The Winter Solstice of the Twenty four Solar Terms

December 22, 2018 18:49:10 five Reading (2536)
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 The Winter Solstice of the Twenty four Solar Terms

2018/12/22, solar term winter solstice.

Winter Solstice, the 22nd solar term of the 24 solar terms

The first solar term: heavy snow, the second solar term: Xiaohan

Climate characteristics: heavy snow, low temperature

Phenology: earthworm knot on the winter solstice, elk horn lysis for five days, and water spring movement for five days


Earthworm knot: It is said that earthworms are creatures with yin bending and yang stretching. At this time, although the yang qi has grown, the yin qi is still very strong, and the rainbow worms in the soil are still shrinking

Milu horn: Milu is the same family as deer, but its yin and yang are different. The ancients believed that Milu's horn was born later, so it was yin, while on the winter solstice, when it was born in yang, Milu felt that yin gradually receded and its horn was broken

Water spring moving: because of the birth of yang qi, the spring water in the mountain can flow and be warm at this time


The winter solstice is a good time for health preservation, mainly because "Qi starts from the winter solstice". Since the winter starts, life activities begin to turn from decline to prosperity. At this time, scientific health preservation helps to ensure vigorous energy and prevent premature aging, so as to achieve the goal of prolonging life. At the winter solstice, food should be diversified, and grains, fruits, meat, and vegetables should be properly matched with high calcium food.



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 unhappy  rainbow  look on  Diu Xiang  Good  funny  Flower core  Cry out  surprised  blink the eyes  Cool  Sad  Are you handsome?  gift  rose  anger  get angry  spray  Sleep?  Too happy  Little 999  ah
 sunlight  Spit out one's tongue  Grievance  smiling eyes  Star Moon  heart-broken  Eh  Insidious  doubt  that 's great  Snicker  Squint  shock  slightly  Yawn  Helpless to cry  Pick one's nose  Hum  expect  I don't care about you  love  candle

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