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Z-blogPHP enables pseudo static, and understands the configuration tag of the URL

finchui one thousand one hundred and twenty-six 2023-04-26 11:56:17

If you want to customize the Static Management Plug in Pseudo static If you do not use the URL configuration option provided with the Static Management Plug in, you need to be able to understand the call tag of the URL configuration.

1. URL configuration of articles

label effect
{%host%} Website address
{%category%} Alias of the category to which the article belongs
{%id%} Article ID
{%alias%} Post Slug
{%year%} Time of article publication (year)
{%month%} Time of article release (month)

2. URL configuration of the page

label effect
{%host%} Website address
{%id%} Page ID
{%alias%} Page Alias

3. URL configuration of homepage

label effect
{%host%} Website address
{%page%} Home Page List Page Flipping

4. URL configuration of category page

label effect
{%host%} Website address
{%id%} Classification id
{%page%} Sort list page turning
{%alias%} Category Alias

5. URL configuration of tab

label effect
{%host%} Website address
{%id%} Tag id
{%page%} Tab list page turning
{%alias%} Label Alias

6. URL configuration of date page

label effect
{%host%} Website address
{%date%} date
{%page%} Page turning of date list

7. URL configuration of author page

label effect
{%host%} Website address
{%id%} Author id (user id)
{%alias%} Author Alias
{%page%} Author List Page Flip

Finally, now that you know the role of the URL configuration tag, and refer to the preset URL configuration options on the configuration page, you can customize the URL configuration according to your needs.

As shown in the following figure, the URL configuration of articles and categories is customized


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