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Gravatar avatar CDN acceleration server recommendation

Since the author changed the theme and filed to move the host to China, the speed has been much faster. However, I occasionally find that none of the websites using CF acceleration is fast, so I think about optimization.

This time, the author shared a few CND anti d acceleration servers that visit Gravatar at a very fast speed in China. Here, the first one is the accelerated Gravatar avatar CDN server of geeks. The speed is really good.

1、 Replace Gravatar avatar address method

Open the functions.php file of the wordpress theme, and add this function at the last position:

//cdn for gravatar
function replace_gravatar($avatar) {
$avatar = str_replace(array(“//”, “//”, “//”, “//”, “//”, “//”, “//”), “//”, $avatar);
return $avatar;
add_filter( ‘get_avatar’, ‘replace_gravatar’ );

Of course, if you want to use other CDN acceleration servers, just replace the red ones in the figure (the above is an example of the author replacing them with geeks). Simple!

In terms of speed, you can experience the writer's experience. At present, the geek's Gravatar avatar CDN acceleration server has been used, which is much faster than the official Gravatar. Hehe!

2、 Share several Gravatar avatar CDN acceleration servers

1. Geek Gravatar CDN acceleration

I won't say much about this. You can go to its official website and see it. It also provides CDN acceleration services such as Google Font.

2. Seven Bull Gravatar Head CDN Acceleration

Both HTTP and HTTPS are supported. The website should be replaced.

3. The Gravatar head of the University of Science and Technology of China accelerates

The University of Science and Technology of China will not mention that it has provided many public welfare CDN acceleration services for free, such as Google Font CDN acceleration. website It seems that only SSL can be used. The HTTP prompt is reset.
3、 CDN acceleration selection and description of Gravatar avatar

Which of the above three Gravatar avatars CDN acceleration is the best?

The author tried here, but in terms of speed, Qiniu is the fastest, followed by geeks, and the slowest is from China University of Science and Technology (Japan Machine Room).

However, the author recommends choosing geeks. Because after the author's test, many of Qiniu's avatars display the default Gravatar avatar, not the avatar type set in the WP background.

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