can achieve success. I always forget... In short, this time I chose "fools".