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How to create Linux soft connection How to create Linux soft connection

In Linux system, you can use ln Command to create soft links. The specific operations are as follows:

 ln -s /path/ to /original/ file  /path/ to/symlink

among /path/to/original/file Is the original file path to create the soft link, /path/to/symlink Is a soft link path. After executing the above command, a new soft link will be created under the specified path.

Note that when creating soft links, you need to add -s Parameter to create a symbolic link. If this parameter is not added, a hard link will be created.

For example, suppose we want to create a user named myfile.txt 's soft link, pointing to /var/log/myfile.log File, you can execute the following commands:

 ln -s /var/ log /myfile.log ~/my file .txt

After the above command is executed, a myfile.txt 's soft link, pointing to /var/log/myfile.log File.

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