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How does Access calculate age based on birth date

In Microsoft Access, you can use expressions to calculate age based on date of birth. The following is a common method:

  1. Open the Access database and select the table that contains the date of birth field.
  2. In the table design view, ensure that there is a date of birth field.
  3. Add a new calculation field (which can be of text or numeric type) to store the calculated age value.
  4. In the property pane of the calculated field, set the Data Type to text or numeric value, and select according to your preference.
  5. In the properties pane of the calculated field, locate the Default Value property.
  6. In the Default Value attribute box, enter the following expression to calculate age:
    Copy Code
     =DateDiff( "yyyy" , [BirthDate], Date ())

    The above expression uses DateDiff Function to calculate the value from [BirthDate] The difference in the number of years between the field (date of birth) and the current date.

  7. Save design changes to the table.

Now, when a new record is inserted, the calculation field is automatically populated with the age value calculated from the date of birth.

Please note that the above expression only calculates the age of the whole year, and does not consider the difference in days between the birth date and the current date. If you need more accurate age calculation, you can consider using complex expressions or VBA programming.

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