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Which folder is the thumbnail of the first image in the Z-blogPHP article cached in

finchui seven hundred and twenty-three 2023-04-26 11:53:38

Z-blogPHP Get the thumbnail The tag is {$article. Thumbs (120, 80, 1, false) [0]}

This includes the function of compressing the image to the specified size. Where is the path of the compressed image?

The following path:/zb_users/cache/thumbs/

 Which folder is the thumbnail of the first picture in the Zblog article? Thumbnail of the first Zblog tutorial

common problem

1. Can I delete the pictures here?

For those that can be deleted, click Clear Thumbnail Cache through website settings.

2. There are pictures in the article, but they are not displayed as thumbnails.

Because the size of the first picture in the article is less than 50px * 50px, it cannot be displayed as a thumbnail. In this case, the default thumbnail of the system will be displayed.

As shown in the figure below:

 Which folder is the thumbnail of the first picture in the Zblog article? Thumbnail of the second zblog tutorial

If a user wants to modify this image, where can I do it?

The following path:/zb_system/image/default/

 Which folder is the thumbnail of the first picture in the Zblog article? Thumbnail Zblog Tutorial Page 3

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