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Where to view Windows system server logs

Where can I view the Windows system server logs? On Windows servers, log files are usually stored in the Event Viewer. You can access it through the following steps:

  1. Click the Start menu and type Event Viewer.
  2. In the Event Viewer window, the left panel displays different log types, such as applications, systems, and security.
  3. Select a log type, and the right panel will display a list of events related to the log type.
  4. You can use filters and search functions to find specific events.

The following are some common log types and their meanings:

  1. Application log: includes error, warning and information events of applications and services.
  2. System log: includes error, warning and information events of operating system components and drivers.
  3. Security log: includes security related events, such as login and permission change.

If you encounter a problem and want to find clues about the cause in the log, please check the corresponding log type to find events that may be related to the problem.

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