Pay attention to the fake domain name registrar Godaddy phishing website

September 21, 2014 10:05:25 information safety two 1,266

Recently, I was busy with the on-the-job exam, and I felt dizzy all day. When I checked my email last night, I suddenly received a letter from< >The email sent by me indicates that a domain name in my account is about to expire, but this domain name is set for manual renewal. You need to click the link in the email to query the domain name information and complete the renewal. The article originates from the fallen fish-

 Phishing website email The article originates from the fallen fish-

The article originates from the fallen fish-

Stunned, I clicked "Go to My Renewals" and entered a phishing website http://www. godadby .com/myrenewals/myrenewals.aspx? shopperid=50221355&tab=domains&DefaultFilter=all&prog_id=GoDaddy&myatabs=false&isc=bb50md60&ci=84856 The article originates from the fallen fish-

 Phishing website The article originates from the fallen fish-

  The article originates from the fallen fish-

Please note that the domain name of this website is, and the website of godaddy's official website is I didn't notice the last suspicious place. I entered the user name and password of godaddy directly below. After entering, without any prompt, I went directly to the official website of Godaddy for entering user name and password. At this time, the user will enter the Godaddy website normally after re entering, and will not feel that the information of his account has been stolen at all. The article originates from the fallen fish-

After the phishing website gets the user's information, it is possible to transfer all the domain names of the domain name holders. Fortunately, I haven't registered a domain name in Godaddy recently, and I felt abnormal at the first time, so I changed the password of Godaddy. Remind friends that if you encounter similar problems later, please change the password and important security authentication information of the website as soon as possible. The article originates from the fallen fish-

At present, I have submitted the website of this phishing website to several website security monitoring centers. After the security center has included it, I can enter this phishing website. Some browsers will prompt that the website is an illegal phishing website. Finally, let's expose the whois information of the domain name, hoping to draw the attention of all domain name holders: The article originates from the fallen fish-

 Phishing website whois information The article originates from the fallen fish-

  The article originates from the fallen fish-

Official website of Godaddy: The article originates from the fallen fish-



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      They are all sent by mass mail, and many people have been recruited.