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The computer prompts an installation error. What is the code of 0x80070002? How to solve it

The error code 0x80070002 is usually caused by the loss or corruption of some system files. Here are some possible solutions:

  1. Run the system file inspection tool: enter "sfc/scannow" at the Windows command prompt and press Enter. The tool will scan your computer and try to repair any damaged system files.
  2. Clear the Windows update cache: Open the Windows Service Manager, stop the Windows Update service, and delete all files and folders in the C: Windows SoftwareDistribution directory. Then restart the Windows Update service.
  3. Change settings to use a local administrator account: Try installing the program on a local administrator account. If you are currently using a domain account, you may encounter permission problems.
  4. Uninstall recently installed updates or applications: Sometimes, recently installed updates or applications may interfere with the installation process of other applications. Try uninstalling recently installed applications or updates and restarting your computer.
  5. Use System Restore to restore your computer: If none of the above methods can solve the problem, please try to use System Restore to restore your computer to the previous normal state.

Please note that it is recommended to back up your important data before attempting to make any changes.

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