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How to set the PR code rate

In Premiere Pro, you can set the video bit rate as follows:

  1. Drag the sequence you want to export video to the Export Media window.
  2. In the Export Media window, select the appropriate output format and codec. Different formats and codecs may have different bit rate options.
  3. In Basic Video Settings, find the Bitrate Settings option. Normally, this option should be under the Video tab.
  4. Select an appropriate bit rate. If you are not sure what bit rate should be selected, please refer to the following suggestions:
  • For high-definition video (such as 1080p), it is recommended to select a bit rate of at least 10 Mbps.
  • For standard definition video (such as 720p or lower resolution), it is recommended to select a bit rate of 5 Mbps to 8 Mbps.

Please note that selecting a high bit rate will cause the file size to become unusually large, and will also increase the time for file transmission and processing. Therefore, the choice of bit rate should be balanced according to the actual needs.

  1. Click the "Export" button, and then wait for Premier Pro to complete the export operation.

It is worth mentioning that for different output formats and codecs, the name and location of the rate setting options may also be different. Therefore, before setting the code rate, it is recommended that you understand the relevant documents or tutorials of the selected format and codec.

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