The Canonization of the Gods
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The Canonization of the Gods

 The Canonization of the Gods
[Ming Dynasty] Xu Zhonglin Completion Myth 590000 words

"The Legend of Gods" (commonly known as "The List of Gods", also known as "The Complete Biography of Shang and Zhou Dynasties", "The History of King Wu's Attacking Zhou", "The Legend of Gods", etc.) is a fictional novel created by Xu Zhonglin (controversial) in the Ming Dynasty, which was written about in the years of Longqing and Wanli.

One hundred chapters of the whole book, "The Legend of Gods", tells the story of King Wu attacking Zhou. The first thirty chapters rewrite the tyranny of King Zhou. The last 70 chapters mainly wrote about the war between Shang and Zhou. King Zhou burned himself with ferocity, and King Wu seized the world and enfeoffed other countries. The novel, with historical and political concepts as the ideological framework supporting the whole book, is mixed with a lot of grand imagination, which shows the author's support and praise for benevolent monarchs and virtuous masters, as well as his dissatisfaction and resistance to the immoral and stupid monarch.

Latest chapter: The hundredth time King Wu granted lords

Catalog · 100 times in total