Chrome browser has security vulnerabilities, please upgrade as soon as possible information safety

Chrome browser has security vulnerabilities, please upgrade as soon as possible

In the middle of this month, security researchers disclosed a security vulnerability in Chrome browser, and relevant evidence shows that hackers have used this vulnerability to launch attacks. This means that all Chrome users need to upgrade to the latest version as soon as possible (upgrade to 98
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 Alipay responds to security vulnerabilities of acquaintance login information safety

Alipay responds to security vulnerabilities of acquaintance login

Recently, a netizen revealed that Alipay has found a deadly new vulnerability: strangers have a 1/5 chance to log in to your Alipay, while acquaintances can log in to your Alipay 100%, and can even change it without using the original password directly with the mobile phone number. According to netizens, the principle is as follows: log in to your mobile account - forget
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 The browser automatically jumps to Login Weibo page when the mobile phone accesses the web page information safety

The browser automatically jumps to Login Weibo page when the mobile phone accesses the web page

Recently, when visiting Cnbeta mobile station and Baidu Post Bar through mobile browser, I occasionally encountered that the access page did not open but jumped to a Sina Weibo account page with the user name of "Login Weibo", and could not return to the original access page through the browser. I also came to this notorious
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