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 Transfer any website program to Z-blogPHP website data transfer

Transfer any website program to Z-blogPHP website data transfer

Online consultation Customized service
Procedure requirements: Z-BlogPHP 1.7.2 Tenet and higher
PHP version: 5.4 and higher
Author's official website:
Development time: 3~15 days
Seller: finchui qq WeChat
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Classification: service
Updated: 2023-04-25 22:33:34
Cumulative access: one thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven
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 Transfer any website program to Z-blogPHP website data transfer
  • Application Introduction
  • Purchasing Guide

Package 1: Only migrate databases and images, and use new templates in z-blog

1. You can leave the URL link of the website unchanged.

2. Each URI link of the website can be accessed normally.

3. All pictures in website articles can be opened.

This method will not greatly affect the website's SEO and ranking.

The service starts at 200 yuan.

For example, only the home page, the product center (including several subcategories), the news center (including several subcategories), the data and pictures on the corporate website of a few pages, such as about us, contact us, cooperation and franchise, and customer cases, will be charged at 200 yuan.

The final pricing should be based on the number of columns, content and labels on the website.

Package 2: Migrate database, image and website template.

1. You can leave the URL link of the website unchanged.

2. Each URI link of the website can be accessed normally.

3. All pictures in website articles can be opened.

4. The template created based on the CMS website building system is fully Z-blogized, and becomes a template based on the Z-blogPHP New themes (templates) developed.

5. Not supported Responsive After changing the Z-blog theme to the website template of, you can consider adding responsiveness.

6. For site templates that only modify content in the template and cannot modify content in the background. After changing the zblog theme, you can consider adding the function of background control.

7. There are PC version and mobile version, and the mobile version uses independent secondary domain names. The zblog theme will no longer support the mobile version to use independent secondary domain names.

In this way, the website's seo and ranking will not be affected at all.

The starting price is 600 yuan.

For example, only the home page, the product center (including several subcategories), the news center (including several subcategories), the enterprise official website data, pictures and templates on a few pages, such as About Us, Contact Us, Cooperation and Franchise, and Customer Cases, will be charged at 600 yuan.

The final pricing should be based on the number of website sections, template quality, number of columns, number of content, number of tags, and the expansion functions that need to be added in the background in addition to the basic Z-blog functions.

What is template quality?

First of all, please understand that we do our own original works and will not covet your template.

Good template code is neat, clear in structure, and free of redundant code. It is very suitable for secondary development, and can realize the Z-blog theme (template) of dream weaving template at a lower cost.

For example, there are two websites that are the same. It seems that there is little difference, but one of the templates is very good, and the other is very messy. The secondary development cost of the two may be several hundred yuan less.

How long will it take to hand over the work?

Considering the different complexity of the websites to be faced next, some websites may be completed in one day, and some websites may not be completed in three or five days.

Therefore, our time for this service is set at 15 days.

The slowest time is 15 days. Of course, we should ensure that everything is safe.

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