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CentOS Restart Network Card Commands

The following is a summary of commands to restart the network card in CentOS:

  1. Restart the entire network service:
 service network restart
  1. Restart the specified network interface (such as eth0):
 ifdown eth0 ifup eth0
  1. Restart the network service using systemctl:
 systemctl restart network
  1. Restart the NetworkManager service:
 systemctl restart NetworkManager
  1. Use the ifconfig command to disable and enable specific interfaces (such as eth0):
 ifconfig eth0 down ifconfig eth0 up
  1. Use the ip command to disable and enable specific interfaces (such as eth0):
 ip  link  set eth0 down ip  link  set eth0 up
  1. Use the ifdown and ifup commands to disable and enable specific interfaces (for example, eth0):
 ifdown eth0 ifup eth0
  1. Use the nmcli command to disable and enable specific interfaces (such as eth0):
 nmcli d disconnect eth0 nmcli d connect eth0

Please note that the specific use of these commands may vary depending on your system version and configuration. Before executing the command to restart the network card, make sure to back up important network configuration files before execution to prevent accidents.

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