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What to do if you cannot access the graphical interface after ubuntu installation

If you cannot access the graphical interface after installing Ubuntu, it may be caused by driver or other configuration problems. Here are some possible solutions:

  1. Check the driver: First, make sure you have installed the correct graphics driver. You can try to update and install the driver by running the following command in the terminal:
 sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade sudo ubuntu-drivers auto install
  1. Reconfigure Xorg: Sometimes reconfiguring the Xorg server can solve the graphical interface problem. Run the following command to back up and regenerate the Xorg configuration file:
 sudo mv /etc/ X11 /xorg.conf / etc /X11/ xorg.conf.backup sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
  1. Check the error log: You can check the Xorg log file for any error information. Run the following command to open the log file:
 cat / var / log /Xorg.0. log
  1. Restart Display Manager: Try restarting Display Manager, usually LightDM or GDM. Run the following command to restart Display Manager:
 sudo service lightdm restart (for LightDM) sudo service gdm restart (For GDM)
  1. Disable graphical interface login: If the above methods are invalid, you can try to disable graphical interface login and use text mode login. Run the following command to modify the default run level:
 sudo  systemctl  set-default  multi-user . target

Then restart the system.

Note that these workarounds may vary depending on the system configuration and the specificities of the problem. If you cannot solve the problem, please consider searching for solutions specific to your hardware and Ubuntu version, or seeking help from relevant forums, communities or technical support.

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