Some time ago, I saw that the Apple miku tycoon suffered in the process of receiving advertising revenue from Google AdSense (see " For the first time, young people benefit from Google AdSense "). I am also worried about the complexity of the process. Although I was only about $50 at that time. How can I imagine that after only two months, I also met the minimum remittance requirements , and easily received the remittance Therefore, in memory of the blog's first advertising revenue: $109.61, I hereby write an article.

In order to avoid the situation that "you need to go to the deposit bank to receive the remittance", my neighbor and I hare After discussing this issue, he and I can receive remittance this month. We all decided to use the "CMB card" to receive this remittance, but my CMB card was opened in Luoyang. So I called "95555" to consult with the customer service. The customer service replied that "it may be necessary to go to the counter for an interview, but it is also necessary to consult with the deposit bank", while the deposit bank said that "it will remit the money directly to the card. If it is really necessary to go to the counter, CMB can also handle it in other places".

The telephone customer service kindly provided me with the following information to be filled in when receiving the remittance:

Beneficiary bank address: China Merchants Bank Tower NO.7088, Shennan Boulevard, Shenzhen, China.

Google will issue payment between the 21st and 26th one I saw the prompt of payment arrival on AdSense on the 21st, and received the SMS notification of bank payment arrival on the 22nd.

Now the US dollar has been depreciating, but I am short of money to spend, so I use the spot exchange made by China Merchants Bank to spend it.

Then because of invalid traffic And ghs Restricted advertising , now there is no advertisement on the blog, only the blank box of reserved advertisement.